Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ten Things Thursday: New Year's Edition!


Here are 10 thrilling things that have occurred in our lives.

These are listed in chronological order, not in order of importance.

1)  Handsome Dude turned 2!

Best Handsome Dude Moment of 2009:

When I got out of the shower and went to check on him and found him lounging on the couch, eating ice cream straight out of the container, using a baby spoon, and watching Barney.

This guy has really tested my patience this year.

And I love him.

2)  Daisy Mae turned 5 and started Kindergarten.

2009_9_08 017

Favorite Daisy Mae moment of 2009:

This conversation:

Daisy Mae:  Mommy!  Is today the day you are helping out in my classroom?

Me: Yes.

Daisy Mae:  Could you please try your hardest to look pretty?

3)  Little Dude turned 1:

Best Little Dude Moment of 2009:

When he started to smile.  This took awhile for Little Dude.  It was a relief to see.

4)  Yours truly turned 28!

And I even got to celebrate while sporting my camping hair!


Best *Me* moment of 2009:

I started a blog in June!  It's been fun!

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read this.

It really floats this stay-at-home-mom-who-craves-adult-interaction's boat.

5)  We went camping . . . a lot.

My favorite camping trip had to be the one where the guys made an extreme playground.

Here are some pictures from that trip:

6)  We also got the whole family out on several bike trips:

7)  Handsome Dude got glasses.

This may seem minor.

But it has consumed a lot of time.

We are on a first name basis with the friendly people at the optical repair shop.

8)  The Lumberjack turned 29!

And he bought himself this here parachute.

Favorite Lumberjack moment of 2009:

Have you not read this blog?

9)  Mabel turned 9!

A whole lot of work

Poor Mabel.

She leads a pretty uneventful life.

Except for that fact that she hates the postman.

That's about all that's new with her.

10)  Sweet Pea turned 7 and started the first grade!

Notice how Sweet Pea isn't wearing her glasses in this picture.

This is because Handsome Dude broke hers.


He breaks his and hers.

It's fabulously convenient.

Favorite Daisy Mae Moment of 2009:  Our heartwarming conversation a few weeks ago.


Well . . . that's our year!

New Year's Resolutions to come.

What are your favorite happenings of this year?


7 years ago, I was just finishing up student teaching and preparing to graduate from college with my B.S. in Elementary Education.

I was also preparing to have my first baby:



It was a time of firsts:

*First stretch marks

*First time wearing pants with elastic waists

*First time learning not to care how many people know how much you weigh

*First time learning not to care how many people see you while you are, um, indecent (gasp!)

*First time seeing incredibly high numbers on the scale and just hoping that, someday, I would weigh less than my husband again

Well, the day to have my baby finally came.

We got to the hospital at 5am for an induction.

At 6pm, they broke my water.

At 10pm, I pleaded for an epidural.


I am woman enough to admit it.

I heart epidurals.

So, around 11, the nurse suggested me and the Lumberjack get some sleep before the baby came.


Are you kidding me!

I laid there are all cozy in my bed watching Frasier reruns and watching the contraction monitor machine go berserk.


Watching Frazier reruns in a cozy bed is the only way to pass the time while dilating from a 6 to a 10.

I heart epidurals.

Well, around 2:30am, I knew something had changed and I was sure it was time to push.

But during my t.v. watching, the remote with the nurse call button had dropped onto the ground.

I could not reach it.

I was like a beached and paralyzed whale laying there in my bed.

I heart epidurals.


The tv is on.

I cannot turn it off.

I cannot call the nurse.

I cannot get out of bed (but I still heart epidurals).

I cannot wake the Lumberjack.



My Lumberjack?



Sleeping while eagerly awaiting the birth of his firstborn?


That's unlike him.

But, alas, he was asleep.

So I start calling out,

"Um, help!  I'm ready!"

No one can hear me over the sounds of the Lumberjack snoring and the prompted laughter of Frasier's studio audience.

What's a gal to do?

So, I did the only respectable thing I could do . . .

I grabbed the only item within my reach:  the vomit bucket.

Then I took that bucket and chucked it at the Lumberjack.

Don't judge me.

Have you ever felt the sensation of a baby about to exit your body?

You would do it, too.

The Lumberjack woke up.

He was a tiny bit cranky.

He got the nurse.

And at 4:40am, Sweet Pea was born.

baby kate

Oh, man.

Did our world change.

kate no pics please

We had no idea what we were doing.


Not one clue.

baby k

At least I didn't want to superglue her mouth shut when she wouldn't stop crying.

But, I was pretty clueless, nonetheless.

I thought you had to change a baby's diaper after each and every feeding . . . even the 2am feeding.

So, I would feed her.

She would be all cozy and sleepy.

But instead of laying her back down, I would take her into her room, flip on the light, and begin changing her diaper.

Then she would do that classic newborn trick and pee all over herself during the diaper change.

Now, when that would happen with number four, I would just take a baby wipe to him and call it good.

But not with my firstborn.

I would strip her down and give her a full bath.

At 2am.

And then I would stare at her and wonder why she wasn't sleepy.

Oh, well.

Live and learn.

kate potty training

She is a precious girl who melts my heart.


She is a very helpful big sister.

2009_9_30 014

She is awesome at everything.

2009_9_20 138

She's just a kick in the pants.

Happy Birthday to Sweet Pea!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Goober Parents Update:

My parents are technology goobers.

My mom goes to Yahoo! to search for Google.

My dad had 2 songs on his IPod.

Now, two years later, he is proud of the fact that he has well over 100 songs on his IPod.


Grant and Connie's Camera 268

Over a week ago, I was using my parent's computer and I logged into Wordpress as "The Lumberjack's Wife."

Cause that's who I am.

Well, this week my parents have been leaving comments on my blog . . . as "The Lumberjack's Wife."

Silly goobers.

So, some comments are me, the actual Lumberjack's Wife.

And some are my goober parents who probably haven't a clue that this is happening.

I will try and remember to remedy this situation the next time I am at their house.

But until then . . . .


I will have to trust you . . . my gentle readers . . . to determine which comments are mine.

And which comments are my silly parents.

Good luck!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Christmas!

One of these things is not like the other.

Little Dude.

He has been a cranky-pants for photo-taking sessions as of late.

It seems as if he ruins every picture by crying.




So, now, since I know you look forward to them so much, I present you with another song tribute.


Try and contain your excitement.

Thank you.


"One of these things is not like the other"

"One of these things just doesn't belong"

"Can you tell which thing is not like the others?"

"By the time I finish my song"

"Did you guess which thing is not like the others?"

"Did you guess which thing just doesn't belong?"

"If you guessed this one is not like the others:"

"Then you are absolutely . . . right!"

Name that tv show.