Friday, June 4, 2010

Guess what . . .

No.  I am not pregnant.

That Lumberjack!

You would not believe what he decided to try to accomplish in these final days before closing . . .

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can guess what home renovation project he has decided to tackle now.

Clue #1:

Clue #2

Guess away!

The winner gets the satisfaction of knowing they are truly awesome.



  1. Um, he bought a blanket to stop the draft under the door so that the dog could retire?

  2. replacing the front porch? He seems so motivated. Can he come over and give my hubby some lessons?

  3. dang it! I'm second with this guess, but I think he's redoing the front porch - new railing- etc.

  4. Yep, and better late than never, I do believe that he's redoing the front porch - the tape is either to remind you that there is no porch or to keep the lumberjacklings in...

  5. is it hard to see all of these things you've been dreaming of being accomplished.... for someone else? I sure do hope you LOVE the new place!

  6. I'm guessing a new porch or deck! Many wishes that your closing goes smoothly and relocation is a breeze!

  7. I am also not truly awesome, but you are! Thanks for all your uplifting and encouraging comments on my blog. :)

  8. holy cow I totally thought you were gonna be like PREGGO!!! Whew. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but you have, um, four little darling monsters. And one that frequently pees on the floor, and um, himself. God bless you.

  9. I'm going to guess replacing the fence....

  10. Ah ha! He's fixing your broken down back fence!

  11. A water feature right in the middle of the living room?

  12. If my door was taped like that, it would be my husband's personal project to keep me in the house and away from Target!

  13. Sorry people, you're all wrong. Even you, LumberJill. You're all young.

    I'm old-married 35 long long long (you get the point) years. You'll learn.

    HE'S AFTER A NEW PICK UP TRUCK!!!!!! Throw up the blue tape; grunt and grown while you shift the porch; scowl, scowl, scowl; superhuman effort; it's all for you guys; I'll tell this tale to my dying day; whatever.

    He wants a new TRUCK! This will break, break, break under the load (not because of his miscalculation)! Or maybe sound bad; maybe it sounds bad; maybe I should look into a new one: of course I'll tinker with this one for weeks, but maybe it sounds bad still. Listen Taylor, doesn't this sound bad, bad, bad.


    (Been there, done that). Yes, I was always convinced. Think I'm about to be convinced again in about three days (been moving pilings from a dock). The answer is A NEW TRUCK.
    Sorry, I win (not really, I only wanted new curtains!)

  14. Woo-hoo!! You get new front steps and a front porch! Look at the LJ go! My oh my what he can get done when he is truely motivated!!

  15. thelumberjackswifeJune 4, 2010 at 1:08 PM

    Ha! Ironically, LJ does want a new truck!! :)

  16. It's hard to guess when other people have already guessed. I have no guess. I'm hoping you have another door out of which to exit. :)

  17. When you move to ruralville, if you want something done in the way of remodeling, plant a for sale sign in the front yard.

  18. lu, you are funny! I think it is indeed a clever ploy for an even bigger pick up truck ;)
