Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Card Picture Drama

Oh, the dreaded Christmas card photo session.

I am convinced that it is impossible to get 4 children to all look decent at the same time for one photo.

One photo.

That's all I ask.


Little Dude is furious.

Daisy Mae (white jacket) is attempting to help.

He is not having it.


Which one of these is not like the other?

Which one of these just isn't the same?

(Name that tv show)

Excuse me, Mr. Lumberjack.

If you are in the picture, we need a Lumberjill.

You know.

To complete the look.


Good idea.

Duck down.

Just hold him up.



Where did Little Dude go?

There he is!



I can see your hands . . .

Um . . .

And got it!


Clearly this is just not working out.


Let's ask the nice stranger lady to take a picture of all of us.

Wave to the stranger lady, kids.

Now, stranger lady wanted get the creative juices flowin.'

So she suggests we all just look at each other.


Why would we want to do that?

Then she really wants to get creative and have the girls be up on the hill a little more.


But then stranger lady makes a huge mistake.

I knew it was a mistake, because I consider myself an informed person.

Allow me to explain:

Last week, I was reading an article on "How to Look Good in Upcoming Holiday Photos."

Some suggestions they offered were:

*Smile naturally

*Turn to the side a bit, to make yourself appear leaner (I would take this one to heart)

* Do not allow the photographer to photograph from below you, as this will make you look larger.  Instead have photographer be slightly above or right in front.

Kind stranger lady must have not read this helpful article.

And when she bent down on one knee to take the picture, I knew that me, and my thighs, were doomed.

One word for you: chin(s)

*Please notice that my thighs are not visible*

*Also, please notice that I am donning my turqoise blue earrings, per usual"


We did settle on a fairly decent photo for our annual Christmas cards.

Rest assured, it is not one of them contained in this post.


  1. This is pretty funny Lumberjill and 2 posts in one day!! I think you need a tripod and to try and use the self timer. I have found that strangers are usually not very helpful with picture takeing.

  2. We had pretty much the same experience today. But ours was with all my nieces and nephews (8 kiddos). I don't think any of them are keepers (photos that is, not kiddos). So at least you got one that is ok.

  3. I love the way the girls are facing off in the "look at eachother" shot... and lumberjack actually looks amused...
    I DID notice the earrings right away :)
    And yes... sigh... is STILL am jealous of your thighs!

  4. I just came from another blog I read about their card taking's universal. However, when you have cute kids that's all anyone sees when they look at the card so you have no worries.

  5. I remember all the drama I had trying to get good photos of my 1 child. I can't imagine 4!!

    But you did get some pretty good shots!

  6. where was that? i like the last pic - too bad handsome dude wasn't looking!! maybe you could photoshop his head in - ask Alisa about that! :-)

  7. Sometimes photos of people's children makes me long for a photo of the whole family. Really like seeing you all together.

  8. [...] Who You Are Christmas Card Picture Drama [...]

  9. Taylor - I LOVE your posts!!! They literally make me laugh. And that's a very good thing!

  10. Your thighs are not something you need to fret over. You look great! And was the lumberjack actually smiling in one of those photos?!?!

  11. Hahahaha you guys are hilarious! I love that your husband is such a good sport about the whole thing (or appears to be). And I LOVE the picture of you guys waving- hilarious!
    I laughed outloud!

  12. I know. We are all goobers.

  13. Why, thank you!
