Monday, June 7, 2010

The Post about Nothing.

(Name that TV show)

Sorry about my odd and uncalled for hyper behavior yesterday.

It happens.

You will be happy to hear that no, I did not get a nap.  So I will be even weirder today.

Lucky you.

Let's discuss some of these meaningless points questions I kept spewing out . . . shall we?

1)  I guess ignoramus is a word. 

 Go, me! 

Now I don't have to feel like an ignoramus for using the word, "ignoramus." 


Now, you certainly cannot deny that the previous sentence was super clever.

2)  Looks like everyone in the entire world knows what a "shim" is (besides the "shemale" definition), except for yours truly.  I suppose LJ would have been better off marrying anyone in the world but me.

Tough break, Lumberjack.

Tough break.

3)  Yes.  I already told you about the piano recital. 

Can we not all agree that I was one good-looking 14-year-old?

If you are nice little readers, I just might share with you my hair-styling tips.

No, I haven't played the piano in a while.  I am planning on teaching my girls next year.  Or maybe the next.  Or never.

I cannot be certain.

Alright!  On to more exciting issues!

(That was a lie.  Nothing exciting is going to happen in this post.  Leave now.  I repeat.  Leave now.)

If all goes according to plan, we are supposed to close sometime tomorrow. 

Which is all fine and dandy. 

But . . . Daisy Mae graduates from kindergarten tomorrow and I am really hoping that they don't set our closing time for any time near that.

2009_9_08 017

If we don't close tomorrow, the whole short-sale thingie-ma-bob-agreement-payoff-prices will expire that they will put the house back on the market.

Oh, the humanity!

I fear Sir Lumberjack would go into a grave depression if we lost the house.

Do you remember how much grief we have been through with this short-sale situation?

Short Sales.

They are not for the faint of heart.



I woke up.  Drank coffee. Typed out that really odd, hyper post (again, my apologies.  But shim!  Knotty pine!  ha!).  Took the girls to school.  Went to the doctor.  Had my accutane check up.  Peed in a cup with boys.  Had a very successful and boy friendly potty trip. My lips are still falling off.  I am still not pregnant. 


Came home.  Stared at my dirty-filthy-messy-nasty house.  Pondered what I could do.  Packed the pantry. Tried to figure out what else I could do.   Packed some more clothes.  Cleaned the microwave.  Left to pick up Daisy Mae.  Came home.  Made lunch.  Cleaned up from lunch.  Went upstairs to pack.  Sat on my bed and watched Little Dude playing in his room.






When did my baby become a little boy? 

So, I ditched packing and went and played with him.

And it was the best moment I have had in a long time.

We have been so busy and stressed lately.

 And I have not been enjoying my blessings as a stay at home mom.

He made me snacks from his kitchen set and put me down for a nap in Handsome Dude's bed.  Daisy Mae and Handsome Dude joined us and we had lots of laughing and snack making.  Story reading and night-night kisses.

I laid there looking around the room and started to get really, really sad that we were leaving this house.

I love this house.  My husband built me this house.  We brought home 3 of our children to this house.

I am not ready to leave.

After I put the boys down for their real nap, I went downstairs and thought about taking a nap.  And then a gal called who wanted to come and look at our house for a vacation rental in a few weeks.


My house looks really vacation-rental-ly right now.

Boxes. Dust. Tools. Dirt.

That screams vacation.

So, I went into hyper-super-cleaning mode and tried to make my home look halfway decent. 

And it paid off! 

She booked a trip!

After dinner, we took the kids on a walk and decided to surprise them by heading to our favorite ice cream shop.  The Lumberjack and I figured this would be the last night living here that we could do this.

*Pardon this Interruption while I speak to a select group of readers.*

Local readers.  I am speaking of the ice cream place that starts with a "R" that resides on the street that starts with a "S."

Local readers!

It is like we are in a top-secret club . . . isn't it?

Aren't we something else?

*This concludes the interruption.  Thank you*


That's about it.

I am busy.  I am sad.  I eat ice cream.  I am sad.  I am busy.

That is my life right now.

This is a really weird post.

I probably shouldn't have posted it . . . but I really wanted to remember this day.

Maybe I need a private journal.


Happy Tuesday!


