Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lest there be any confusion . . .

While reading through your comments from time to time, dear readers, it occurs to me that maybe . . . just maybe . . . I don't always make as much sense as I think I do.

Today was one such day.

I'm sorry I have confused you so.

This post is dedicated to all the bewildered folks out there who are scratching their heads wondering why on earth they read this rubbish.

*Thank you*

1)  I realized that maybe you get confused as to who the kids are sometimes . . . what with the code names and such.

Although . . . I do have a sneaking suspicion that you all know darn well who this Lumberjackling is:

100 (meaningless) points to any one who can name that child of mine.

So, to help clear things up, I added a pictorial key to my sidebar.

Is it helpful?

Do you like it?




I got the idea from FringeGirl.  And she talked me through it.  Thanks, FringeGirl!

2)  We are not selling our current home.  We are hoping to use it as a vacation rental and if that does not work out, we will rent as a regular rental.

3)  The pie!  Ooooh . . . it did have a secret ingredient.  It is called Chocolate-Lined Strawberry Pie.

Stayed tuned and the recipe might make an appearance in an upcoming post.

4)  I do not have a baby in my tummy.  I am simply chubby.  And I eat pie.

5)  People were curious if I have seen the new house in Ruralville since I had been asking LJ details about the house.  I have seen the house, but have not seen the inside since mid-February, so my memories are slightly foggy.

As my facebookie-pals were informed earlier this very evening, my Lumberjack was not home this evening and I was having a most exasperating night with the bambinos.

I am thinking of creating an entire post out of the whole evening entitled, "Why Daddies Should Never Work Late."

Stayed Tuned.


Too many bubbles!

I might, in fact, write the post to link up to Jess' blog carnival, FAB Friday, fabulous moments in parenting.  If anyone else is interested in linking up to her carnival, check it out, here.

So, while I was home with my little Bubble Makers, The Lumberjack was off at the new house doing some last minute rig-a-ma-roo.  And I asked him to take a few pictures for me so I could remember what this house we are moving to looks like.

So . . . here we go:

This is a part of the shop that I get to use as our school room.


No grand tile like my hunk-a-burning-love did for me, nor is there any under cabinet lighting.

Strike one, Ruralville

Laundry room, complete with a utility sink (holla!) and a weird hose, of which I suspect has something to do with that central vac business.

No beadboard.

Strike Two, Ruralville.

The deck off the dining room.

I likey.

That part of a person you see there is our realtor, Jason.

Not be confused with my brother-in-law, Jason.

Remember Jason?

I had to do it, folks.

I had to.

The basement family room area.

Where the Lumberjacklings will dwell, leaving me and LJ upstairs in quiet, clean bliss . . . right?

There is a picture of that door you just saw from the basement.

See the dining room deck?

Raise your hand if you think my boys will one day pee off of that there deck.

Some downstairs bedrooms.

For the Lumberjacklings.

Look!  There's Jason again!

Hi, Jason!

Main floor living room and you can see into the kitchen/dining room and the stairs lead up to a loft.

A loft?!

We're moving up in the world, Lumberjack.

We are moving up.

Windows from the living room.

All I can think about is how often I will have to clean them.

And there are no blinds!

The bears might see me in my unmentionables.

Fact:  The day I see a bear is the day I am moving back to civilization.


Let me know if there are other confusions or quandaries!

Peace out!


  1. That is Handsome Dude! Yay for points! :)
    Wow! The house looks amazing! Looks very pretty outside, lots of green!
    I like the side picture thing, very cool idea!

  2. I was never confused! That is because I am brilliant.
    I am so glad to see Jason again. That was long overdue.
    I think your new house looks great. And you have such a handy husband that improvements will not be a problem. Maybe he can install a bubble-inhibitor.
    I tried to tell you, I'm brilliant.

  3. I was never confused either.

    The new house is pretty! LJ can always add the backsplash. And you will love the weird hose thingy : )

  4. I wasn't confused either.

    Maybe I'm brilliant like Christina. I am a pre-med student, after all. Wait, maybe that doesn't make me brilliant. Maybe being a pre-med student while also working full time and caring for 3 kids at home isn't a brilliant idea at all.

    I had to try it anyway. And so far, it's going well.

