Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Wednesday is here.

Wednesday.  The day the first of our *hopefully* many vacation renters will come and stay at our little house.

I will feel nervous until after I meet the renters and hand them their key, but there is a nice sense of relief seeing as how there is really not much more I can do at this point.

Interruption:  Are you feeling confused?  Are you wondering what on earth this "so-called Lumberjill" is blabbing on and on about?  Click here to catch up.  Thank you.

After 7, yes SEVEN years of horrific remodeling nonsense, our 100-year-old house is finally finished.

Kind of.

Sort of.

But really super close.

So, on this the 23rd day of the month of June in the year Two-Thousand-and-Ten of our Lord, I, yes, I, Taylor Mal-a-blah-blah would like to present to you:

The House The Lumberjack Built.

May I remind you that he built this house for yours truly, yet did not finish it 10 days after we moved out.  I am not upset.  I am just pointing out the facts.

First . . . a reminder of just how far we have come on this journey.

And the end result:

Master Bedroom.

With the down comforter that was inappropriately dried and we sincerely hope no one will notice.

Interruption:  Did not my Lumberjack do a nice job with trim in the house?  I submit that there is nothing better than white trim lining everything.

My Lumberjack.

He did it all for me.


Bedroom 2:  The boys old room.

I had to wash those walls something fierce.

Dirty fingerprints.


Boys are dirty.

Who knew?!

Bedroom 3:  The girls old room.

No wall scrubbing necessary.

Now, this room is stressing me out.

Do not the beds look . . . tiny?

But herein lies the problem:  If you have beds on frames in that room, when you sit up in bed, you smack your head on the dormers.

Yet, I cannot put beds over here because:

A)  With the closet door, the wall length is not long enough.

B)  On the opposite wall, there is a heater and I fear that if a guest is cold and therefore turns on the heat, their bed might catch fire.

And that would not be ideal.

We might get a less-than-perfect visitor review if that event were to occur.


Chair rail!

Go, Lumberjack!

Upstairs bathroom.

Fun Fact:  When we bought this house, it did not have an upstairs bathroom.

My Lumberjack is awesome like that.

Hands off, girls!

Get your own Lumberjack-Electrician-Hunter-Home-Remodeler Guy!

Fun Fact:  When we bought this house The Lumberjack and I estimated it would cost about $8000 to remodel it.


The Funnest Fact:  We have spent a significant amount more than that.

The Obvious Fact:  The Lumberjack and I are idiots.

Dining Room/Living Room.

Hello, my lovely black, big table!

I miss you!

Return to me!

Holy Lighting!

Can anyone tell that my husband is an electrician?



Wish I could have used it!

Raise your hand if you recall me complaining about the wires for the under-cabinet lighting poking me in the eyes while I cooked mediocre meals for my family?

Remember this photo?

Well, I think my Lumberjack is feeling a bit nostalgic . . . and spunky.

Because look at what he left unfinished:

Do you see it?

Do you see it?

There is one little light unit that has yet to be installed.

Yet, I would like to announce that he did take the time to replace all of the exterior door hinges.

Apparently those were more noticeable.

Lumberjacks are weird.

The Laundry Room.

With the broken, yet still useable, washing machine.

So there you have it!

It's all done!

Except for that one light, the washing machine repair, a little bit of touch up paint throughout the house, the porch needs to be painted, and the garage needs to be torn down and rebuilt.

But, we'll call it good for now.

Hey, Lumberjack!

We remodeled a 100-year-old house!

Look at us and our bad selves!

Or, more accurately:  Look at The Lumberjack and his bad self!

For I know not the difference between a Rotozip and a Sawzall.

I merely clean up after his messes.

If I had a nickel for every time I have scrubbed paint out of the sink and swept sheet rock dust off of the floor . . .


Wish me luck with the renters!

Oh, and 100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can guess what other event is occurring today.



  1. 2 Events:
    1. Your birthday
    2. Also - the day you celebrate your awesomeness. (Not to be confused with your birthday).
    Am I right?? Eh? Eh?
    Happy birthday!!

  2. Good luck with the renters! If you decided you miss your old house or wonder what it would have been like to live in it with everything finished you could always go stay there for a little weekend getaway.

