Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So, as I mentioned last night, we finally closed on our new house in Ruralville.

But, yesterday . . .

Yesterday was a doosie.

Allow me to elaborate, if I may.

We have been waiting for about a week to hear what our closing day and time is.  Since this was a short sale, we are on some weird time frames and things had to happen pretty fast, once we got approval.  Apparently in a short sale,( and remember, I am an idiot in these matters so I could have this all wrong) pay-off amounts for the mortgage or mortgages must be negotiated and then they are given an "expiration date", if you will.

This house had 3 mortgages.

It took  FOR . . . EV . . ER . . .to get the payoff amounts.  And when we did get the payoffs, we were told they were good until June 9th, so we had to close by then.

You might ask, "Taylor.  What would happen after June 9th if you did not close?"

Well, dear readers . . . I suspect the whole universe would collapse and pigs would start flying.

So, the bank has been scrambling to close by June 9th.  We heard on June 8th that we were having a 10am closing, but they would let us know.



Just please make sure we don't miss the graduation.

Yes, that's right.

Daisy Mae's kindergarten graduation was June 9th from 3 to 4:30ish.

I get a call around 8am from dashing and dapper Lumberjack saying that our closing at 10am was on hold due to one paper needing to be signed.


So, I had to arrange a backup person to pick up Daisy Mae from Kindergarten at 11:45.

I get a call around 9:30 from the bank saying they need David and I to sign a paper saying why we want to move.

Why we want to move?


What do they care?

I explained to bank lady that my handsome and dapper Lumberjack, who is, in fact, an electrician,  was off somewhere electrifying things and I could not get his signature right away.

She told me to forge it for him.


I am stooping to subterfuge.

So, I print it out, sign my name, commit a crime and sign my husband's name, scan it and send it back.

Hold the phone!  Did Lumberjill, the girl who can never scan pictures say she just scanned something?  Yes, I did, folks.  We just bought a printer/scanner device last week!  Holla!

Bank Lady tells me she is hoping for a 2:00 closing now.

Around 12 I get a call from someone else from the bank.

Lady:  I need to speak to Taylor.

Me:  This is Taylor.

Lady:  I am working on your loan and I am needing to know if you are planning on living in this house you are buying.

Me:  Yes, we are.

Lady:  I got your paperwork for "Why You are Moving" and there seems to be a discrepancy with the signatures we got today and the signatures we got in the past.

Mayday!  Mayday!  I've been flagged by the fraud department!

Me:  Oh . . . weird.

Lady:  I need you to tell me why you are moving.







So, long story short, phone calls are going back forth, apologies to us are being spewed out, people are stressed, I am worried, my husband is trying to work, Daisy Mae is graduating from kindergarten soon, I get "worry-diahrrea" (that bit of TMI was dedicated to Erin),  it's raining, my hair looks frizzy, Handsome Dude pees his bed during nap time for the very first time since potty training, my naughty boys snuck into my purse and stole gum, I have my current house booked for 3 vacations, and I have gained 3 pounds due to all this stress.


Maybe 4 pounds . . . ish.

So, our realtor tells us to go to the graduation and he will give us a 1 hour notice for when we close.


If we don't close today, the world as we know it will cease to exist.

The Lumberjack comes home with flowers for me.


For me?

This is an oddity, folks.  A delightful oddity. 

He saw some in a field, thought of me, and picked them.

When Daisy Mae saw them, she assumed they were hers, due to the graduation and all, so he couldn't help but give them to her.

Hey, Daisy Mae!

Are you enjoying my flowers?


We make it to the graduation, still not hearing when are closing time is.

So, since it is 3:00 and we still haven't gotten the call, I am assuming we won't close by the 9th, and that the universe will, in fact, collapse.

I noticed I had a voicemail around 4:00 during the graduation.  I checked it.  It was bank lady.

Bank Lady:  Hey, Taylor!  I guess you are on your way to closing.  Tami (title company lady) said you would be there in about 10 minutes.

I hang up and inform the Lumberjack that they made the closing appointment without us.

So, we rush out of the school and get the official down payment amount and rush to the bank.

And when I say rush, I mean rush.

The Lumberjack may or may not have gone quite a bit over the speed limit.

And I may or may not have gotten snippy with him over it.

