Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Why I need my Lumberjack.

The Lumberjack has been working out-of-town. 

I have decided that he can never leave me.

I am helpless without him.

But, it is just too cold here.

And as I type this, I am wearing a t-shirt, two sweaters, socks, and my shoes.

I really hope Santa brings me some slippers for Christmas.

But for now, shoes will do.

I have been continuously loading the fire.

My hands are cracking from the dry heat.

I am too cold to clean up.

Look at this mess.


This is why I hate wood heat.

I did sweep up that mess after I snapped that picture and my broom almost caught fire.


There is ash and dirt and bark all over my floors.

My piano even has ash on it.

I have been loading the fire like crazy.

But still it is freezing.

My kitchen sink pipes are frozen.


The Lumberjack talked me through exactly what I needed to do to fix this situation over the phone.

I love him.

Unfortunately, my laundry room pipes are still flowing, so I have no excuse to get out of laundry today.

So, I am sitting at home.

Me and the lumberjacklings are bundled up.

Our hair looks like this:

And we sit.

And we wait.

We wait for our Lumberjack to come home and make it all better.

He will come home from working outside all day, and he will not complain.

I will complain that it was too cold to do laundry.

But he won't complain that he had to work outside from dawn until dusk wiring houses.

He will take over the fire loading.

Clearly, I am not doing a good job at "keeping the home fires burning."

Name that country artist.

If I was doing a good job, perhaps our pipes would not have frozen.

But, I tried . . . honestly I did.

I even woke up at 4 am to load the beast.

Oh, Lumberjack.

I miss you.

I need you.

Why must you love wood heat so?

Please come home and make it all better.

I am a wuss.

*Tragic Update*

5 minutes after I posted this, my Lumberjack called and said he has to stay another night.


My poor, cold Lumberjack.

Don't worry.

He's wearing his long underwear.

I checked.


So, everyone in my family has a blog code name, except me.


Child 1- Sweet Pea

Child 2- Daisy Mae

Child 3- Handsome Dude

Child 4- Little Dude



I welcome any suggestions.



  1. I thought you were the Lumberjill. Is that not so?

    And is John McCormack the right answer? I didn't think he was a country artist. I know he did a song called, "Keep the Home Fires Burning".

    And where is my blog name?

  2. Well, you're THE LUMBERJACKS WIFE of course...


  3. Well, I'd second LUMBERJILL, but somehow it seems to imply that you can't walk very well.

    How about LOVELY LADY?

  4. Well oh my stinkin heck - no wonder you are cold! Put on some pants girl!

  5. My above response did not in include this quote from your post that I put in it -

  6. Ok - third time! Apparently when you put the little signs up that I used around the sentence I copied it makes it disappear.
    You said -

    And as I type this, I am wearing a t-shirt, two sweaters, socks, and my shoes.

    Forget it, I am a dork - it might have been funny if I didn't have follow up posts and explanations.....

  7. Well, I did walk right smack into a door once and gash my eye, so that might fit!

  8. Ah . . . very true!

  9. I guess I could be Lumberjill.
    John McCormack is not the singer I was thinking of.
    You can have a blog name. Ideas?

  10. It was very funny. Good job, Ms. Littlebrownhouse. :)

  11. haha! I get it! Yes, I am wearing pants. No, I am not scantily clad.

  12. I say Mrs. Lumberjack, Lumbergal, or lumberwife...

  13. I like Lumberjill :)
    It is just toooo cold. You are lucky to have such a great Lumberjack! Amazing how much men can withstand!
    I am glad we can keep in touch through Facebook too, and I always get the update from your blog, which I love :)

  14. Oh, how can I relate this week!! I told Ryan I want a pair of Carharts for Christmas due to all the manual labor I have been doing at our house too. Today was day 10 of me flying solo (not that I am counting or anything...Right:) Our pipes are also frozen...who would have known? Oh well, I am very thankful for all he does when my man is home. We are lucky to have such hard-workers!

  15. I agree with Lumberjill. This blog is great. Makes my whole little family smile. Stay warm.

  16. I have no brilliant ideas, just that you could be the "Mama" or something. That's what I am here, you know. Men are weird about the cold. Brian had to change a tire on my rig and the oil, too, and I told him it was too cold, but he said, oh no, the cold doesn't bother me. What? He is crazy. The cold is miserable. Anyhew, just focus on that Mexico trip coming up soon. Think happy, hot weather thoughts....

  17. Oh! And I forgot to answer the question! The answer is "Ronnie Milsap" . Thank you, thank you. You can bring my trophy or reward or whatever it is tomorrow. :)

  18. Good job! You win!

  19. Yes . . . we need our men.
    You would look stunning in Carhartts!

  20. Thank you!

  21. Not up on country music singers. My vote is also Lumberjill. They have these expensive iron tea kettle thingies that you keep filled with water on the stove to add moisture to the air. I imagine that filling it and carrying it to the stove would be very heavy. But humidifiers don't cost that much & being a parent of four, you probably have one somewhere. If you get to the beauty supply store, get this cream in a jar called cocoa butter. Works really well. hate that you are cold and I must remind you that you need lined curtains to cover the windows.

  22. What do you think I should do with the cocoa butter? Use it like lotion, or put it in hair? Hmmm . . . . so confusing . . . .