  3. :) Very sweet house! You will make some vacationers very happy.

  4. Awesome job! House looks amazing. =)

  5. congrats on the finish, but this does bring up a nagging thought that I have always suspected...Just about the time Mr. Icredible gets all our house projects done, he will decide it is time to move.

  6. Gorgeous!

    Oh, and the House looks pretty great too!

  7. The house looks terrific. Do not worry about the beds in the the girls' room - when you're on vacation, such sleeping arrangements are considered "charming." It will be fine.

  8. Wow, that place is beautiful!! I especially love the living room!

  9. The house looks beautiful, Taylor!

  10. Oh. my.word. Happy Birthday!! :)

  11. Your house is lovely. Lumberjack did an awesome job and so did you on the cleanup. That is very important.
    Remember, Serenity Now!


  12. wow! that is a great house!! my hubby is awesome like that too!! very handy, although i do not have a great house to prove it as we are in full-time Christian service here at Fort Faith and I now live in a tiny two bedroom house!! =) happy birthday!!! =)

  13. Wow, that is gorgeous... the lighting is amazing, I'm super particular about lighting, so I noticed that right off. He should visit my parents house, their lighting makes me feel like a crazy person. And the trim work is LOVELY! And, also, I adore the green/blue combo in the boys room. I'm feeling a little jealous.... I really really hate my house right now. :-) Oh, well. I am where I am supposed to be, so I should be happy right?!

  14. Are you 29 nine today??????!!!!!!!! If so happy birthday. Your 100 year old home looks beautiful. I just love older homes.

  15. I'm impressed beyond words. Incredible job. Happy Birthday Lumberjill.

  16. He did an amazing job... Serious. Amazing.

    Happy Birthday, Taylor! I hope you get to relax a little bit today.

    Marla @ www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com

  17. looks amazing!! happy birthday!!!!! =)

  18. Yay for Lumberjack!! Too bad you didn't get to enjoy it more. You're a pretty lucky gal to have him... and he's EXTRA lucky to have you!! ;) If, in fact, it is your birthday... I hope it is wonderful!!!

  19. The house looks amazing! Where do you live that people wish to vacation in your old home?

  20. I too have an obesession with white trim.
    L-O-V-E It! And love yours too! It looks awesome!
    Oh yes, and have a fabulous birthday!

  21. Happy b-day Lumberjill. Hope Lumberjack does something spectacular for you (like the reno).

  22. Sweet Sugar Pants MindyJune 23, 2010 at 4:00 AM

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! We are now the same age for 3 more months. Then I retire onto oldness in the 30's. What has this world come to?? The house looks amazing!! Really, it is spactacular and you should be proud of yourselves. Ignore any bills, credit card statements, and bank balances and go treat yourself to a nice dinner for your bday. You and LJ DESERVE it!!! Again, happy b-day and I love ya lady!!

  23. okay comment did something weird...pretend I only said it all once : )

  24. Raising hand. I vaguely recall you mentioning those wires a time or two : )

    The house looks great...Your LJ is a keeper. The white trim is fab. I wouldn't worry about the beds without frames-it beats bumping your head.
    Raising hand. I vaguely recall you mentioning those wires a time or two.

    The house looks great...Your LJ is a keeper. The white trim is fab. I wouldn't worry about the beds without frames-it beats bumping your head.

    In reading your blog these past few months I feel like I know a few things about you. So here are my wishes for your birthday which must be today and oh, to be 29 again. Sigh. Anyway....

    I hope no one pees on anything they shouldn't pee on on your special day.
    I hope no one vomits on anything.
    I hope no one breaks and/or loses their glasses on your special day.
    I hope you don't have to make any unprotected left hand turns.
    I hope you get coffee with raspberry creamer.
    I hope you get a dinner you don't have to cook.
    I hope you get a fabulous dessert.
    I hope you get lots of hugs and kisses from your lumberjacklings.
    And of course from the LJ too.
    I hope you get 100 meaningless points....holla!

    Happy Birthday...reading here always makes me smile.

  25. Happy Birthday Taylor!!! I too am 29, oh what excitement. I agree with Joyce on the birthday wishes. Your house will always look the best it ever did once you move out, it is a fact of life.