We got there.

We signed.

I asked our realtor if we would make all the deadlines since we were closing so late and it would not record until tomorrow.

Realtor:  Oh, yeah.  We're fine.  I told everyone they expired the 9th to get everyone moving, but they really expire the 10th.


I had "worry diarrhea" for nothing.

So, that was our big day!

Worry, phone calls, scanning, committing fraud, making lunch, disciplining boys, cleaning up urine, making calls, worrying, visiting the bathroom often, getting Daisy Mae all purty, worrying, phone calls, and speeding.

But, it's over.

We bought it.

Fun Fact:  In that picture we are at our current house, not Ruralville.

Ever Funner Fact:  I have not seen the inside of Ruralville since February.

Hope I still like it.



  1. ahem.
    Are those POPPIES?
    because I don't think you can pick those. Two crimes in one day?
    I hope it's worth it Criminals!

  2. Thinks of the worry diarrhea as a way to get rid of those 3/4 pounds.

    I really don't get why they care if you plan to live in the house (although we all know you want to live in ruralville). Shouldn't they just care that you can make your payment? Stupid is what stupid does..... (I'm sure you can name that movie).

    Now the real work begins.....Moving! Can't wait to hear about those adventures with all the kids helping:)

    Last but not least love the flowers. It's the thought that counts:) How romantic - picking flowers in the field for you.

  3. yay!! you finally closed!!! uuummm..i must have been having sympathy worry-diarrhea for you yesterday because, i, too, was visiting the bathroom a little too much for my liking and for the same reason!! =( boo sympathy diarrhea, BBBOO!!!

  4. Whew.

    Thank you for reminding me why I am never, ever moving ever again!

    And congrats.

    And you need to go TP the house of your Realtor because that was MEAN.

  5. great family photo!! =)

  6. Congratulations on the new house!!! I am so glad everything worked out for you, even if it was super-stressful! :)

    I'm also glad that pigs don't fly. Bird poop is bad enough....

  7. Yay congrats on the house, now it is done! What a crazy day, glad it all worked out. And yay for Daisy Mae being all graduated!

  8. Nothing strikes terror in the heart of a parent like those 3 little words....

    "Can I help?"

  9. Wow. You just made me tired... Congrats on the house!

    And the LJ seriously just gained a million points in my book. First he picks you flowers and then he gives then to Daisy Mae. Awwww... :)

    Marla @

  10. Phew! What a day you had. It does have a happy ending so I guess it is all worth it.

    The flowers were sweet & then got sweeter. I double love that part.

  11. The most worrisome item to me in that entire post was the fact that LJ picked flowers. THAT, dear friend, is a sign that the world is coming to an end.

    Or he's really done something to send you over the edge.

    Or both.

    Glad you got the house! BTW, what did you answer to the question, "Why do you want to move?"

  12. What a day!! That was an awesome post though. I like your use of "subterfuge". :)

  13. Im so happy for you!!!! I truly know how you feel as we still sit here and wait for our news on our short sale:(

  14. Wow! Congrats on the house! Sounds like quite the adventure. We bought our house on a short sale too. I won't give you my story here, but it was about as chaotic and disorganized as yours. Banks don't know how to do real estate transactions. But glad it all worked out for you! Happy settling in!

  15. I'm pretty sure those are poppies - but the only states I know for sure it's illegal to pick them are North Carolina (and then it's only the roadside wildflower projects) and California - so possibly your Lumberjack only committed one crime. But even so, it's way to cool that you're all done with the R'ville purchase. Hopefully you WILL still like the inside!
    Congrats to the beautiful graduate - those flowers truly do look lovely in her hands!

  16. As it turns out, not only do I like your blog, but I also like the people who stalk it.

    Comments here are always great! :)

  17. Hey! Look LJ is smirking in that picture. That's as close to a smile as he's gotten in a picture with everyone. He must be REALLY happy over closing in time.

    Congrats on the new house. Once you're past the nightmare that is packing and moving, I'm sure you'll love it. :)

  18. Oh Ricki...I was going to say everyone looked happy (especially Little Dude) except for LJ....I'm fairly new to this that LumberJack's happy face?? Congrats on closing on the new home!! Now finish packing and get moving!

