Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ten Things Thursday: New Year's Edition!


Here are 10 thrilling things that have occurred in our lives.

These are listed in chronological order, not in order of importance.

1)  Handsome Dude turned 2!

Best Handsome Dude Moment of 2009:

When I got out of the shower and went to check on him and found him lounging on the couch, eating ice cream straight out of the container, using a baby spoon, and watching Barney.

This guy has really tested my patience this year.

And I love him.

2)  Daisy Mae turned 5 and started Kindergarten.

2009_9_08 017

Favorite Daisy Mae moment of 2009:

This conversation:

Daisy Mae:  Mommy!  Is today the day you are helping out in my classroom?

Me: Yes.

Daisy Mae:  Could you please try your hardest to look pretty?

3)  Little Dude turned 1:

Best Little Dude Moment of 2009:

When he started to smile.  This took awhile for Little Dude.  It was a relief to see.

4)  Yours truly turned 28!

And I even got to celebrate while sporting my camping hair!


Best *Me* moment of 2009:

I started a blog in June!  It's been fun!

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read this.

It really floats this stay-at-home-mom-who-craves-adult-interaction's boat.

5)  We went camping . . . a lot.

My favorite camping trip had to be the one where the guys made an extreme playground.

Here are some pictures from that trip:

6)  We also got the whole family out on several bike trips:

7)  Handsome Dude got glasses.

This may seem minor.

But it has consumed a lot of time.

We are on a first name basis with the friendly people at the optical repair shop.

8)  The Lumberjack turned 29!

And he bought himself this here parachute.

Favorite Lumberjack moment of 2009:

Have you not read this blog?

9)  Mabel turned 9!

A whole lot of work

Poor Mabel.

She leads a pretty uneventful life.

Except for that fact that she hates the postman.

That's about all that's new with her.

10)  Sweet Pea turned 7 and started the first grade!

Notice how Sweet Pea isn't wearing her glasses in this picture.

This is because Handsome Dude broke hers.


He breaks his and hers.

It's fabulously convenient.

Favorite Daisy Mae Moment of 2009:  Our heartwarming conversation a few weeks ago.


Well . . . that's our year!

New Year's Resolutions to come.

What are your favorite happenings of this year?


  1. Handsome Dude really needs to not break his and Sweet Pea's glasses. He really needs to wear his glasses.

    Happy Birthday to Sweet Pea. She was really funny over the phone today. When I told her I loved her she said, "Well, of course you love me! I'm the best kid in the world!"


  2. Your blog has been a great gift to all of us! And you are such a supportive blogging friend - thanks!

  3. Happy New Year! I am so glad I found your blog. You always make me laugh.

  4. Thank you . . . same to you!

  5. Thank you! Happy New Year to you, too!

  6. Nice photo of the fams with all the bikes. Love em. Uncle Harry also liked to lay on couch and eat ice cream out of the carton. But then he used to hide the empty carton, AND the spoon behind the couch. Ugh.
