Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snuggle Time


This is my oldest.

My first-born.

Last night, she started to cry.

Me:  What's the matter?

Sweet Pea:  I just miss you.

Now, I don't believe this one bit.

We had not been out of each other's sight all day.

Sweet Pea:  I just want to snuggle with you.

Well, I can do that.

Sweet Pea:  Tell me a story from when I was a baby.

So I start to tell her this story.

And as I am telling it, she is grinning.

Her eyes are shining.

I am very  much enjoying my special moment with my big girl.

Me:  I love you.

Sweet Pea grins and smiles.

Sweet Pea:  You have a really big booger hanging from your nose.


Well, so much for that.


  1. Not the ending I was expecting! lol! LOL! ~sorry!

  2. typical! kids have that way of ruining those moments!! I had to stop taking my daughter into the dressing rooms very early on due to those types of comments!!! :-)

  3. Kids never fail to ruin the best moments for us moms! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Awwww how precious! Don't you just treasure those moments?

    Ya'll have a terrifically blessed day!!!

  5. HaHaHaHa! I was totally surprised by that ending- sounds like something I DID to my own mom! haha

  6. Oh, so sweet. I love little stories like this! LOL!

  7. Yesterday my husband's surgeon had one. I was fretting about it the whole time. I hope one of his nurses had the nerve to tell him.

    My friends and I ask if we have "tooth friends" or "nose friends." Maybe you could teach your girls this very important communication skill for girlfriends!

  8. Nose friends-that sounds a little classier! Thanks!

  9. My mom said that I would have totally said something like that!

  10. Oh, yes . . . dressing room comments . . .

  11. Well, it certainly made me laugh!

  12. Sounds like something I would have heard from you!

  13. This is still precious despite the ending... which,I also find very precious.

  14. [...] Favorite Daisy Mae Moment of 2009:  Our heartwarming conversation a few weeks ago. [...]

  15. Great post! By the way, I love the picture of your kiddos at the top of your blog. Isn't that how it always is? One person never wants their picture taken -- absolutely precious. I have to tell you, my oldest boy, almost 5, LOVES to hear stories about when he was born or when he was a baby. And Momma loves telling them! Thanks for sharing.

  16. [...] Lumberjack’s Wife can! Read her post “Snuggle Time” and link up with your [...]
