Thursday, June 10, 2010

For Grammy

My Grammy died today.

You may remember that she became quite sick back in March and we made a trip to see her.

She was my last living grandparent . . . and she will be missed.

So in honor of her, I would like to share some of my happy memories that I have kept of her over the years.

* She (along with my grandpa) called ice cream bars "paddle pops."

* Everytime I visited, she made the same meal:  pork chops, macaroni and cheese, green peas. and applesauce.

*  I still remember her china pattern.

*  She would sing while she cooked and she would shuffle around the kitchen with her skinny legs and dance.  I remember her singing a song called "Chatanooga Choo-Choo."

*  She flirted, yes flirted with my husband while we were dating.

(In fairness, my husband helped her cheat at Skip-Bo.  Her and The Lumberjack were two peas in a pod.  Who knew?!)

*  Years ago, she joined our family for a little vacation.  My sister Meagan and I shared a room with her.  One morning, she was singing and blow drying her hair.  Without a stitch of clothing on. 

 My sister kept crying, "I don't know where to put my eyes! I don't know where to put my eyes!"

Poor little Meagan.

Ah . . . good times.

*  She would never eat at a fast food restaurant.

*  She made a delicious ham sauce and if any relatives are reading this, I would really like the recipe.

*  She said "cotton-pickin" a lot.  As in, "Give me the cotton-pickin remote."

*  She actually picked cotton growing up.

*  She was one of 13 children

*  Her name was Myrtle

*  She went by Betty

*  I believe the name switch had something to do with avoiding a blind date with my grandpa, and since he knew that fake name to be her real name, it stuck.   So she went by Betty from then on. 

 But I might be mistaken on that one.

*  She served in World War II

*  She had 6 children

*  She had 18 grandchildren

* She had great grandchildren.  But I can't count anymore.

And she will most certainly be missed.

"God is our refuge and strength.

an ever-present help in trouble.

Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way

and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.

Be still, and know that I am God."

Psalms 46: 1-2, 10a


  1. He is handing you a lot right now...
    but never more than you can handle.

    I promise to blow dry my hair naked in honor of your Grandma tomorrow morning.

    Loving you from Washington...

  2. Thinking of you and your family, I am glad you have so many happy memories. Sorry for your loss.

  3. sorry for your loss. And I'm glad that you have those sweet memories. And the naked ones, too.

  4. Miss T...thank you for posting this. It is a very sad
    thought that she is gone from us, but a glorious thought that we will see her again.
    I am comforted that she went home at a time when she was not sick, she had no pain, and was sleeping peacefully.
    Thank you for reminding me of some of the wonderful things about Grammy.
    H & K

  5. My dear Taylor, thank you so very much for these memories of mom. A couple of memories of mine are I remember her singing another song entitled "Dance with me Henry". After she was in the nursing home, I would visit her and everytime I would she'd get on to me about something I did when I was like 15 years old!! Now I do have the recipe for the ham sauce, and I'll be happy to give it to you, very simple yet very tasty..

  6. I'm sorry to hear about your Grammy. Grandparents are so very special, and she sounds wonderful. I miss all of mine too.

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss and so glad that you have great memories to bring you comfort. What a lovely tribute to your grandmother!

  8. Taylor, I'm very sorry for you and your families loss. Hold on to those wonderful special memories she has of your Grammy.

  9. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how much your heart is hurting right now, but you're doing the right thing by remembering the unique and wonderful things about her. My prayers are with you and yours right now.

  10. Taylor, my thoughts are with you and your family. What a wonderful tribute to your Grammy.

  11. Taylor, I loved reading your memories of Grammy. Our grandparents are so special to us and I'm sorry for your less. Keeping your family in my prayers!

  12. Sorry for the loss of your grandmother....what a beautiful way to remember her! Prayers for you and your family.

  13. I'm terribly sorry to hear of your grammy. What great memories you have to cherish forever! Praying for your family!

  14. Sounds like your grammy was a remarkable woman! I am so sorry for your loss and am thinking of your family.

  15. So sorry to hear of her passing. Will be praying for you...

  16. Bless your heart. You had a wonderful grandmother. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  17. Awwww...Taylor...I am so sorry!!!

    I will be praying for you.

    Thank you for sharing your memories. I especially loved the hair-drying incident! Hold on to this one in particular. It will uplift you in the difficult days to come.

  18. So sorry for your loss. She sounds like a very special lady. Keep those memories close to your heart. I will say a prayer for you and your family today.

  19. What a sad day. But I love your gift for being able to see humor in all situations. Your memories are priceless - thanks for sharing them.

  20. She sounds like an amazing woman! And I'm cracking up over the hairdryer incident.

    What great memories you have!

    Thinking of you and your family...

  21. What a beautiful tribute in the Lumberjack's Wife's style! You have got to be a hoot in real life, too!

  22. What a great post, Taylor. Thank you for sharing your fun memories. Praying for you today.

  23. Grandparents are so special and I am sorry you have lost your last one. Hopefully you have Grandparents-in-law that you can still enjoy. That is all I have left and appreciate them even more. Thank you for sharing such fun memories.

