Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Birthday Happenings.


Yesterday, Yesterday, Yesterday.

It was a busy day.

And, yes.  It was my birthday.

You are looking at the new, and greatly improved, 29-year-old version of Lumberjill.

I woke up to a card and gift card from the Lumberjack.  He usually takes the time to write out something special on occasions such as this.  And I truly appreciate it. 

You see, dear readers, my man is not a man of many words.  So I cling to these cards and am thankful for the written proof that he does, in fact, have a softer side.

The boys woke up first.



Little Dude was, as usual, indifferent to anything and everything.

Me:  Handsome Dude!  It is my birthday!

Handsome Dude:  No!  Is not!

Me:  Yes!  It is!

Handsome Dude: (crying . . . surprisingly enough) No!  Is my birthday!

Daisy Mae and Sweet Pea woke up with shouts of : "Happy Birthday, Mom!  Dad told us not to forget to tell you!"

Then they brought me up this present from the whole family:

It was a new, more comfortable seat for my bike.

Daisy Mae:  It's for your butt!

*giggle, giggle, laugh, laugh, giggle, giggle*

Then . . . it was time to start my busy day.

For starters, I had to please my man and use the small, more gas-friendly Honda Accord.

This is not an enjoyable ride with the number of kids I have to cram into the vehicle to make the trip to town.

Fun Fact:  Yesterday was the hottest day of the year in wherever-it-is-we-dwell-ville.

Even Funner Fact:  The air conditioning in the Honda does not work very well.

Attention my Ford Excursion: 

Please forgive me for not liking you very much the day my Lumberjack brought you into our lives.  I admit it.  I loathed you when I thought of parallel parking you.  I hated the fact that you made me plug you in when you were cold . . . you fickle, fickle beast.

But I take it all back.  You are roomy.  You are welcoming.  You have air conditioning.  If the kids are fighting . . . I cannot hear them.  For they are so, so, so far away.

I need you in my life.

First we went to Little Dude's 2 year check up.

Little Dude can get . . . particular.

He does not like to be touched, looked at, smiled at, spoken to, and, definitely, he does not like to be weighed.

But really.

Who does?

I was afraid that they were going to make me get weighed along with him like last time.

But nurse Heather, who is the bomb-diggity, worked her magic and weighed him without yours truly having to step on the scale.

Holla, Heather!


Next, we had some time to kill before meeting the renters.  So, we went to my dear friend, Amanda's, house for lunch.

She bought me my favorite lunch for a birthday surprise.

Aaaaaaaannnnnnnnnddddddd . . . .I love her.

Got the call.  Met the renters.  They did not throw tomatoes at me, so hopefully they like it.  Drove through a stand for coffee. 

Can we not all agree that coffee is ridiculously priced?

  Went to Costco.  Started loathing errands.  Bought my life-savings-worth of diapers. 

Can we not all agree that diapers are ridiculously priced?

Sweating.  Kids fighting.  Sweating.  Boys pulling girls hair.  Girls screaming.  Sweating.  Fighting.

Good times.

Broke into my parent's house . . . for we needed somewhere to go.  Handsome Dude was naughty.  I sent him to lay on a bed.  He wailed for 23 minutes that his feet were cold.

May I remind you that it was about 89 degrees.

I think not, Handsome Dude.




Attention Handsome Dude: 

You cannot break me. 

Yes.  I may grow weak and annoyed with your 3-year-old fits of fury and despair.  But I am your mom.  And it is my duty to teach you that you cannot hit your sisters in the head with large sticks.  Nor can you chase them with dog poo or pee on my washing machine.  So, plead all you want.  But, may I remind you that your efforts are in vain.

Took the boys to my in-laws.  Met The Lumberjack and my parents for dinner.

And then we went to see Toy Story 3!

I have been waiting for this moment ever since I won that blog contest awhile ago.  I have saved my winnings knowing that I had to take my girls to see this movie.

Have you seen it?

Have you seen it?

One word:  Ken.

Then we had to drive for over an hour to get home.

What an exhausting, yet lovely day.


When it is my children's birthdays, I always share with you their life verse that we picked out for them.

To the best of my knowledge, my parents never picked one out for me.  But if I were to choose one, I would pick Lamentations 3:22-23:

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed,

for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness."


If I were to find a verse that was more fitting to my life, more reflective, if you will, of my life's happenstances, I might choose this one:

"As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on earth and increase upon it."

Genesis 9:7.

Increase in number?

Be fruitful?


If that were my life's verse, I have a feeling that when I get to Heaven, the Lord would say to me,

"Well done, thou good and faithful servant."


That's all.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Did you cry during Toy Story? I did, three times.

  2. Happy Birthday! It sounds like you had a wonderful day.

  3. Happy Birthday! It looks like you had a very exciting, fun filled day what with your darling boys, diapers, costco, and renters among other things. ;)

  4. That's about as good as a mom's birthday gets. We dream of spas - we get Toy Story 3.

    Good job on the multiplication thing.

  5. Happy happy birthday to you. It sounds like a lovely day (minus Little Dude and his morning meltdown). I have a morning meltdowner too...whats up with that?

    I'm seriously considering making it a habit to add vodka to my orange juice.

