Sunday, December 6, 2009

Weekend Update

Here are some fabulously thrilling things that have occurred this weekend:

1)  On Friday night, I made homemade pizza for the first time.

2)  Also on Friday night, I was going to make Tasty Fudge Pie, but I was out of flour.  Who is ever out of flour?  I considered that a sign that maybe I should not be making something called, "Oh My Fudge Pie" . . . you know with me supposedly doing Weight Watchers and all.

3)  On Saturday morning I made Monkey Bread, scrambled eggs, and sausage.  I also managed to have monkey bread bubble over and get all over the bottom of my oven.

4)  I cleaned my oven.

5)  Next we went to take our Christmas Card Photo.  You all know how that went. 

6)  Then we went to get our Christmas tree.  You would think that a Lumberjack family, such as ourselves, would normally head up to the mountains to find that perfect tree.

But you see, I like full, beautiful trees.

And the only ones we ever find in the mountain are Charlie Brown trees.

So, we spend hours driving and searching and scouting and driving and we (I) never find one we (I) like.

And then, of course, kids are throwing up from the windy roads, the Lumberjack is cranky because he brought a chainsaw and wasn't able to use it, and by the time we get back into town, we are out of gas and time.

 So, for the sake of preserving our marriage, we have decided that it is cheaper and easier to just head to our local grocery store.

7)  Guess what else grocery stores have:  flour.

8)  We decorated the tree:

9)  Sadly, 3 ornaments have already perished.

10)  For dinner on Saturday night, I made another pizza and Oh-My-Fudge Pie. 

 I also made my own pie crust. 

This is something that has invoked fear in me for years. 

Now, I don't want to toot my own horn, but it worked!

Yay, me!

11)  Today, we went to church and then I had a taco and a burrito from Del Taco.

But I did drink Diet Pepsi.

12)  And as soon as I finish writing this post, we are heading off to my parent's house for dinner.

The meal is sure to be delicious, exquisite, and loaded with calories.

13)  I can't quite put my finger on it, but for some reason I am dreading my weigh-in with my three mean friends on Tuesday.

I don't know why . . .


  1. Mean Friend #2 here......well hopefully you will have good sense in your counting tomorrow before Tuesday weigh in. I am actually feeling pretty good about it but not because I've been an angel it's because I CAN"T eat anything! I came down with strep throat overnight and even though I have started antibiotics it as gotten worse. Maybe I'll actually stay within my point range tomorrow! LOL!

  2. the tree looks beautiful! I always love your christmas trees. and you are gorgeous and skinny - don't give the silly weigh in another thought! :-)

  3. I agree with Melissa. Diet, Shmiet. That's my motto. (and it shows....)

  4. First of all I don't think anyone should do weigh in's during the holidays. Follow the plan (with in reason), but no weigh ins until mid January.

    Second - Kudos on the pizza and pie crust. These are 2 things that really aren't that hard to do, but instill fear in so many. Just don't tell anyone how easy they actually are and they will think you are Julia Child.

    Lastly, your tree is so pretty. Keep going to the grocery store for them because it looks great!

  5. "First of all I don’t think anyone should do weigh in’s during the holidays. Follow the plan (with in reason), but no weigh ins until mid January."

    I totes agree with Christine C. Who is this sensible woman? I know none of your blog- following friends. Do they know me? Probably not, which is unfortunate considering I am the Lumberjill's beloved only sister.

    I like the tree. I will not be getting a tree this year and am very happy with that. I have also avoided listening to Christmas music.

    I need a date on Friday the 18th, I think the Lumberjill should make a Christmas drive over to see me (can I get a blog name too?).

  6. Beautiful tree. And i love the new pic at the heading of your blog, so fitting, because truly, who has children that will all sit AND smile perfectly for the camera? :)
    I agree with the above posters. No weigh in's until after the holidays! It is just torture. I have given up the diet thing all together until after the holidays.

  7. "the Lumberjack is cranky because he brought a chainsaw and wasn’t able to use it" This cracks me up! Way to go on the pizza and pie! I just bought stuff to make a homemade pizza too! I'll let you know how it turns out. :)

  8. Sounds like you had a pretty productive weekend! I loved reading about your Christmas card!

    I need to go find our Christmas tree here soon, but I'm nervous with a 18 month old traipsing around.

  9. I think my scale my be "conveniently" broken tomorrow. :)

  10. WhatEVER, Lani. You are a skinny minnie.

  11. Gorgeous and Skinny? Why, I knew there was a reason I kept you around . . .

  12. Yes, you can have a blog name. I'll get back to you on that.

  13. I like your ideas! No weigh-ins until January? Would you like to join our weight loss group?!?

  14. Thanks-and I am going to miss you at you know where. :(

  15. I would never do a tree without my main man! You are brave!

  16. Yes, please do!

  17. there's a really yummy play on Monkey Bread called Gorilla Bread. It's almost the exact same thing, only you get a block of cream cheese and cut it into chunks and wrap the little biscuit bits around the cream cheese bits. Then, just toss in cinnamon sugar and continue as normal. These have been holiday staples in my family ever since I can remember.

  18. [...] Weekend Update-just going through what happened over the [...]
