Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ten Things Tuesday

It is the Tuesday before Christmas.

Life is hectic.

And here are Ten Random Things that In No Way Relate to One Another:

1)  She did it.

Well, technically, I did it.

But my mom got her Christmas cards out on Monday.

And that concludes all Christmas Card Photo Drama for the year.

And mother learned something new.

She learned the difference between "copy and paste" and "cut and paste."

She was amazed.

I, too, am amazed at what a simple right-click can do.

2)  Want to hear something funny the Lumberjack said to me last night?

Oh, man.

It's good.


"Gosh.  You sure have been cooking a lot of beef lately."

Ummm . . . .


Sir Lumberjack, remember . . . you helped to shoot a cow?

Then you helped to butcher it.

Then you picked it up from the place that makes the beef into nice little white packages.

Then you helped load the entire cow into our freezer.

Do you remember these events, Lumberjack?

3)  So, I made fun of my dad in the post "More Christmas Card Photo Drama."

I made fun of his 2-song IPod.

He commented for the first time on my blog on that post.

His comment?

"Hey! Back off. I have well over a hundred songs on my IPOD. Dad."

Ok, Dad.

You win.

100 songs is quite a bit to have on an IPod that you have owned for 2 years.

I stand corrected.

4)  Why you don't come to this site for craft ideas:


The girls and I made a nativity yesterday out of toilet paper tubes, construction paper, tape, cotton balls, and an old egg carton.

I am sure Mary had bright red hair with braids like Pipi Longstocking.

"Mom . . . this is gonna be so awesome . . . "

"We should keep this forever."

5)  Handsome Dude saw "Tanta Cause on da Bire Cruck" last night.

Dear Santa,

Handsome Dude needs some bigger pajamas.

Thank you.

He is only 2.

But he has skipped over sizes 2T and 3T went straight to 4T.

I keep checking his birth year.

He really is 2.

6)  Years ago, the Lumberjack's siblings took a photo of him with a fish he caught.

I don't know much about fish, but apparently it is not that impressive of a catch.

As a joke, his siblings printed it out and hung it at the local Sportsman's Warehouse.

So there's the Lumberjack with his not-so-impressive fish hanging up on the bragging wall.

So, he went there and took it down and gave it to Daisy Mae, who has kept it in her room all this time.

Yesterday, she made it into an ornament and hung it on the tree:

And she apparently decided he needed a tattoo.

7)  I am baking cookies all day with my mom.

Oh, and the four little Lumberjacklings will be tagging along.


8)  I am still plugging in my car.

9)  I have another appointment for my varicose veins today.

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It didn't work.

They are still there and bother me something fierce.

10)  And while we are on the subject of horrible things we have to go through because of our children, allow me to share a horror story with you.

Brace yourselves.


Little Dude has his 18 month well-check.

Little Dude can be a pretty mellow guy.

But when he is mad, he is mad.

So, they need to weigh him.

He will not do it.

He is thrashing.

And screaming.

And flailing.

And thrashing.

So the nurse looks at me and says,

"Okay, Mama, we are going to need to weigh you and then weigh you holding Little Dude."

Oh, the horror!

Okay, normally, if I weigh myself, I don't eat for hours beforehand.

I can't have any clothes on (gasp!)

I must have just used the bathroom.

And I have to clean out my ears.

Because that is the only time I would get a realistic weight.

But, because of Little Dude, I have to stand on that scale, fully clothed with winter layers, full bladder, BOOTS, and who knows how much ear wax.

And I have to get weighed at the pediatric office.

It is one of those horrible scales that you first have to guess which 50 pound bracket you are in.





You do not get to know how much I weighed.


  1. is this one of those times where I live up to my name.... nah, cause even though I am mean friend #1 I am not cruel non-friend... :)

    I love the nativity. You should definitely save it! The kids will love to pull it out year after year!

  2. Oh, my...I would have died at the ped's office if I had to get on the scale with one of the kids....did you comfort yourself with chocolate afterwords??

  3. I purposely wear really clunky shoes to the doctor's office so I have a reason to take off my shoes. Oh, and an empty bladder is a must. I never realized that my weight gain problems were stemming from ear wax build up. I can't wait to try it in the morning, stark naked, bladder emptied with no food in me. I know this will radically change my life. Thank you.

  4. You are hilarious! This and past posts cracked me up!!
    Is Jesus made out of underpants? Is it totally sacrilegious that I'm hoping He is? haha

  5. Hummm, I need to clean my ears before weighing.....great logic! The nativity set is too precious, definitively a keeper. The pics were great!