  19. That is, in fact, LJ's I'm so happy I am ready to burst face - right Mrs. LJ? I am so happy you have finally closed, and are now multiple home owners. Please let me know when you get the lake cabin and ski lodge, so that I can abuse my blogger-buddy privileges.

  20. I've never heard of that-asking why you want to move?

    Congratulations on your new home! I'm sure you'll love it once you're in and settled.

  21. Wow! I bet you'll never forget that closing er closings. ;)

  22. Well, just to make you feel better...if/when I am stressed, my "tummy" is the first to give me trouble as well. I hope yours is all better, and you are ready to move on out to the boonies!

    PS I love the boonies!

  23. WOW! What a day you had. I hope today was better for you!

  24. thelumberjackswifeJune 10, 2010 at 4:33 AM

    I said, "When we bought our house we had 1 child, now we have 3. Our current house is 1500 square feet. This one is 2800." :)


  25. thelumberjackswifeJune 10, 2010 at 4:35 AM

    That is a very joyous look for LJ! :)

  26. Wow you almost had me in a panic just reading it haha. Daisy Mae looks so beautiful. Congrats to her.

  27. I love a good shout-out. Even when it's all about bowel movements.

    Congrats on closing!

  28. Maybe they didn't believe you because you actually have 4 children.

    Liar and forgerer.

  29. Oh my, I was stressing for you! So glad that's over and Daisy Mae is so cute in her princess-y dress with 'her' flowers!

  30. Yay for you and your family! I get the "worry diarrhea", too, in situations like this. That was mean of the realtor, but it sure got everyone moving even if was during Daisy Mae's graduation that was interrupted. I look forward to hearing all about the new adventures. Nice poppies and mama sure was purty, too.

  31. thelumberjackswifeJune 10, 2010 at 6:16 AM

    Oh, the realtor wasn't being mean! I thought it was funny! It definitely got everyone moving!! And we got the message right when graduation was ending!

  32. Welcome to country life...if you need any tips, ask me. :/

  33. Congrats! I thought we had a stressful time signing all those papers just to refinance our house! How can you have THREE mortgages on one house?? Sounds crazy... So does that mean I will be seeing you all at the clinic when you get sick?

  34. Yay! It is over :) I hate the tummy troubles that come from stress!!!
    How sweet of LJ to bring you flowers, it really is the thought that counts. Daisy Mae looks so stinkin cute in those pics!!

  35. Having been in the mortgage banking business for
    44 yrs. I was amazed at how the bank could have waited until the crucial day of closing to ask for a
    statement that should have been required prior to
    loan approval. There is "incompetence" everywhere I guess. Anyway, I am so glad the end result was a good one and am so very happy for you and your family. Daisy Mae's photos and cute dimples and
    your family photo were priceless! It makes me miss you more. I can't wait to see more photos and read more of your hilarious and heartwarming posts!!!

  36. Banks. Banks. Banks. Oh the joy ...

  37. I don't even know where to start! It's a lot over my head. I am an idiot when it comes to this kind of thing (okay, most kinds of things). I would have cried a lot.
    And I feel for you about your 3-4 pounds. I cannot fit in any (not any. none. zero.) of my shorts from last summer or the one before (which is the summer after I had my third I am now bigger than that).
    I think I might cry now.
    I am so happy that you all closed though. So maybe I won't cry. :)

  38. oh my. lots of happy thoughts and prayers your way, lady!

  39. OMW! Those kind of days remind me of those dreams where you are rushing the whole dream to get somewhere and can.not.get.there!

    I'm glad it all worked out! Congratulations!

  40. It seems entirely appropriate that Daisy Mae is holding the title to your house in Ruralville! OH, and I totally had worry diarrhea growing up. I've TOTALLY grown out of it now that I'm all adult and everything! (yeah, right!)

    And I LOVED your comment on my name. That is so funny!

  41. congratulations on the closing! The family pic is awesome! Daisy Mae looked beautiful with her..ummm your flowers.

  42. Wow. What a truly horrible day. That being said, how cool is it now that it's over?! Awesome! And how very precious, your sweet baby and her flowers from Daddy. That just melted my heart.

  43. [...] Tale of Two Jasons Jump to Comments As you may recall, we closed on our new house last [...]
