Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Lumberjack takes some Pictures

My Lumberjack.

Oh, how I love him.

But sometimes . . . sometimes he does things just to irk me.

Does anyone else have a husband like that?

Well, my husband thinks it is hysterical to take horribly unflattering pictures of me.

Then he shows me said pictures.

Then he laughs and laughs and says,

"You look so stupid!"

So, in honor of my husband, I would like to present a photo collage featuring some of his best captures of yours truly.

And what better way to present these horrific photos than to add words from one of my favorite songs.


P.S.-Name that artist

P.P.S-Notice how I am not making any of these pictures large-sized for you.

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife.

Go for my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

Don't let your friends tell ya you have no taste
go ahead and marry anyway

Her face is ugly her eyes don't match

take it from me she's a better catch

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife

Go for my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

Dude 1:say man
Dude 2:hey man
Dude 1: I saw your wife the other day

Dude 2: Yeah
Dude 1: Yeah and Shes Ugly
Dude 2: Yeah shes Ugly but she sure can cook baby.

Dude 1: Yeah

P.P.P.S-I can't really cook either.

Good thing I have a sweet daughter like Daisy Mae to occasionally snap a picture of me . . .

otherwise I might have to feel self-conscious.

That Lumberjack.

He's grounded from the camera.

P.P.P.P.S-If you have never heard this song, click here to hear it.


  1. never heard the song.......very curious about it, though!

  2. Really?!?!? Click here to hear it:

  3. Oh good-I needed a song stuck in my head today : )

    That is definitely one that stays on the brain.

    I have very few pics of myself on my Christmas blog post...I have issues with most pictures of myself. I always think, "I don't actually look like that do I?"

    Happy New Year!

  4. I'm with joyce on that one. I am remembering a family photo shoot attempt 2 years ago, complaining about how I looked and having Jason say "It looks normal to me"... sigh, I guess I always think I look better than I actually do. There is a verse in the Bible about someone looking in a mirror and walking away and forgetting what they look like... maybe that's a blessing. I am not as self concious all day :)

  5. I love that song...I too have a husband who thinks it's hilarious to torment me. He thinks it's cute when I'm mad. I wonder, will I still be cute when I'm standing over him with a frying pan in my hand in my sleep?

  6. Gotta love Jimmy Soul! I still remember the first time I heard that song and I've loved it ever since! I sing it to Scott often. :)

  7. Yep, I've heard the song - catchy tune. You know, obviously I think I'm alot better looking that I am (thinner too) cuz I never see a photo of me that is flattering.,...,

  8. Love the song but if those are your ugly pictures all I have to say is ... whateva!! You're one of THOSE girls ... good-lookin no matter what.

    I think Lumberjack likes you. Boys are always teasing girls they like.

  9. Where is that verse found? Never heard it before? :)

  10. Yeah . . . I think he likes me, too. :)

  11. I greatly dislike pictures of myself! :)

  12. seriously. Those are not bad photos. You haven't seen bad ones until you've seen some of my "special" pictures that will NEVER be on the internet. EVER!

  13. OK Taylor Yes it was Jimmy Soul his real name was James McCleese, Mr. McCleese died on my birthday June 25, 1988..Now my question for you is what year was the song released, and what number did it peak on the charts??

  14. Not a clue! And what is up with famous people dying on your special day?

  15. Oh by the way #1 in 1963

  16. Yea, you are right, Mike Jackson, Farah, and Jimmy Soul......hmm.... Well what about you dads birthday?? Abe Lincoln and the Titanic??? What's that aboot?

  17. You should investigate this. What about your other siblings? Perhaps all 6 of your dates of birth are destined for disaster?

  18. How can you ever think you don't look good, or have camping hair is beyond me. You always look good. Yep, Jimmy Soul. I have that song. I wonder if I put it on the girls CDs? Have you heard "Mother-in-law"? Totally cute. I never knew you liked oldies.