  26. Well, Happy birth-a-day tooooo yoooooouuuu!If, indeed, it is your special day. If not, a very merry un-birthday to you (name THAT movie)!

    I must interrupt this celebration to ask the following innane question: How on earth did you decide to rent your house for vacationers? I could never do it since no one wants to vacation with the cows, but it seems so fun (if the bills do indeed get paid).

  27. congrats the house looks great. And the other event is HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope its a great day! :) enjoy the sun!!!!!!

  28. Happy birthday! Your old house looks fabulous. And I know the *joy* of cleaning paint out of the sink and sweeping up sheetrock dust. Just remember, if LJ starts remodeling in Ruralville, stick a for sale sign out in the yard. It's the only way you can make sure he finishes.

  29. So cute! I love the brown bathroom!

  30. Holy upstairs bathroom, Lumberjill! That is A-mazingly beautiful!

    Oh, and "Happy Birthday" if it is your birthday and if not, well, "Happy Birthday", anyway. ;)

  31. thelumberjackswifeJune 23, 2010 at 8:46 AM

    You are right! It is my birthday! Holla! :)

  32. thelumberjackswifeJune 23, 2010 at 8:48 AM

    Yes! Charming! We will go with "charming!"

  33. thelumberjackswifeJune 23, 2010 at 8:48 AM

    Rachel! I am blushing! :)

  34. thelumberjackswifeJune 23, 2010 at 8:49 AM

    I am 29 today!

  35. thelumberjackswifeJune 23, 2010 at 8:49 AM

    I HATED my house for a long time, Naomi. :) Hang in there!

  36. thelumberjackswifeJune 23, 2010 at 8:50 AM

    I like to keep my location a secret! But we live right in the downtown of our town near the lake and all the popular tourist areas!

  37. thelumberjackswifeJune 23, 2010 at 8:51 AM

    Love it! Thanks, Joyce!

  38. thelumberjackswifeJune 23, 2010 at 8:53 AM

    We just live in a "touristy" area and thought we would give it a shot!
    Put so much into it, we weren't ready to sell it but weren't ready to chance it getting trashed by regular renters.

  39. You really ARE 29? I thought you were just joking. I would have to say that you are not older than 23 (except than you would have had to have Sweet Pea--or is it Daisy Mae, I think it's Sweet Pea-- when you were like 15, right? Well, that's even older than Mary was when she had Jesus. And if your parents consented, I THINK you could have gotten married at that age, right?)
    Anyway, happy birthday and Dana and I have come up with a plan to try to figure out where you live. No, we are not stalkers, but you certainly give us something to talk about at church!
    I had to come over and say hi. Now, I need to get to work to write my next post!

  40. So Happy Birthday wishes appear to be in order! I think the girls rooms, with the beds on the floor looks so totally cozy and inviting!

  41. Happy Birthday, Taylor! I am so impressed with all that seems to have gotten done to the rental house in the last few weeks or so...wow, job well done!

  42. The house is adorable!

    And I hope you have had a very happy birthday!! I will be that same number in a few short months myself!

  43. Hi and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! One more year of the twenties for you! Whoo Hoo!!! The house looks beautiful :) Way to go LJ!

  44. We have no holy lighting, despite an electrician living here. But really, how fun can it be to play with electricity all day and then come home and play with it some more? So I cut him slack. Most of the time. That, and I cling to hope. ;)

    Love me some white trim.

    Fun fact: We have that same vanity in our main bathroom.

    Happy birthday!

  45. As Grammy would have sung: Happy Birthday to
    you, happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear
    Taylor...Happy birthday to you!!!! And you would sing back: I thank you I do, I thank you I do.. I thank you dear people, I thank you I do!!!!!!
    HOORAY..YAHOO..Now blow out those candles!!!

    Love you,
    A. Shirl
    PS: You now own 2 very lovely homes. Very lovely

  46. Happy Birthday, Lumberjill! Hope you had a terrific, nostalgic day visiting town. :)

  47. Your birthday!!

    Oh my goodness...this was hilarious writing and the pictures were awesome...the reflections off the walls in the hallways from the lights are priceless...there's so much light in there MY husband would be giddy with delight!
