Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lagoons and local ruffians.

Hold on to your pants folks.

We've got a lot of ground to cover.

1)  First off, what would life be without the Comment of the Week (COW)?

Picture showing Friesian Cow

I submit that life would be exactly the same.

But let us pretend to be excited, shall we?

This week's winner is my darling blogging friend, Joyce, of whom I love dearly.

She wrote:

"Raising hand. I vaguely recall you mentioning those wires a time or two.

The house looks great…Your LJ is a keeper. The white trim is fab. I wouldn’t worry about the beds without frames-it beats bumping your head.

In reading your blog these past few months I feel like I know a few things about you. So here are my wishes for your birthday which must be today and oh, to be 29 again. Sigh. Anyway….

I hope no one pees on anything they shouldn’t pee on on your special day.
I hope no one vomits on anything.
I hope no one breaks and/or loses their glasses on your special day.
I hope you don’t have to make any unprotected left hand turns.
I hope you get coffee with raspberry creamer.
I hope you get a dinner you don’t have to cook.
I hope you get a fabulous dessert.
I hope you get lots of hugs and kisses from your lumberjacklings.
And of course from the LJ too.
I hope you get 100 meaningless points….holla!

Happy Birthday…reading here always makes me smile."

Joyce is a superb blogging friend and a faithful commenter.

Do you write a blog?

Do you want more comments?

Go visit Joyce.

She is splendid.

No pressure, Joyce.

2)  Yes.  I am really 29 and this is the first time I turned 29.

I was born a poor black boy (name that movie) on June 23, 1981.

Fact:  I am not racist.  That is simply a movie quote.  Thank you.

3)  Yes, this is my mother in the picture with us.

Yes, she is pretty.

Yes, she looks young.

My mama turned 50 this week.

Holla, Mama!


4) ***GASP!!***

I would like to announce that for the first time since we moved to Ruralville, I felt . . .


And alone.

So, I loaded up the Lumberjacklings and we headed out on an adventure drive to find a beach.

We were successful.

Little Dude was feeling not-so-brave.

Yet, can we not all agree that he is uber precious, albeit a scaredy-cat?

I guaran-darn-tee you that he was attempting to hit one of his sisters with that there ball.

Hi, Mama!  Were you trying to relax?

Well, I am here to ensure that relaxing will not be happening for you today.

But I will offer you a tasty snack!

Fun Fact:  Little Dude + 400 raisins=9 horrific diapers that would cure anyone of baby fever.

Daisy Mae found the coolest rock.


I guaran-darn-tee you she was yelling at a little brother for ruining something she was creating.

And I guaran-darn-tee you they probably deserved it.

Those boys are such naughty-pantsies.

And they can also be precious creatures who melt my heart.

Smile for a picture!

Focus, children.


Much better!

We had a splendiferous time at the beach.


It only took about 15 minutes to get there and we had a blast!

However . . . a dark and stormy cloud soon came upon our delightful day.

Some local ruffians came to the beach and were mean.



Mean to my children.

One little girl stole my kids floaties.

Seriously-right out of their hands.

A little boy got completely naked. 

We did not know where to put our eyes.

And another girl attacked Daisy Mae while she was swimming and nearly drowned her.

I did not appreciate it one bit.

So . . . our first encounter with the natives of Ruralville was less than ideal.

5)  The Lumberjack made me pull weeds this morning at 0730.

But that is neither here nor there.

6)  Last night, it occurred to me that I have not seen our 20 acres.  So, The Lumberjack felt the need to clear things up for me.

And now, dear readers, I would like to present to you:

Tour de Lumberjack

The Lumberjack hooked a trailer up to his 4-wheeler and took us on a lovely tour of our plantation.


Look at us and our Hillbilly selves!

Complete with dog running down the road with us.


We are now those people.

Can you see that fence?

That is our lagoon.

You know.

Where all are septic materials exist.

Thank you, Sir Lumberjack, for the delightful tour.

It was both lovely and informative.


That's it!


Wait! One more thing!

I would like a new COW picture.

Does anyone have a picture of a cow they would like to contribute to this silly, as well as pointless, blog?

I would be greatly appreciative.



  1. You surpass expectations again - by making the little things infinitely interesting and funny. So glad your blog moved with you! Would my 80's big hair picture work for a COW? Seriously.Big.Hair.

  2. Oh my. I just sit here and laugh out loud. We are now Those people. :) Wow, you have a lagoon for your septic materials, alas we only have a tank. Are there any neighbors nearby your house? Are they all mean like they were at the beach? On a lighter note, I'm never eating raisins again.

    I hope you can cure your loneliness. Maybe you could sell your twenty acres to friends and family.



  3. Totally envious of your 20 acres- including the lagoon. It's gorgeous!
    Glad you found a beach nearby- but seriously! What is it with bratty kids at the beach!? It seems like every time we go we have issues with parents letting their children run amuck.

  4. Holla to your Mama! She is great :)
    I am glad there is such a nice beach close by- bummer about the kids that were there :( Hopefully they are not regulars!

