Sunday, December 13, 2009

I need to talk to a supervisor.

I have a complaint.

Do you know what's in that there baggie?

A tooth.

A tooth that was placed under the pillow of one Miss Daisy Mae.

Early this morning, Daisy Mae trudged down the stairs, held up the bag and announced:

"Look what the Tooth Fairy left me.  This is not very fun."

Clearly, the Tooth Fairy did not show up.

Like she has anything else to do.

Don't worry, I think I've got this situation under control.

You see, Daisy Mae put the tooth under her own pillow.

Then, last night, she snuck into Sweet Pea's bed and slept with her.

I simply told Daisy Mae that the Tooth Fairy probably thought she was not home and will come back tomorrow.


I'm quick like that.

Now, I know that in reality, the Tooth Fairy probably stayed up too late to  watch a movie with a tall, dark, and handsome man and forgot all about her toothly duties.

But this simply just cannot happen again.

Thank you.


  1. poor thing! :-) i just let my kids pick out a candy bar next time we are at the store, much easier!

  2. We must have the same tooth fairy, because ours is always forgetting her toothly duties as well......

  3. Our house too, Lani, our house too!
    ~and yes, Taylor, you are very quick to have come up with that. I once snuck something under a pillow after a child showed me that the tooth fairy forgot, and told them to look harder b/c maybe she left something but forgot to take the tooth... hmmm....

  4. Whatever you do, don't let Santa forget to come!

  5. I too have forgot my toothfairy duties......more than once. The last time it happened my daughter came out of her room crying, because she could not find the tooth or money. She said " The tooth fairy ripped me off, she took my tooth, and did not leave any money."

  6. The last time my 7 yr old lost a tooth, she came to me and said, "mom, it's been 3 nights since I lost my tooth, and the tooth fairy still hasn't came. If she doesn't come tonight, I'm going to be really ticked off." I started laughing, and said, "Why are you telling me this?" She gave me the look and said, "I'm just saying.." I think she's in on the secret but isn't giving up the idea, just in case!

  7. I tell the kids that the tooth fairy around here is always broke! :-)

  8. [...] Interruption:  I am not using a picture from an old post. [...]
