Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Recital

The girls had their Christmas sing-a-long at school yesterday.

And thanks to my lovely sister-in-law, Lisa, I got to attend the sing-a-long "dude-free."

My dudes are busy.

Let's all give Lisa a round of applause.

On a side note, wanna hear something funny?

My aunt thought that  Lisa wrote a blog.

Which blog?

The Pioneer Woman.

Go, Lisa!

Goodness . . . I am really off-subject.


The Christmas Sing-a-Long.

This is the kindergarten class.

Daisy Mae is the sweet child in the purple pajamas.

No, we did not have a bad morning.

It was pajama day at school.

Can you see her?

The music teacher is putting the microphone in front of her face.

Can you see her?

"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"

Check out those killer lips.

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what note in "Rudolph" would cause one's lips to smooch out so?


That girl has always had some killer lips.

baby h

So, the kindergarten class is finished leading their song.

The music teacher asks the whole school (grades K-5) if anyone can spell "Santa."

Guess whose child's hand immediately shoots up?


Sweet Pea.

But you can't see her.

She is in green pajamas.

See her?

She's looking for me.

Did you see me, Mom?

Did you?

I spelled Santa!

Nailed it.

I am thrilled that she had a better experience spelling in front of others than I did.

Singing a song about Santa.

Want to hear a recent conversation between me and Sweet Pea regarding Santa?

Sweet Pea: Mom.  Tell me the truth.  Is Santa real?

I cannot tell a lie.

(Name that president.)

Me:  Nope.   He is just for fun.

Sweet Pea:  Mom.  Just tell me the truth.

Me:  I just did.

Sweet Pea:  You are just teasing.  Santa is real.

I actually think that conversation has solidified her belief in Santa even more.

She's pretty die-hard.

Can you believe her luck?

She gets to sing in the microphone, too!

This is a shining moment for my Sweet Pea.

It was quite a day for my Lumberjacklings.


Thank you all for the wonderful Christmas Traditions ideas!

I loved all of them.

Here are some I am considering bringing to the attention of the Lumberjack . . .

(wish me luck . . . I fear he is the Grinch)

*having the kids write letters to Santa and saving them every year so we can look back on them

*campout by the Christmas tree

*reading the Bible at night on Christmas Eve

*going to look at Christmas lights

*giving the kids a special ornament each year

and my absolute favorite:

*“What God wants for Christmas” on the 7 days leading up to Christmas (or however your family wants to use it) you open a gift and read a little poem. The gifts are all pieces of the nativity until the last day, which is a mirror, indicating that God wants YOU!.

Love the mirror idea!

Thanks everyone!

We came up with our own idea last night.

Would you like to hear it?


The girls really want to buy everyone in the family a gift.

And while the Lumberjack and I appreciate their giving attitudes, we are aware of how much money is in their banks.

We are also good at simple math.

The girls just cannot afford to be so generous.

So we split our family into two teams:

Team 1:  The Lumberjack, Daisy Mae, and Handsome Dude.

Team 2:  Me (still don't know what to call myself), Sweet Pea, and Little Dude.

We drew names between the teams.

For example, I drew Daisy Mae.  Sweet Pea drew the Lumberjack.  Little Dude drew Handsome Dude.

We are going out to purchase gifts with a $5 limit.

On the Saturday before Christmas.

Oh, man.

If you live near us, you had better hope you run into the Lumberjack.

The Lumberjack!


For Christmas?!

Right before Christmas!?

Oh . . . perfect!


  1. It looks like it was such a great event! I love that the kids are all in jammies :) That is just too cute!

    And the Santa conversation? That's too awesome. You tell her the truth, and her belief is stronger! Gosh, I just love kids!

  2. When Alex was little Melissa would take him to the dollar store to buy gifts for the family. We would open those on Christmas Eve and they were the best! Some of our funniest Christmas moments!

  3. hey, good post and i also like your page design too. Have bookmarked your site and will stop by again

  4. we have the "what does God want for Christmas set" - I would offer it to you because my kids are too old for it now never know!! :-)
    i can't believe they sang in their pajamas!! my kids don't have very nice ones, i would feel a lot of pressure! and i think my little girlie would be upset not wearing a fancy dress, any excuse!
    how was shopping today? we were at walmart - CRAZY!! and then i headed out to the mall in the valley - even MORE crazy!

  5. Wow, your sister in law is PW? Can I come over for Christmas to meet her? ;)

  6. They are so cute, shining stars! I love the story about Santa. My youngest was the same way, he also thought I was lying about him not being real. Got to love kids :) Hope the shopping went well, I also braved a few stores yesterday and was actually surprised it wasn't busier!

  7. Isn't your name, for the purposes of this blog, Lumberjill?

  8. I hope you did your best to "try" to look pretty. ha. Way to go Daisy Mae. I had the same experience with Neil but he was much older. Unfortunately he believed me and was crushed.
