Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Don'ts of Blogging.


My name is Taylor and I am a living example of multiple blogging mistakes.

I have been blogging for one whole year now and I still have no idea what I am doing.

I am not really one to give advice.

Oh, well.

Let’s begin.

Do not obsess over numbers.

Fact: The Lumberjack’s Wife always stresses about numbers.

Number of comments.

Number of hits.

Number of followers.

There have been posts where I received no comments. There have been weeks where I received no comments. I would visit other people’s blogs, see that they had 467 followers and I would just want to give up.

Don’t give up.

Why did you start your blog?

I started mine to record my family’s life. So, I keep going.


And if people come and read it . . . great.

And if people don’t come back, I will be disappointed, but I will keep going.

Because the point of it is to record my life.

If you are feeling discouraged . . . take a break.

Shut down your computer and stay away for a day or two.

And then keep going.

Don’t get your feelings hurt.

Fact: The Lumberjack’s Wife always gets her feelings hurt.

I emailed everyone I knew about my blog. I got like 3 visitors my first week.

My mom didn’t even come look at my blog until about the 3rd month.

My dad still can’t find my blog unless it is already in the history of his address bar.


Fact: The Internet is not everyone’s cup of tea.

So, in the beginning, I would feel sad that my Auntie raved about my blog, but then never came back.

Why didn’t she come back?

Because she is not into blogs.

Now, I just take the compliment that she enjoyed my posts and move on.

Don’t worry too much about comments

There are people out there who simply do not know what to say.

It does not mean they do not like your post.

It does not mean they do not like you.

It means they

A) Can’t figure out how to leave a comment

B) Don’t know they should leave a comment

C) Worry about what they should comment

So don’t lose heart!

Be glad they come and read.

That’s the most important part, afterall.

I do, however, have some ideas on how to get your readers to comment:

1) Ask them questions.

I am often working song lyrics and movie quotes into my posts.

In one of my posts, I posted this picture of my Lumberjack:

and wrote:


Make me a bird, so I can fly far . . . far, far away from here.

(Name that movie.)”

If the reader knows the movie, they will most likely try to answer that in the comment.

2) Ask for your readers’ advice. One post, I asked them to recommend their favorite book to me.

3) Ask a relatable question. In this post, I shared with them my recent dentist story and asked them when the last time they went to the dentist was.

Ask easy questions anyone can answer.

Don’t ask them to help you find the circumference of the moon.

That would not be ideal.

Don’t be a bad blogging friend

Visit other people’s blog as often as you can and leave a comment.

If somebody visits your blog, try to return the favor.

Don’t Copy other Bloggers without giving them credit.

If I were to post this picture of my dashing Lumberjack:

and state that he “gave me the hiney tingles,” everyone would know darn well that I was stealing words right from the mouth of The Pioneer Woman.

So, if you do use other bloggers’ trademarks, give them credit.

Instead, say something like,

“That Lumberjack! He certainly gives me the hiney tingles! (Name that blogger)”

Oh! Did you see what I just did there?

I gave credit to The Pioneer Woman and I gave my readers something to comment about.

See how tricky I am?

I am like a blogging mastermind.

Don’t be afraid to try something new

I have tried many different types of posts:

1) Ten Things Tuesday. This type works great for either a list of 10 related things or 10 random things.

2) Wordless Wednesday (my least favorite . . . cause I always got lots to say)

3) Weekend Update-just going through what happened over the weekend

4) Relive a recent conversation. I love these ones! Click here and here to see my two favorite examples of this kind of post.

Have fun with your blog!

Don’t be afraid to roll with your issues.


That’s right.

I have issues.

All my readers know my weaknesses and failures. And they tell me like it is.

Interruption: This can be the downside to receiving comments.

Sometimes comments can seem critical.

I recently received a comment from a dear reader saying that she had definitely had her “fill” of my “peeing” posts.

Well, folks.

This blog is about my life.

And if my son drops his drawers and pees on my washing machine, I find that blog-worthy.

Her comment had unfortunate timing.

She said it the day after I snapped this photo from Easter Sunday:


Such a waste.

But, I digress.

My readers know that I cannot take pictures for the life of me.

They are patient with me . . . I think.

I am really having trouble with my new camera . . . and it is really frustrating me.

But sometimes, I really need the picture, imperfections and all, to get my post to work.

So I just post terrible pictures anyways.

Because it’s my blog and I can.

But I also make poke fun at myself in doing so.

For example:

Here is a picture I used in a post and the caption that went with it:

“Oops! I focused in on the wrong stud!”