  1. You don't get comments on a private journal and why write if you're not going to get comments?

    Good job living in the moment yesterday. :)

  2. this post makes me tired, it seems like you are so busy!
    I didn't know people graduated from kindergarten...they have a ceremony? What?
    Okay so I didn't attend my college graduation, so maybe I'm just a hater. Don't mind me.

  3. As the saying goes... 'Cooking and cleaning can wait til tomorrow, For children grow up we learn to our sorrow, so quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
    I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.'

    Good for you seizing the moment! You won't remember the messy house but you will remember pretend snacks and night night kisses.

  4. I knew the ice cream place before you even gave any clues. It's one of our favs too! And hey, I know how hard moving is, but at least you are not having to sell your house. So if you ever change your mind you can still come back to it, or rent it to yourself for a few weeks whenever you are feeling nostalgic.

  5. this post makes me very sad for you =( but i know you will love your new place and i will love having a new home school buddy! that's the most important thing(what i am getting out of it)......right?

  6. I know how you feel about moving... this house, the one we're trying to sell and leave behind is the first house we've ever owned. The first place we bought together... daily I wander through and think how much I'll miss it... and know that no matter how good my intentions are we can NOT stay here.
    It makes me sad and excited at the same time... ;)

  7. Hang in there, we bought our house as a foreclosure and had to deal with the bank! We never thought the day would come but come it did.

  8. Always, always seize the moment. I'm sure you've learned by now that the dust and dirt aren't going anywhere.

    And don't worry about packing. The last day, throw anything and everything into boxes. If it sits in your garage for a year without opening it, you didn't need anything in there anyway. Throw it out.

    Focus on the new memories you'll make in Ruralville. You'll be the coolest mom ever when your boys get to pee off the balcony!

    If you still really miss your old house, book it for a vacation. : )

  9. LJ,
    This is not a weird post at all! I learned a lot about your day yesterday. I love that you just stopped and played. You ate ice cream which is so yummy, AND you booked a vacation rental.

    I totally understand your sadness about moving. I just know God has exciting things planned for you in your new home, and you'll always cherish the memories you've made in your present home.

  10. I just have to say, though, that you will probably love living in Ruralville. We moved out into the country and I really didn't like the 25 minute drive to and from ANYTHING...but it didn't take long at all and I loved it. By the time you get home, after a stressful day of dealing with the traffic and crowds of town and etc you will be so relaxed by the time you get home! It is going to be 30 minutes of peace - yes even with kids in the car! - and 'down' time to catch your breath before you get out of the car and into the next phase of your day! And after a bit longer, you will be so surprised at how quickly you got home! Won't seem like a long drive at all.....

  11. My goodness, oh so much is happening! And I came down with chickenpox and missed my kindergarten graduation and it haunts me to this day.

    Oh, the humanity of it all.

  12. I think it's perfectly normal to feel melancholy when we have these big changes in our lives. Once you are settled in Ruralville you'll start making new, precious memories there and since you're not selling your current home, I suppose you could always move back there if Ruralville really isn't working out (although I can't imagine that being the sounds wonderful to me!).

  13. I've been reading your blog for a little while but never commented. So hello from North Dakota!!!

    I took rounds of Accutane 3 times as a teenager. I'm sorry to say, but only age cured my acne. And avoiding dairy. My skin looked amazing while I was on it but never made it go away for good. Scary stuff for sure. It was NOT regulated at all and they said to only avoid pregnancy for 6 months back then but I did have the monthly blood/pregnancy test. Guess what? I got pregnant four months after my last dose. Nice huh? Especially since they now say avoid it for like, what, five years or something? In that amount of time I was pregnant with my third. I take it you're done having kids. If you don't already, take fish oil to help put some healthy fat into you body to help with the dryness. Eventually this does get bearable. My eyes are what made me crazy with the dryness. Oh and the nose bleeds. Vaseline in the nose helps, but is gross.

    I love how you write and you are always good for a laugh. Keep up the good writing!!! And I'll keep coming back for more.

