Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Day!


This week was my niece, Little Miss's, first birthday.

It has recently come to my attention that, frankly, I have too many kids.

And whenever we go to large family gatherings, I tend to lost track of said kids.

This is not ideal.

During these gatherings, I hear roaring and screaming and crying and running and pounding.

Imagine my embarrassment when I realize I have no clue where one of those kids are . . .

and I am caught gabbing in the kitchen.

So, I am starting a new tradition.

I will refer to it as my:

"You kids had better be quiet and behave at this here party" talk.

I told my girls they could not yell, scream, or run.

Daisy Mae:  Uh-oh.  Is Uncle Alex going to be there?

Me:  No.

Daisy Mae:  Oh, good.  Then we won't roar.


They have an uncle.

He is a functioning and well-adjusted adult.

Yet, he has a roaring problem.

I know.

It doesn't make sense.

Okay-party time.

Please notice the little orange ball.

That ball belongs to my sister-in-law, Lisa.


When we got home, Handsome Dude emptied his pockets. 

He stole your ball.

He also stole a small motorcycle.

Please do not worry.

I have seized the stolen goods and will be returning them to you promptly.

Handsome Dude:

Apparently, he is a thief.

Who knew?

Oh, just look at him:

I can just imagine what he is thinking here.

"Look at all that food your mom is making you eat.  Bummer."

Oh, silly, clueless, Handsome Dude.

His mother also made him a plate.

And if he would have eaten his meal quickly, like that other good boy did, he could have joined the others for some enjoyable play time.

But, no.

We had to be difficult.

I had to sit there and ensure that he ate that food for a good 45 minutes.

Note to self:

Please add, "You will eat your food and be thankful for it" talk to the list of "talks to give when going to someone's house."

Thank you.

Time for presents!

Look at that child on the left with her underwear pulled up a foot above her pants.

Whose child is that?

Pop Quiz:  What happens when it is your first birthday and you have 10 older cousins there to help you celebrate?

I told Little Miss's dad that he looked like the Pied Piper of Hamelin.

He did not know who the Pied Piper of Hamelin was.

Do you?

Please notice the lovely young lady at the far end of the picture, behind the couch.

That is mean friend #1.

You know?

As in the "three mean friends who are keeping me accountable on Weight Watchers?"

Dieting . . . it sure puts a damper on things.


Don't tell her that while writing this post, I consumed an entire bag of Homestyle popcorn all by myself.

Look at how much fun she is having with my Little Dude.

She is one of those amazing people who bonds with any and every kid.

I wish I could be a fun mom like her.

I bet she doesn't have to give her kids "talks" before large family events either.


Little girls and their dolls . . .

Little Miss was enthralled with her baby doll.

She gave her a big ol' smooch, right away.

I think Little Miss enjoyed her special day.

Although she seemed a tad overwhelmed at times.

I can just imagine what she must have been thinking . . .

"Who are all these people and where did they come from?"

"Why is no once concerned about that hot, fiery flame?"

"Well . . . I don't know what has gotten into all of these people . . . but this is the best day ever!"


  1. I know the Pied Piper!! In elementary school, we preformed that play at the Ironhorse (not sure why?) and I was a "bag lady" - it was awesome. But I don't remember what the bag lady had to do with the Pied Piper...Caden just read if for school, too. But the original, in old English or something.
    Looks like a fun party!! She is such a cute little girl!! :-)

  2. Yes, Taylor, we have "talks" ~ ours just include unfamiliar phrases like "you will not be a pig" lol! I guess my kids just take after me in the eating department. Well, maybe not Bailey. She eats light and still doesn't want to finish.

  3. I can totally see you as a bag lady!
    I kid!
    I joke!

  4. I totally wish I had trouble eating all my food. :) That would solve all my strife.

  5. The Pied Piper is a German folklore tale based on real events and there are many versions but supposedly this dude was hired to catch the rats and he did, but town didn't pay him so he lured all the children out of the town. The Brothers Grimm popularized it in German and then Robert Browning made an English poem from the story. So there. I learned something today because I thought it was Chaucer. Thank you Mrs. Lumberjill.

  6. Wow! Looks like lil miss has lots of cousins. Looks like lots of fun - thanks for sharing. Happy Birthday to lil miss.

  7. Lil Miss did have lots of fun that evening and slept well that night. She is truely overwhelmed by all of her older cousins. It doesn't help that she is an only child, but don't worry she won't be for much longer and then I fear she will be shocked, but every first child goes through it when the next one comes along.
