Monday, June 28, 2010

Happenstances and Ponderings.

Is "happenstances" a word?

I vote yes!

Simply for the fact that it sounds fantastic.

Well, here are some recent happenings, or happenstances, if you will, in our lives.

1.  Turns out owning property is a lot of work! 

Who knew?! 

 We spent a few hours on Saturday morning working on the terrible weed situation that has plagued our rolling hills.

Yet, we hardly made a dent.

I am exhausted just thinking about it.

2.  Is it sad that I really want my own pair of work gloves after that treacherous, thorny morning?


Yes, it is.

3.  Is it sad that I am considering looking into the Carhartt's Ladies Ranchwear clothing line for next year's Christmas list?


Yes, it is.

But, folks . . . this is now my life.

Goodbye, Gap!

Hello, Wranglers.

4.  I am terrified of hitting a deer.

5.  I now have to bring a cooler in my "rig" for grocery shopping.


I am one of those people.

6.  Our first renters for our trial vacation home left yesterday.  They left me flowers!  Go me!

Dear Lumberjack,

Take notes.

Love, Lumberjill.

7.  Turns out that cleaning up after other people is kind of gross.

Who knew?!

I think I should wear gloves.


8.  Yesterday, I mentioned how Handsome Dude just randomly shouted,

"Jesus and God!"

It made me think of this picture of him:

He is on the left.

Turns out my boy is prone to pentecostal moments.

Aaaaannnndddd . . . I love him.

Jesus and God!

9.  We are considering getting a new puppy.

We are stupid like that.

10.  The mail at our new house comes at like 9:30am.

This leaves no room for error or forgetfulness.

11.  Our family is exhausted.  We want to go camping.

12.  I think brownies are delightful.

13.  I need to embrace exercise in my life.

14.  I still heart carpet.

Silly readers.

You can tell me all the cons about carpet over and over again.

But, alas!

I do not care.

For I have lived with wood floors since the day I married my Lumberjack.

And I've done had my fill of them.

15.  It seems as if I have ignited some curiosity in my readers as to where I live.

Trust me.

It's not that exciting.

But, I must not share.

Wouldn't be prudent at this juncture.

(Name that SNL actor)

Later, Dudes!

Happy Tuesday.


  1. You should look into Tabatas for exercise. It's only 4 minutes, so you can do it while the boys are napping, but it's...a very intense workout. And I don't think there are any Plank Jacks. :-)

  2. Get a puppy! They bring love and joy to a home... And then you will still be potty training twelve weeks later. Wait, maybe that's just me! :)

    Marla @

  3. Yes, I truly believe "happenstance" is indeed a valid word.....I like it.
    Handsome Dude may one day become a
    Pentecostal Minister or a singer/actor !!!! Too cute.
    Yes, you definitely need your own cool weeding gloves. I'm taking care of my "granddogs" for a week at Sean's place and its hot here----yesterday was 106 degrees out-----too hot to go in the pool.
    Keep up the great blog---it always brightens my day! Miss you all!!!

  4. I love how brownies and exercise are one after the other.

    You definitely need your own gardening gloves. Mine are pink...surprise, surprise.

    I have hardwoods right now and what I wouldn't do to squish my toes in some carpeted goodness. Ahhhh...I'm with you friend.

    My son just saw the picture of Daisy Mae on the sidebar and wanted to know who that girl was and why he was in the picture with her...Yes, he thinks he resembles Little Dude.

  5. Carhartt’s Ladies Ranchwear??? who would have thought! and yes, you should DEFIANTLY wear gloves while cleaning up after strangers in your home. i wear them while cleaning up after my own family in my home!!

  6. I so love your blog. It is the first thing I check every day when I get to work (yes, I am one of *those* people). So far you have never failed to give me my daily does of much needed laughter. You go, Lumberjill. No pressure, but.....keep it up.

  7. Dana Carvey as President Bush! (The first one) ;) Did I win anything??!

  8. Sounds like your adventure is just beginning :) I have a feeling that LJ will like you in Wranglers...

  9. I went on a blog reading hiatus. Did you miss me? I'm sure you did :) I missed reading your blog!

    You for sure need your own gloves for all that hard work - I do not envy you. But I do envy your carpet. We have berber carpet and it is not very inviting or plush but it does clean easy which redeems itself since I have a dog and a toddler.

  10. oh my goodness. Your Handsome Dude is hilarious. I love this!
    I would wear gloves and a haz-mat suit. Cleaning up after other people IS gross. I was holding another person's kid's diaper today and I thought, "EW"!
    That doesn't happen with my own kids. They could poop all over me and I wouldn't think "EW", I would think "ACK!!"
    There's a difference.

  11. Bad for the economy....Dana Carvey

    I clean houses (other peopleseses) and YES you should wear gloves. I can't stand the way those big yellow cleaning gloves feel on my hands, plus they are always too big, so I just buy a cheap box of latex exam know, the kind they use at the doctors. You can get them all over, like Walmart and even Target I think.

    I would be afraid of hitting a deer, too.

    Camping? Because you're tired? That seems like a paradox to me. =)

    I also LOVE carpet. At least with carpet you don't see every single speck of dirt that ever came into your house. I am right with you, girlfriend.

  12. The picture of your kids on the couch is adorable.
    However, I'm not sure if you are aware of this or not... but I thought I should point out that it seems you've picked up an extra child.