  5. Oh Oh!!! Pick me...PICK ME!!

    Pioneer Woman has a lovely free high resolution download of a cow and/or cows on her website!

    Here is the link:

    You'll have to sift through the pages to find one you like the best. Sift away, sifty. (Name that movie!)

    But here's my recommendation:

  6. okay kids have been known to get naked and PEE when I turn my public the church lawn. I guess I have ruffians.
    That, combined with my two year olds tattoo...causes me to wonder...can we still be friends? Then I see the dog following you while you check out the LAGOON and I say, YES! We can!
    The end.

  7. Steve Martin in The Jerk!

    Fun fact: That movie is rated R and yet no one gets naked and the F word is not used even once.

    It was a different time.

  8. It does not surprise me to hear about mean and rude kids and people... I see them at my work all the time... You have to simply shake your head when a three year old curses using f-word and spit on a nurse! sorry you had to deal with them, but the sooner the better!

  9. that is just too cool that you can go tour your property in your own little motorized wagon!! no fair. =(

  10. here are my votes for the COW picture:

  11. Booo Ruffians, BOOO!

    I will loan Princess Hope to you. She loves to use her quick wit and smart mouth to put ruffians in their place. I pretend to be appaled and "scold" her in front of others...but smile all the while. She knows I like it when she bosses naughty children around. Like momma like daughter.

  12. Ohhhh, don't get me started on OPK (Other People's Kids). It is a blog post on all it's own.

    You have confused me with where the Ruralville is but I will not rest until I have it figured it out. Not by stalking you for I am no longer a stalker. I was only a semi stalker in high school when I was in "love". Ha haaa. I ended up marrying him so it was ok that I stalked him. I also ended up divorcing him so perhaps I should have spent my time differently. Ha haaa.

    I love the tour that the LJ gave...he is so good.
    Your mom is a beauty. You are a beauty and it looks like you know will at least last the next 21 years. Yeah You!!!!

  13. Those ruffians had some nerve messing with your cute kids!
    So glad you got a tour of your property. I like what I see.

  14. I love "the Jerk". You posting that gave me more confirmation that I'd love being your friend irl. Too bad it seems I'm nowhere near you, judging by the sweaters in your pics. Doin' that round here might give ya a heatstroke (throwing in some of the local dialect). Too bad about the rural ruffians. There have been some kids in my daughter's class to whom I'd love to give the what for (am I using that phrase correctly?) but fear starting a feud with the parents and making things worse all around.

  15. You know what I love about your blog? I read it. It goes on forever.
    And yet, I feel like it's over all too soon!
    And yet, I LOVE the fact that it goes on forever!

  16. 1981 baby here too!

    I am laughing out loud at 12:30 a.m. as I read this - I blame you if my children wake up :) And for me going to sleep with a smile on my face.

    Excpet when I think about the 400 raisins and 9 diapers...because I have so been there. Eww.

  17. Hey, I took pictures of the cows in my backyard for you this morning. If you want them, email me. They are yours, "royalty free" ;) That way you don't have to worry about copy-rights and all that falderall and fiddledeedee.

  18. What beach did you find in 15 minutes? Wow! You can go camping on your own property boppity boo.

  19. Too bad about the ruffians! Perhaps this was just an isolated band! And for the beach in 15 minutes, sometimes you have to bear a few ruffians (not to be confused with bare, which was apparently part of the problem!)

    Not "having" to pull weeds at 7:30 in the morning makes me glad that I don't have my own lumberjack-like creature around the house, for once!

    As always, love your blog!

  20. I love your captions for your photos...

    I'm off to visit Joyce...

    Perhaps SHE will comment on my blog, since you seem to have gotten too busy in all your Ruralvilleness to comment on mine...

    Any reminders that I haven't been reading/posting/commenting on other blogs are not appreciated at this time.
    Thank you.

  21. My husband loves that movie. You should have seen the faces when I was pregnant and people would ask him what we were naming the baby and he said Navin R. Slade.

    Love the beach pic header. Very cute!

  22. I have a cow well he is a bull does it still count???

    You had some cute photos this post:)

  23. Next time you share about raisins appearing in diapers, PLEASE reconsider following immediately with a picture of Daisy Mae displaying something small and brown in her hand. I almost threw up a little bit in my mouth.

    P.S. What size shoes does Little Dude wear? Yowza!

  24. Yeah, sure, let me reach into my quick-and-easy cow picture database for you. It'll be a minute ...

    Hey, by the by, the you take great photos.

  25. Thanks for the shout out/pressure to visit more blogs and leave comments/telling me how old your mother is which just confirms that she and I could maybe have gone to highschool together.

    Mean kids=boo
    A septic lagoon=yay! It sounds charming : )

  26. you look just like your mom :o) Good genes for you! I liked the diaper story, followed by Daisy Mae's picture, HILARIOUS to me in my sleep deprived state.

    Happy Monday

  27. I too want to know where you live. I was thinking mountains... but you have a beach? What?

    Marla @

  28. Great lot :) Looks so beautiful there :)

  29. [...] Of course, today is the day The Lumberjacklings and I were going to head to the local beach to play with the local ruffians. [...]