    God bless and have a wonderful Christmas!!!

  6. That's right . . . you know exactly how much I weigh. You could totally blackmail me!

  7. I ate two chocolate chip cookies!

  8. You're welcome! I actually heard Richard Simmons say to do that in an interview once, so I can't take all the credit! Ha!

  9. Thanks! Merry Christmas to you, too!

  10. Why, yes! He is made out of some bloomers from the girls' doll clothes!

  11. So, since I didn't know you "pre-children", I have no idea if your brain has always followed such unusual patterns of thought processing or if your perspectives are strictly a product of your current home environment......either way, I love, love, love the way you think girl!!! And the photos are priceless!

  12. Laughing... out loud.... in my office at church where I am supposed to be working.... don't let it happen again.

  13. I am pretty sure I have always been pretty unusal. Merry Christmas! :)

  14. Ah, Taylor, what would we all do without you here to make us laugh once a day?

  15. Unexpected weigh in ranks very high on my list of the intolerable. Sorry for you.

    I was in the Air Force during my first pregnancy and they made me stand on the scale in combat boots. Combat boots! Do you know how heavy they are?
    I guess I could have insisted that they let me remove them, but they probably knew it would take another 20 minutes to get them back on.

  16. I laughed out loud at the Ipod story (only because we just bought my dad Ipod's for Dummy's for Christmas) and the horror of weighing yourself at the Doctor's office. Glad to hear I am not the only one who goes to such extreme measures before a weigh in-ha!

  17. I think your nativity is amazing. My kids would love to spend the day with you.

  18. Kim (Williams) KibbyDecember 23, 2009 at 3:33 AM

    I absolutely LOVED the nativity project you did with the girls. They will love it forever, and when they're teenagers, they'll be embarrassed, but love it still (and if you didn't put it out, they'd be incredibly disappointed). How do I know this? Because when I was 12, I decided our Christmas tree needed an angel at the top. So, I cut out a basic girl shape out of cardboard, made wide-ruled white paper wings, made a dress out of red felt, and curled gold curling ribbon for hair. It's hilarious! My parents STILL put that thing on the tree, and I'm 29.
    By the way, I looked forward to my Lumberjack emails every day. I have a funny story to read every morning. It's almost better than coffee (did I really just say that?)!

  19. Oh, I was just dying with laughter today! That's just so cruel about the weigh-in, right at Christmas, too! Don't they know? Do you ever have the feeling that the nurse goes and tells other nurses how much you weigh? Or am I too paranoid? :) Love you, lady, you are hilarious! Merry Christmas!

  20. See what I am missing? :( I promise we never even pay attention to what the mamas weigh :) Although I feel your pain. I am certain I have gained like 10 pounds since I left the office. My almost daily weigh ins there kept me in check!
    Love the nativity, I am sure the girls had so much fun!

  21. Oh, and I can not believe you the surgery didn't work. I am so bummed. If it worked for you then I was going to have it done! You will have to keep me posted on how round 2 goes

  22. Ha! I never thought about cleaning my ear wax before weighing in......I'll try that on Tuesday to see if it helps with all the fudge I'm enjoying! :-)

    Along with Rachel, I too will choose not to change my post name CruelFriend! MeanFriend#2 is good enough! LOL!

  23. Actually, I saw the dr and he said it did work, it is just going to take more time to heal and for the pain to go away. So I will keep you posted!

  24. Heather! I am confident that you would have NEVER made me get weighed. That's what makes you so grand. :)

  25. Thanks for the vote of confidence :) I am glad to hear the surgery worked, although sad to think you are still in pain! Please keep me posted.

  26. Handsome Dude, what're ya trying to do to me? Your ma told me you wore a 3T ! Must be all that great food you keep sneaking. Poor little Dude, I can see all the way down your trachea.

  27. hahah My pedi office tried to do that to me at 8 months pregnant. I said NO WAY! hahaha the nurses thought I was crazy but they weren't volunteering. Finally the skinny nurse did it. The doctor came in and said she understood and wouldn't have done it either. Looking back that was so funny. I WAS NOT doing it!

  28. [...] Ten Things Tuesday. This type works great for either a list of 10 related things or 10 random [...]

  29. [...] I was afraid that they were going to make me get weighed along with him like last time. [...]

  30. [...] Do ya’ll recall my “nativity scene” craft? [...]
