Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Goober Parents Update:

My parents are technology goobers.

My mom goes to Yahoo! to search for Google.

My dad had 2 songs on his IPod.

Now, two years later, he is proud of the fact that he has well over 100 songs on his IPod.


Grant and Connie's Camera 268

Over a week ago, I was using my parent's computer and I logged into Wordpress as "The Lumberjack's Wife."

Cause that's who I am.

Well, this week my parents have been leaving comments on my blog . . . as "The Lumberjack's Wife."

Silly goobers.

So, some comments are me, the actual Lumberjack's Wife.

And some are my goober parents who probably haven't a clue that this is happening.

I will try and remember to remedy this situation the next time I am at their house.

But until then . . . .


I will have to trust you . . . my gentle readers . . . to determine which comments are mine.

And which comments are my silly parents.

Good luck!


  1. It's not that difficult to figure out.....:)

  2. Sounds just like my parents. Mine still have dial-up internet and don't even know IPods exist. The first digital camera experience happened this Christmas for them and they actually wrote down instructions complete with little pictures as I taught them how to take a picture!! Hilarious.

  3. Know that you are not alone. My Goober mother is the same way. She will call me sometimes and ask why she can't log into her bank account and want me to fix it. Then not understand when I tell her she is locked out because she typed in her password wrong too many times.

  4. Hey all you youngsters out there. Some of us have dial-up because we refuse to pay extra. I doubt you could figure out stereos and turntable speeds and weights and tape deck vu meters and cartridges and stylus'es. It's just what you're used to. We get there, we're just slower. You know, we grew up
    with dial phones, you young whipper snappers you. Let's talk when you're kids are grown up and give you something you've never heard of before. And you'll be saying but I can already do that with my (antique) iPod.