So, there you go!

Don’t take yourself too seriously and have fun with your imperfections.

But, wait!

There’s more!

Guess what else I do that is super awesome?

I take pictures of pictures.

Because I don’t have a scanner.

Classy, I know.

I do this




Can we not all agree that I am the tackiest blogger in the whole blogosphere?

But I had to do it.

I had no other choice.

Sometimes an old picture must be shown.

Like this one of yours truly . . .

It had to be done.

(To read that post click here)



That’s all I’ve got!

(Did you notice that I am lacking in the “how-to-transition-to-a-conclusion” portion of this essay?)

Happy Thursday!

This post was originally written as a guest post for Diva over at Confessions of a Redeemed Diva.


  1. Love this! You've got a clever wit about you, LJwife!

  2. GASP!! I know that have written something that you would have said and forgotten to give you props!

    I remember thinking...I need to give LJ props.

    And then I forgot.

    Boo. (forgive moi?)

  3. Just wanted to say that I {big puffy heart} you and your bloggy ways. :)

  4. At the beginning I liked leaving comments to help drive your comments quantities, but now I do it because you write a funny blog. Well played, LJW. Well played.

  5. Love this post. It's helpful & true. Thanks for stopping by my blog today and good luck w that camera, they can be tricky!
    Heather @ www.savingmoneylivinglife.com

  6. I think you are a great writer. Thanks for sharing your journey through blogging. I can relate too. I just try to tell myself I blog for my family and friends and to remember all those little things with my Princess.

    Visiting from WFMW. Stop by and say hi anytime :) I love visitors and comments too.

  7. I agree. I blog to keep myself creating and hopefully improving since it's "out there" in blog land.

  8. LJW,
    I enjoyed this the first time around and even more the second time around. Thanks so much for the reminder and encouragement! I'm back at it and think I may take a few lessons from you.

  9. I came, I read, I laughed and I'm leaving a comment!! I enjoy your blog - It makes me smile every day! Now I have to get back to work...

  10. Great job! Some fun tips!!


  11. Lovely post and lovely ideas! See? Even if you don't think you know what you're doing, you're catching on! (Hey, I don't think there's really a right or wrong way to blog--if it makes you feel good when you hit publish, then do it!)

  12. Oops! If you get two comments from me it's because my finger flew off the key and hit something and my screen disappeared. I'm cool like that.

    I love all your tips! And the pic of the "stud" made me laugh.

    I have to confess that I also take pictures of pictures! It all started a few years ago because I didn't have a scanner, and honestly, I think my camera takes a sharper pic than a scanner does. :)

    Thanks for your comment on my blog!


  13. I loved this post. You made so many good points.

    But I still want every. single. person. to comment.

    A girl can dream.

  14. You're not alone! I'm not a scan-wizard either ... never tried it, in fact ... and yes, I've done the take a picture of a picture thing too :) It's been awhile since I've done it though and I can't even remember why I was doing it ... haven't had to do that on my blog ... {yet}.

  15. You're funny (in a good kinda way)! I feel like we have similar humor but if it came out on my blog my family would no longer appreciate it or read it and then I wouldn't have any more blog readers :)

  16. Loved this post!

    You are SUCH a good blogging friend... leaving me comments when I haven't posted in weeks!

    I recently got my feelings hurt because I posted several times on someones blog and they never ever said anything back to me. I'm still fuming!

    Finally, I am the WORST at ending a post.... it is so awkward for me! It usually ends with "alright... y'all have a good week!" How dumb....

  17. I read your blog everyday and get an acute anxiety attack when you don't post. ;)

  18. Your post made me laugh out loud!

    1. If I were a bird, I'd fly far, far away....Forest Gump?

    2. Why do I blog? It's a creative outlet for me, and a lot less messier than oil painting, which I love to do.

    3. Most frustrating weakness: Can't spell to save my life, and always needing a proof-reader before I publish.

    4. I'd follow your blog, but I don't see the 'follow' button. How do I follow?

  19. Great tips! Thanks for sharing. I'll try to remember to come back and vist another time too :)

  20. thelumberjackswifeJune 9, 2010 at 1:21 AM

    Yes! Forrest Gump! I don't have the Google follow because Wordpress won't allow it. The only option I have is to like my Facebook page. Thanks!

