Thursday, December 10, 2009

Jack and Mabel, part Three

This is the last of a thrilling three part series all on my first two dogs.

Feel free to leave now.

If you are still here, and you have no idea what is going you can:

1)  Click here to read Jack and Mabel part one

2)  Click here to read Jack and Mabel part two

3)  Don't click on anything and just try to figure out what I am talking about on your own.

I am cool with any of the above options.

But I will offer a quick refresher, because I love you all so much.

And the last thing I want is for you to be confused.

Quick Recap:

1)  We got Jack and Mabel, two golden retrievers, right after we were married.

2)  They were terrible creatures who destroyed everything.

3)  I loved them more than the sweet, refreshing air I would breathe.

4)  They were stupid.  They jumped out of moving vehicles and ran onto the freeway.

5)  I had kids.  The kids became more important than the dogs.

6)  They ate the remains of my parent's dead dog.  Then they got sick.  Then they were banned from my parent's house forever.

7)  They were still terrors.

8)  We gave Jack away to a family friend.

9)  About 2 years later, I was devastated that I made this choice.

10)  The Lumberjack fibbed to me and told me Jack was dead.

He was not dead.

I still don't understand why he fibbed.

I also don't understand why he adorns himself in camouflage and makes elk mating calls.

He is a complex creature.

11)  About 2 years after that, Jack was returned to us.

And that is where this story begins . . .

We got Jack back in August of 2008.

So now, we have a 5 year old, 4 year old, 1 year old, and a 2 month old.

And we have a 75 pound dog named Mabel.

And we have a 90 pound dog named Jack.

And we live in a house that is 1370 square feet.

Please take all of those factors into consideration and don't judge me when I say that I was a cranky gal.

We got Jack back when we were trying to get ready to go out-of-town to go camping.

I was cooking up a storm in the kitchen.

I went to take a pot from the stove to the kitchen sink and tripped over that dumb dog.

Fell right on my face.

Strike one, Jack.

Strike one.

So then, we go camping.

We stopped at the pet store and bought a $15 heavy-duty leash for Jack, so we could tie him up at the campsite.

Why heavy-duty?

I'm glad you asked.

Jack chewed through every leash we ever bought him.

Once, he chewed through his leash, ran down a dock, and almost knocked an infant seat off of the dock.


The infant seat contained the infant.

So, we bought a heavy-duty leash.

We get to the campsite.

We tie Jack up.

2 minutes later, he has chewed through his leash and he is running through the campground, terrorizing the fellow campers.

Strike two, Jack.

Strike two.

Over the next two months, he just never settles in.

He knocks children down.

He escapes from our yard.

He eats all the dog food and won't let Mabel eat it.

And he generally smells bad.

Strike three, Jack.

Strike three.

Now, please understand that all of this truly was hard for me.

You see, I really loved these dogs with all of my heart.

But then I had kids.

And life got busy.

And I just don't have time to chase dogs down.

I don't have time to worry about them escaping from our yard.

And I most certainly don't enjoy falling flat on my face when I am trying to prepare my family an exquisite meal.

In all honesty, Jack needs a huge place where he can run and be free.

We were not good for him anymore.

So, a wonderful lady  named Carol came into my life.

She ran a golden retriever ranch.

She would either adopt him out to a good home.

Or, he would just live in happiness on her ranch for the rest of his life.

So, Jack went to live with Carol in October of 2008.

I am sure he is having a grand time running rampant, digging up strange carcasses to eat, and getting lots of well-deserved attention from Carol.

But he will always have a special place in my heart . . .

jack and nemo


  1. yes! I relate well with this story Taylor.....I have a dog that comes to mind.... know of any Jack Russell ranches?

  2. love these stories! thanks for sharing your dog adventures!! :-)

  3. My husband's parent's dog (got that?) is a "precious terror" as well--but they still have her. She has separation anxiety and major fear of thunderstorms. She is a chocolate lab pitt bull mix--so she shaped much like a little refrigerator. She got so crazed during a thunderstorm once while the family was away that she chewed THROUGH her metal cage in the garage and proceeded to completely chomp his father's jeep--she tore off the license plate and chewed all around the wheel wells and eventually busted the glass out of one of the garage windows to "escape". Consequently, she has no teeth. But, Lord, that puppy dog is a sweet one! ;)

  4. First, in response to your question, "blue hair" is a disrespectful name for older people who drive really slow, move really slow, etch. My grandma would spank my bottom to this very day for even using the phrase, but the pill bottles made it irresistible. Also, I happen to love, love, love elderly people. They are my favorite patients, hands down. That being said...

    Isn't it amazing what we will do for our pets? I love your dog tales!

  5. Oh, well I learned something new! :) Favorite patients . . .what do you do?

  6. My dog is completely terrified of thunderstorms-and fireworks! No teeth?! Crazy!

  7. Thanks, Bimlissa!

  8. Ha! Sorry!
    But maybe we should look into "Two-year old boy" ranches?
    Oh, just kidding.

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have to say I am not even interested in having a dog, because the couple we had while I was a child were trouble with a capital "T!" We do keep chickens, but they stay OUTside and for the most part do their own thing. Also, the pic of your kids in your header with your son bawling made me laugh out loud:-)

  10. [...] we used to have two dogs.  To hear all about that nonsense click here, here, and here.  In that order.  That is important.  The whole universe will collapse if you click [...]