  6. Nice Assss-cot Ken! Oh this is the best movie I have seen in a long time! Happy Birthday - 29 is a great age, I have been 29 for 15 years or so.

  7. What a fun (and exhausting) day! You think 89 degrees is hot? We had a cold front come through and that was our temp yesterday. It's been getting up to 100 or 102 every single day this week. I'm melting.

    I think I'm going to have to move into your vacation rental. Seriously... even though I don't know what state you live in.

  8. 1. HAPPY Birthday!!! yayy!!

    2. I love Little Dude! I want to hear more about him!

    3. Lumberjack looks like he left the hanger in his shirt in the restaurant pic (although it may be that he just has bulging muscles...hence the gun shows)

  9. Happy birthday! Yesterday was my birthday too. I knew I read your blog for a reason (you know, besides the fact that it's really entertaining and fun to read...)

  10. Sounds like a great day!

    We are doing toy story this weekend. Can't wait.

  11. Um, do not move to Texas. 89 is just about chilly around here. You would melt like a puddle of ice cream down here.

    Let me just say, when "big" Andy gave the toys to the little girl, I did NOT get tears in my eyes. Nope, I did not think about the toys that were mine that my 4 critters now adore. Nope. Not a tear. Dry eyes all the way.

  12. Happy Birthday! I love the way kids react to our birthdays!

  13. Happy Belated Birthday! You make me laugh ... which believe me is a gift! He really peed on your washing machine? The new one? (Not that it makes much difference.) Hitting sisters in the head with sticks is what 3 year old boys do but I do agree that it's not appropriate! Loved your verses ... and the fact that you bestow them upon your children! And I bet He will say "Well Done!"

  14. Happy Birthday! I might have won the meaningless points for guessing because that is what came to mind when you asked what was happening...oh well.

  15. Lamentations 3:24 says "The Lord is my portion, therefore I will hope in him." Especially since you claimed Genesis 9:7. No one ever said that having children would teach us how to hope! hope they eat their supper. hope they are nice to their siblings. hope they will stop crying. hope they understand why I have to kill them! hope hope hope!
    And you are beautiful and brilliant! I'm starting to love words that begin with B as that is all my son can say--words that start with B (oh! and mommeeeeee and dada).

  16. Would have given anything for 89 yesterday! It was 95 with 700% humidity here. I do not recommend it!

    Glad you had a happy, happy birthday!

  17. Happy belated birthday!!!!

    When I was about Sweet Pea's age we also got my mum a new bike seat and reacted the same way when giving it to her haha.

  18. That post made me weary! Hope your day was great and that today is also!

  19. Isn't there a bible verse that says, "Though you beat them, they shall not die"?
    I have a three year old. I find these verses funny okay.

    I have a pillow for screaming in.
    I have ice cream in the fridge.
    Last night after the kids were in bed, I had a margarita with my husband and a bug crawled up my pant leg, and when I slapped it, there was a crunch. I could not relax after that. Sometimes there's no winning.
    I have a honda accord. I hate it too. I wish I had a tank.

  20. Happy Birthday! Is it your REAL 29th birthday or your 'green 29?' You know reduce,reuse, recycle--happy-29th-birthday-again!
    Either way, happy birthday!
    That's a good life verse. Much better than Tim Hawkins

  21. :-) Happy Birthday... sounds like a great day all-in-all. :-)

  22. You are one of my favorite bloggers.

    Just sayin'.

  23. Happy Birthday! May you be able to withstand all the excitement your Lumberjack and offspring will bring you in the coming year. Keep your seatbelt securely fastened! Your life is quite a ride.

  24. We hit over 75 degrees here in Seattle for the first time since SEPTEMBER 2009. That was like, 250 days of under 75 degree weather.

    I've been in heaven!

    Happy birthday, love both verses and we can't wait to see Toy Story 3!

  25. Happy Birthday.

    Your mother is beautiful. If you have her genes you will be able to pull off the 29th birthday for a long time!

  26. Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to yooooou! :) ((Muwah-Hugs))

  27. Sweet Sugar Pants MindyJune 24, 2010 at 1:28 PM

    KEN WAS AWESOME!!!!!! That's all I have to say about that. And the fact that I almost cried. Ridiculous!
    P.S. Please relax. You are stressing me out.

  28. Enjoy the new bike seat :) That's exactly what I want for my next birthday ... and I'll need it as I'm going to be thirty-FIVE ... eeek. You are most fortunate to have TWO modes of transportation to choose from :)

  29. Happy birthday a day late, Taylor! Today is my oldest daughter's birthday so this time in June is pretty special to me. Blessings to you!

  30. LJ appears to take your birthday dinner very seriously : )

    Glad you had a happy day!

  31. Whew - you make me exhausted just hearing about your life! If the birthday dinner photo had your Mom on the right-hand side, she is gorgeous and you look so much like her! You don't have to worry about not aging well girl!

  32. Holla! I got a shout out :)
    I hope you had a lovely b-day and it was great seeing you!

  33. I agree with a Holla to Heather! She is awesomeness! :) My girl is the same as your boys on my birthday. I was informed it wasnt mine but it was hers and ever since then hers is always "in 5 days" when she is are funny creatures:) I am glad you had a good day!