  21. You are hilarious and oh so entertaining! Love the blog (promise not to stop blogging and we'll promise to comment more)

  22. How wonderful! Great tips- the 2 I love best: Have fun and don't worry about comments. Those are things to take to heart. Blogging is most enjoyable when I don't compare myself to other bloggers. I love the stud photo and comment, by the way!

  23. Forest Gump! You are so right, and I believe we have all been there. I especially experienced the thing with the person that loved it and read it and then never came back. This post is a good reminder of what it's all about :)

  24. Okay, now I feel like weird - but I swear I've read this exact same post. Did you post this a while ago and repost it?
    Am I going crazy?

    If it's the latter, just let me live in my delusions.

    Also, I second Mindee - I want everyone to comment!

  25. thelumberjackswifeJune 9, 2010 at 4:42 AM

    Yes! I put at the end this was originally a guest post over at Redeemed Diva. I have never published it on my blog though. :)

  26. Just found you on the PW comments and I must say this post made me smile. While I am not a blogger... I too... take pictures of pictures :-) Good to know there is someone else that does the same!
    Oh and BTW...I don't have a printer or a scanner.

  27. I always enjoy your posts, even if they don't have a bunch of "bells and whistles". You're funny and real. Keep it up!

  28. I read almost every day! But I don't always comment - is that bad blog-reading manners? I don't mean to offend!

  29. I cracked up at the stud thing!
    Great post!! :)

  30. I never get bored reading this!

  31. I needed those tips! Thanks! Even though I am so much more mature at blogging! (ha!) (ha!) (ha! ha! ha!) Whatever! Mature schmature! Anyway, it's good to hear that I'm not the only one who is exactly like you!

  32. Ha, ha, ha!!! Truly, I would be LOL'ing if my son weren't already in bed, and goodness knows he needs his sleep so he'll keep his tenor position during band camp.


    A couple of weeks ago, we had a wonderful sermon that made me think about blogging (I keep meaning to blog about this, but other more important stuff keeps coming up, like the purchase of my new phone).


    It was about the need to be known.

    Why do we blog? Sure, we may say it's for us, and maybe we think that's why. But, I think it's because we have this desire to make our feelings known to someone...anyone...even the occasional reader.

    I know that for me, it was the desire to stop talking the ears off of my sister. I needed to vent. So, in the end, I did and still do want people to know that there is more to me than just the blonde who takes all the Skinny Cow ice cream cups from the CVS freezer. There's real emotion behind that, and a brain to boot.

    You keep on blogging, dear. Try not to get hung up in the #'s (and I say this after checking my own stats). Continue having fun, talking about pee, and reusing the same pictures...over and over and over and over...


    I hope you know that I say all of the above with a smile on my face and no malicious intent.

    I love your blog...find it quite funny in fact. It's nice to know that I am not the only bumbling mama out there. Weird stuff happens to all of us (don't even get me started).


  33. ha, I'm one of the "love to read, don't know what to say folks," just sayin.' Good luck moving to the sticks. Hope it is as painless as possible!

  34. Hiney Tingles........seriously???


  35. Looks how many comments you got too! Love the post! Okay, I'm going to tell you a funny one, since I think my hubby will kill me for posting it anywhere one a blog (this doesn't count, right?) Back on that stud comment you wrote, picture this: My son walking into the bedroom as his dad steps out of the bathroom. "Daddy! Look, a tail!"

  36. I read you in my google reader so don't suppose it hits your stats. Wonder how many more there are like me??
    Always enjoy your posts, even if I don't always 'get' everything (I'm in the UK).

  37. Loved this post! (Even linked to it!) I sometimes *forget* to respond to comments... I don't do that in real life, so I'm really making a concerted effort to do not that online!

    such a great post!!!!

  38. You rock as a blogger! You centered the lines AND made them shorter so we don't have to scroll back and forth. This just proves that YOU ROCK. Go LJW. You truly are 'tricky' like that.

  39. Miss T..I read your blog every single day. I don't comment because I am OLD, and feel a bit "out of the loop" with the whole blogging-thing. But I am always here, enjoying your times with the lumberjack and jacklings. I chuckle when I read the issues your folks have with computers. When we were growing up, your dad & uncle Greg knew
    everything about stereos/speakers/music/etc.
    We are all so happy to know we can call on you-all to make things work for us,
    like our folks called on us to set the clock on the VCR.
    (see, this is why I don't comment more...I ramble on about things that have nothing to do with your blog...Oh my gosh...I really AM old!!!!!)
    Hugs & kisses...

  40. i read ur blog :) ... i've been reading it for a while n i really enjoy it ! just wanted to let u know it :D ....