  14. i believe you are referring to seinfeld (the show about nothing)!!! that show is hilarious!! if that's not right, just don't even let me know, i will hang my head in shame privately, kthnx!! i so wish i could make everything better about moving and your kids growing up too fast, for i feel your baby is gonna be 14 this fall....14!!!!! AAAGGGHHHHHH!!! take care and don't worry, God is still in control!!! =) <3

  15. Hang in there! I'm glad you share your emotions. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one in the world feeling X or thinking Y and then I find out I am not alone and that feels so much better! Like a secret club!
    And speaking of a secret club! I know of this R on S but I HAVE NEVER STOPPED THERE> OH, my! Add that to my list of things to do this week! Whoo-hooo!

  16. I am mad at you.

    You made me cry!!!

    No, I'm not really mad. But I totally know how you feel. We could not take down our son's big wooden play set at our old house and bring it to our new one.

    It still kills me. I remember the moment he learned how to swing himself on it. He was so proud! And he and our dogs (one of whom has passed away) would all dig together in the sand box. And when we had our puppy he would follow Loren up the ladder and slide down the slide with him! Oh, I miss that.

    Now, we won't know if we get to keep our current house until the bank decides. And since we keep paying our modified amount they're going to draw this out as long as possible even if they won't approve us for a new mortgage. It sucks, being in limbo. I love my house, we have roommates that really need to live with us because they don't have anywhere else to go and they're having a baby soon. Sigh.

    But it's not in our hands, is it? Thank the good Lord we can rely on him in times like these.

    When we're sad to move on, when we realize our babies aren't babies anymore. When we realize we're not, like, twenty anymore.

    Thank the Lord, indeed!

  17. True confession. I had zero idea what a shim was. This could be a problem.

  18. Congrats on your first booking ;)
    I love the little icecream place you mentioned - our oldest daughter got her first icecream cone from there!
    Is Ruralville north or south of the top secret place you live at now? If so, we live north on property in a little town that starts with a "R" and love it! It's a nice, cozy place to live.

  19. thelumberjackswifeJune 8, 2010 at 8:23 AM


  20. thelumberjackswifeJune 8, 2010 at 8:23 AM

    Oh, Amy! I am so glad you will be with me! We can be clueless together!

  21. thelumberjackswifeJune 8, 2010 at 8:24 AM

    I think we might have to!

  22. thelumberjackswifeJune 8, 2010 at 8:24 AM

    Seinfeld! Nice one!

  23. thelumberjackswifeJune 8, 2010 at 8:24 AM

    Totally. It is delish. I have heard they make good burgers, but I have never had one.

  24. I missed my kindergarten graduation due to having chicken pox as well! I don't know that I'm haunted by it, but it is a bit of a sore subject....

  25. Seinfeld?!

    Do you know, I have never been to R's ice cream?. Isn't that sad...and you are making me sad. I would be sad too if I were leaving your house. It is really cute. I will certainly be sad when we leave this place. So many memories.

  26. Hi, I stumbled upon your blog at Kandiland's blog earlier today. Having just gone through a move - that was work related - I related to your mix of excitement for "the house" and your sadness to leave the place that you brought your babies home to. I was pregnant with #6 when we were packing and moving - actually ended up living in an apartment for 3 months because of the timing of everything. I cannot tell you how I cried because my baby had to come "home" to an apartment for 3 weeks before we moved into our house...seems silly to me now - because she has no idea - but you get it! Good luck with closing and everything - and just know it takes A LOT longer to unpack that you think it will :)

  27. thelumberjackswifeJune 9, 2010 at 3:19 AM

    Thanks, Kayla! I hope life calms down soon!

  28. First, I'm very sorry that some comments make you sad or angry. I guess you are so open and honest about your life that invite similar comments coming back. Still, I'm sorry if you felt bad. I read your blog and I have to say that you have wonderful, witty and insightful readers. I SO agree with comments from Joyce, Jill, Marlene, and Anna today. I would be a basket case worrying about graduation, packing, moving and signing for a new home and missing my old home. And it feels good to know that others share the same X and Y feelings too. I think you're a wonderful wife, mother, friend, daughter, blogger, Christian, and teacher and you deserve recognition for all you do. It also makes me tired. I had so many regrets and angst when we all moved from the house we lived in all my childhood. But there were so many pluses in our new home that it just became a loving memory. Plus it's all new and exciting. It's not just a new home but a whole new lifestyle. Congratulations and best of luck.