  13. PS: I sent you an email, just want to make sure you get it :)

  14. Well how are we supposed to come rent your lovely vacation home if we don't know where it is?

    Dana Carvey mimicking George Bush.

    And you make me laugh! I am so glad you ARE one of those people!

  15. I am also one of those people. I laugh at you(with you) so I guess I'm laughing at myself. I worry about another car hitting me cause I tend to stop on a dime when I see a deer "oh look how cute a mama and her babies" "oh we'll have to tell daddy look at that rack!". You would think after 5 years i would be used to sharing my neighborhood with them. YES!!! wear gloves that is NASTY!!!!!! I was just talking to my hubs about getting a job in our near by tourist town and that is one job I WILL NOT do is clean rentals, been there done that NO THANK YOU! Sorry about the weeds just think one day the boys will be out there. Holla!
    Happy Tuesday to you!

  16. Get the puppy.
    Wear the gloves.
    Definitely wear the gloves.

    Enjoy life in ruralville, wherever that may be. Frankly, I kind of like not knowing exactly...a little mystery on the blog is a good thing.

  17. Dang. I thought I was finally going to win some meaningless points with Dana Carvey, but Miss Molly and Kimberly were on the ball. That's way ahead of your time, though, girlie. Did your parents let you watch SNL at age 8? Shame on the High-Fivers.

  18. greenest pockets ever

  19. #12 always helps with the rest of life's problems.

    You need two pairs of work gloves for getting rid of the weeds. The extra pair needs to be hidden for when the first one runs off with HD's glasses.

    You need two pairs of work gloves for cleaning up after other people. Wear both pairs at once because cleaning up after others is, indeed, gross.

    I live 5 minutes from Walmart and the mall, and yet I end up needing a cooler when I go grocery shopping. This is what happens when you live in Florida in the summer time and you want to go to more than one store. I am also one of *those* people.

    If you can handle a puppy along with everything else, go for it. My hat's off to you. (But only the hat because I really don't know you that well.) I can't manage to feed and cloth my five boys, and they're all older than yours. I am one of *those* people.

    My comment is extra-long this time because I am at work, and I don't want to work anymore. I am one of *those* people.

  20. I love Handsome Dudes pentecostal moments! He is too precious.
    I too heart brownies and I too very strongly need to embrace exercise. I am quite interested in the Tabatas exercise mentioned by Ricki. I may need to be checking it out....
    I would wear gloves too, or maybe even consider hiring a maid to clean up after the guests have left.

  21. I hit a deer once, well it technically hit me in the side of my Aerovan, remember those? Anyway, we had to call the town butcher to come carry it away, that was a nightmare to explain to the kids why Bambi had to go to heaven in the butcher's truck. Best to avoid hitting a deer I think, just avoids all that mental anguish. I found farmville a bit hostile but I really like reading about it from your perspective, it smoothes out the edges nicely. And good heavens, the mail comes TO your house?? I had to drive 3 miles to the post office to get mine, that was a big conspiracy I see. Those post people were probably laughing at me every day, sheesh.

  22. Puppy! Do it!
    Brownies! Yum!
    Gloves! Yes!
    Jesus and God!

  23. I met PONDER not pAnder!


  24. While you pander...Happenstance you should get some goats? I think they'd look cute with your Carhartts and work gloves!

  25. Jesus and God!!

    SO CUTE!!! and I definitely think you should wear gloves when cleaning up after people....or when cleaning up in general. Just get some latex gloves at wal mart (like the hospital kind) the next time you venture into civilization. ;)

  26. If HD did that in my house we would have thought some one scored a touchdown!

  27. I love everything about this post. Those pj's are BEEE UUUU TEEE FULLLL! :-) I also take a cooler to the grocery store. It's bloody hot here in the summer. You can get those thingy's for the bumpers of your car that are supposed to drive deer away. I've heard they work, as we have an unreasonable amount of deer/elk/moose and otherwise whatnot in our particular region. My backyard has an insane amount of weeds as well, in fact, I should be out dealing with that as well, but instead I'm prolonging the agony by catching up on my blog read list. I also, since moving here, have taken up wearing heavy duty gloves, and carharts. My hubby bought me a carhart vest for my last birthday. I was thrilled. That was weird.

  28. I am petrified of hitting a deer as well. I have taken out a buzzard, but not a deer yet. Hubby's advice: Whatever you do, DON'T swerve! More people get killed by ramming into a tree while trying to avoid a deer, than get killed by actually hitting a deer. Most people tell me they never actually saw the deer before they hit it, it just leaped in front of them and BAM.

    Comforting advice. haha

    Jesus and God.

  29. Sweet Sugar Pants MindyJune 30, 2010 at 1:14 PM

    I feel like I haven't commented in FOR-EVAH, ya know? It is surely not for lack of love or wanting, but because there are always soo many ahead of me I feel silly. Still. I know, I have issues. I love that you are looking into the Carhart women's wear or whatever. HIL-AR-IOUS!! You will be just soo cute in that. Believe me, nothing makes you look like you have birthing hips like a pair of overall carhartts!!! I have a picture to prove it and it is soo funny. Blackmail material for sure!
    There is soo much more I could comment on, but I will refrain from writing a small book here. Love ya!!

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