Friday, December 4, 2009

What a guy!

Last night, when my Lumberjack came home, he just started doing the dishes!



Only a dad would let their little boy jump on their backs and just hang on tight.

Handsome Dude does this every day.

And the Lumberjack just walks around . . . like it's no big deal.

Whereas I would be choking, gagging, out of breath, and worried that Handsome Dude was messing up my hair.

Guess what else the Lumberjack did last night?

Brought me home some flowers.

Why?  I asked.

Because.  he said.

And with that, I choose to believe that the flowers:

A)  Represent his undying love for me

B)  Are as beautiful as I am

C)  Show his appreciation for my awesomeness

D) Say that he is thankful for having the best wife ever.

That is what I choose to believe.

If you have a husband who is not very chatty, it is completely acceptable to take the liberty of filling in the blanks.

Completely acceptable.


  1. I think your interpretation must be accurate =)

  2. Makes sense to me - I even fill in what he is thinking!

  3. Awwww... that is so wonderful. You deserve it, and he's a keeper!

  4. Yep, choose to focus on the good thoughts behind the gift instead of wondering what the heck he did now to get himself in trouble............and you know what else? Such evidences of affection and appreciation just get better and better as the years go by - my hubby is awesome.

  5. What beautiful flowers!!! Good job on his part.

  6. My neely bopper used to wear our cat like that to keep him warm in Mt Shasta; cat put up with it, but didn't like it one bit - she always had her ears way back. This photo is too cute for words, dad wearing son. Precious.

  7. Does you lumberjack give lessons or at least hints to other husbands not that mine isn't wonderful, but the flowers are so nice every once in awhile?

  8. Yes. Say to your man, "Can you please surprise me with flowers sometime?"
    Then wait.
    You can expect flowers within 2-7 days.

  9. Thanks I'll have to try that :)