    Enough about me... back to you...

    I love the new house!

  5. Handsome Dude rocks! And your new house looks amazing even if it means moving to the boonies to live there! (Oh and that picture of the tub...bless your heart!)

  6. I was totally not confused either. People need to keep up, right?
    Your new house does look pretty great though. I'm sure your hubby will pretty up the kitchen for you. We are on your side.
    Holla! ;)

  7. i like the new house A LOT.
    Beadboard schmeadboard. You can put some in later.

  8. I am 40, therefore I find the sidebar helpful because my brain is becoming full of holes and I often got Daisy Mae and Sweet Pea confused.

    You are sweet to think of me.

  9. The house looks awesome! I love the big windows, but they do look like a pain to clean ;)

  10. LOVE the new place!! =) and that handsome dude right there, well, that's HANDSOME DUDE!!!! =) no confusion here, taylor!! i love your blog!! love the pics in the sidebar, great idea!!

  11. Oh, my. I have rural house envy. For realz. Ok, so in my master bedroom post a weekish ago, I did the meaningless points thing. And, as I typed it out, I was like, "Boy, that's clever! Did I really come up with that myself?! I don't think so, but I just don't know where I got it from. Oh, well." So then I'm reading this post just now, and AH! HAH! I stole it from you! So, I will delete my meaningless points sentence, if you like, just say the word. :-) Also, your children are darling. And, I just wouldn't bother cleaning the windows. And, rural house envy. For realz. :-)

  12. I am confused. I don't know what beadboard is.

    But I suppose I could google it.

  13. They will not only pee off the deck, they will also attempt to dismount it. Trust me.

    Beautiful house! I'm salivating over the view from your living room windows.

  14. The pictorial sidebar is cool.

  15. Your boys are gonna pee off the deck!! That house is beautiful!
    I laughed at all those bubbles. Looks like some of the messes going on in my home!
    Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad our paths crossed.

  16. Very cool sidebar,
    I LOVE the new house pictures, very beautiful. We live in a small city and have had bears here even haha.

  17. I want your house! Even if it has 3 strikes against it! It's BEAUTIFUL!

  18. Love the Ruralville house, but can understand the sadness of moving seeing as I've moved 13 times now with my hubs.
    Speaking of the husband... I was reading your blog one day and laughed out loud several times and he asked what I was reading. So I read him the blog post out loud and then another and then another. Yesterday I caught him reading your blog on his own. hilarious. You have faithful followers here. ha!

  19. Ooh, I really like the sidebar guide, as I can't even remember the names of people I meet in real life, not to mention those I read about online.

    It's an embarrassing foible.

  20. White beadboard is just another thing you have to clean little hand prints off of, right?

    I do really like the kitchen tiling.

  21. I think the real question is, how long before your boys try to jump OFF the deck?? It will take no time at all to pee off of it, but jumping......we'll see!!
    I know you likey your beadboard and under-cabinet lighting and tile, but FORGET ABOUT IT!! I mean, look at your new house!! Holy Schmoly!! I likey it a lot!! *Sigh*....jealousy is not a pretty color on me. ;)
    P.S. I was never confused either, FYI. I'm so cool with my acronyms.

  22. Your posts are never confusing! Your mind works like mine. Your new house is beautiful and you should have lots of fun there. I actually did raise my hand about your boys peeing off the deck (i'm sure mine would have when they were little too)

    Keep up the great work Taylor!

  23. I like the new digs :) I am raising my hand for sure.

  24. B. E. A. You. Tea. FULL!

    As for school rooms...JEALOUS! However, I must warn tends to spread itself all over the house ;)

  25. I CANNOT believe you haven't been to th house since February. I would die. I love it though. It looks quite grand. ....and pretty finished. :)

  26. Looks fantastic! And central vac is awesome ... you'll never want to be without it again ... even if you happen to be living in just a one-room hut!

  27. Can I come live with you? That house looks awesome.

    Marla @

  28. WOW -- Just catching up on your blog since my trip. Ruralville is amazing. You won't know what to do with all that space. Of course, once you get done cleaning one part of the house; you will need to clean the other half. But those are the prices you pay for moving up in the world!

    Congrats and enjoy putting your stamp on the new house:)