  24. What a beautiful tribute to Grammy! Sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers.

  25. I am so sorry for your family's loss. What a great picture of her and great memories - the story of her in the hotel room brings a smile to my face! =)

  26. I'm so sorry. She sounds like my grandparents, I'm sorry.

  27. I am so sorry for your loss. She sounds like an awesome women and your memories of her sound priceless.

    Marla @

  28. So sorry hon - praying for you and yours.

  29. Oh girl... I am so sorry. I just love your amazing tribute to a wonderful woman.

    Be blessed-

  30. Sometimes growing up and getting old is just no fun. Today, it is no fun. Makes ya wanna go back to those days of being a kid watching her in the great aunt sang the same song while fiddling about. Ladies of those days were strong and beautiful in their resourcefulness. They will be missed for sure.

    Tears and hugs for you.

    Kimberly, I think you are onto something. Everyone should blow-dry their hair "Grammy style" in her honor ;)

  31. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I love the sweet memories you have...especially the hotel one. I hope you get the can carry on the goodness.

  32. So sorry to hear about your grammy. Hugs & Prayers.

  33. I am sorry for your loss. I believe there is an extra special place for grandma's in Heaven. Prayers for you and your family.

  34. I will keep your family in my prayers.

  35. What a nice tribute to your grandmother!
    It's nice to share some of your memories of her
    and I know she's smiling down at you. May you
    and all your family feel "God's loving arms"
    around you at this difficult time!

  36. A beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing your memories with us.

  37. Remember she would always mix the macaroni with the applesauce? I don't know why, but back then it tasted quite delicious.

    I can't believe you forgot her and Poppy singing Ava Maria or Rhinestone Cowboy in the car... That's one I'll always remember, her singing back up on Rhinestone Cowboy.

    I was going to go see her next weekend....

  38. Sorry for your loss. I dread this occuring with both of my grandmas.

    Excuse while I go cry now.

  39. I also have fond memories of Grammie. Your grandparents were always lovely to me and Neil. She will be missed. Your blog today is beautiful. My condolences to you and all your family in this sad and reflective time.

  40. My thoughts and prayers are with you. And although it was a sad post, your Grammy sounded hilarious.
    Much love.

  41. Sorry about your Grammy. It sounds like she was a wonderful person. Loved the naked story btw :)

    I'll be thinking of you and praying for your family in the coming days.

  42. Taylor, thanks for sharing your memories. I will be praying for you and your family during this time.

  43. I'm so sorry for your loss!! You did a great thing by writing down all the beautiful things you will forever remember about her. The Lord is most certainly with you and your family during this bittersweet time.

  44. Sorry for your lost, my prayers are with your family.

  45. I'm sorry for your loss. Betty sounds like a neat lady. What a nice bouquet of memories you have of her :)

  46. I am also so sorry for your family's loss...through your memories she will not be totally gone, and thank goodness (or thank Goodness) for the hope we have for our future!
    I just thought recently about how all of my grandparents are gone (my last grandma died when Eliana was 5 months old), and I got sad again. The times will come and go, of peace and sadness, it's all intertwined. I pray God will be with you in a very tangible way through all of it. I hope the time your family has together celebrating her life and saying goodbye is sweet, and precious...I know it will be!

  47. oh taylor, that has got to be the worst!! i am so sorry for your loss!! i'll be praying for you all!! =) <3

  48. Taylor, I am so sorry for your loss - I know where you are right now, grandmothers are so special! You and the jacklings are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Thank you for sharing the memories, they're precious gifts!

  49. So sorry for your loss...but it sounds like you had a great "DANCE"! Isn't it wonderful to be able to remember the fun times???

  50. So sorry for your loss. I will be praying for comfort and healing hearts for you and your family.

  51. Just checking on ya :) Happy Sunday :) Are you going to have to find a new church now that you moved to Ruralville?

  52. I'm sorry to hear about your Grammy. I loved how you shared some of your favorite memories. The one about Meagan not knowing where to put her eyes was comical. She sounds like such a neat lady.

  53. What a lovely tribute to your grandma! I especially love the vacation with your sister story! I can't stop laughing about that! Laughter is a great way to remember those we love. Praying comfort for your family.

    (BTW, I mentioned you as one of my new faves on the blog on Friday because you are fabulous.)

  54. Oh, I'm so sorry that you've lost her (for a time), but what a lovely batch of memories! God knew what he was doing when he gave us memories for sure. :-)

  55. So sorry about your grandma. Aren't you so thankful for memories?

  56. I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like an amazing woman. Thank you for sharing these beautiful memories.

  57. Taylor, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's always hard to say "good-bye". I love the scripture you closed with -- so good to know we can always count on Him!

  58. So sorry to hear about your Grammy. I loved your memories of her, they reminded me of my grandmother.

  59. [...] I’m Confused! Jump to Comments With my grandma dying last week, along with her funeral this week, my girls have been showering me with question upon [...]
