Tuesday, December 29, 2009

One of these things is not like the other.

Little Dude.

He has been a cranky-pants for photo-taking sessions as of late.

It seems as if he ruins every picture by crying.




So, now, since I know you look forward to them so much, I present you with another song tribute.


Try and contain your excitement.

Thank you.


"One of these things is not like the other"

"One of these things just doesn't belong"

"Can you tell which thing is not like the others?"

"By the time I finish my song"

"Did you guess which thing is not like the others?"

"Did you guess which thing just doesn't belong?"

"If you guessed this one is not like the others:"

"Then you are absolutely . . . right!"

Name that tv show.


  1. Sesame Street - and I think it is great to have some individuality - it would just probably be nice if it wasn't so cranky!
    Then again - on a positive note - what would be a great
    career for someone predisposed to crying in every photo. Maybe a professional mourner? Or a candidate for Tylenol commercials? Oh - how about the poster child for giving to underprivileged children?
    That sad face of his would rake in the dough! Hmm, maybe something to look in to?

  2. poor little guy, what is he so unhappy about?? :-)

  3. Best Little Dude picture ever I posted on FB check it out.

  4. Is he about 18 months old? My kids were major cranky pants at that age.... And again at three....

    My favorite Sesame Street song is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12...And they sang the numbers over and over and over with a pin ball machine in the background.

  5. Poor little dude, he's just not a happy camper.

    Ya'll have a wonderful New Year filled with many 'happy' blessings. :o)

  6. the cutest thing is that everyone else is soooooo happy! As if he isn't crying at all!

  7. I laughed so hard I snorted. Someday, little dude's wife will thank you for these photos. Trust me on this one.

  8. Perhaps you should check his diaper.................Maybe lumberjack ducked taped it and his bottom is irritated!

  9. Mom and Dad:
    You really need to log me out of your computer and sign yourselves in.

  10. Think of the funny memories he's making. I mean, if he smiled happily in all those photos, what would you have to blog about? :) And I don't know Andi, but I also love the 1-12 song, it's a favorite that we still sing in our house just for fun. I know, I'm lame.

  11. I know! They are just so used to his crying, I guess. Poor Little Dude. :)
