Friday, December 18, 2009

A tragic afternoon . . .

The dudes go down for a nap every day after lunch.

Every day.

Sick Day

Can I get an "Amen?"

For it is during this precious nap time that I accomplish everything I needed to get done for the day, but I couldn't because the dudes were awake.

And when they wake up again, everything I accomplished becomes undone.

Then my husband comes home.

And I have yogurt on my shirt, my hair is a mess, dinner is still a theory, and the house is destroyed.

 And it looks like I did not one thing all day long.

Yet, I did.

Oh, such is life.

But the best part about my afternoon nap time is my afternoon cup of coffee.

So today, I was particularly needing this cup of coffee.

My head was pounding.

The room was spinning.


I am not addicted to caffeine.

How dare you even infer that?

Infer . . .

Did I use that word right?

Mind you, I have not had my coffee yet.

I went into the kitchen and started the pot.

Then I sat down and waited for that precious, life-saving "beep."

I walked into the kitchen and found this:

Oh, this is tragic.

And for so many reasons:

1)  I brewed water.  This will not help me.

2)  Clearly, my coffee pot needs to be cleaned on the inside.  Hence, the brown water.

3)  Clearly, my coffee pot needs to be cleaned on the outside.  But who has time for such trivial tasks?

So, here I am blogging about it while I wait for that glorious "beep" once again.

Luckily, I am well-stocked on the most essential part of my afternoon:

Oh, help my spare tire.


Guess what I just heard!?


  1. I have brewed water twice this past week!! it always makes me sad.

  2. How do you make it through the morning without coffee? I would never last until naptime.

  3. Ha! Make it through the morning? The afternoon cup is my 2nd one, of course! :)

  4. I always feel like my hubby probably assumes I just sit around all day. Because even without kids, and even after cleaning all day, there are always more dishes in the sink, laundry in the hamper, dog hair everywhere, etc. etc. So.....what did you hear?!

  5. LoL. I am so glad I am not the only one who is addicted to creamer ! Love u Taylor for sharing and making me laugh today !

  6. "Amen, Sista!!"
    Hope that second round of coffee was awesome, I mean, how could it not be with chocolate raspberry creamer?

  7. Now that is truly a tragic story. Coffee time is sacred.

  8. The beep, of course!

  9. at least you brewed water....I've been known to brew air which is also known as ruining a perfectly good glass pot

  10. You are so good at describing it all, I can feel your pain.......

  11. Sadly, I think most of our traditions revolve around baking. They are old enough to help and they love it! We also string popcorn. We drink eggnog and gingerale by the tree when it is all decorated. The kids are allowed to open their stockings in the middle of the night if they get up. But have to wait for us for presents.

  12. Yes, that is truly one of life's tragic moments. But seriously folks, if you have healthy children, that's about the best gift we can ever get. I feel so heartbroken when I see parents of kids with cancer or other life-threatening conditions. Can you imagine how awful? Well, it just puts things in perspective. But coffee, that's right up there too. It keeps us going to raise the kids properly.
