Friday, January 8, 2010

8 minute abs: who's with me?

So . . . here is what went down since I last posted.

If you did not read my last post, you might be thoroughly confused.

My advice is you leave this post immediately and click here.

After you have been caught up, feel free to return.

Thank you.

I stared at the computer.

I went and made coffee.

I texted the Lumberjack and asked him if he could pick Sweet Pea up from school.

No dice.


He is officially texting now.

And pigs can now fly.

I made Daisy Mae some popcorn.

Then I helped her eat the popcorn.

It was, in fact, delicious.

Then, I contemplated sleeping.

But it was 2:15 and I needed to leave at 3:15.

I was too stressed that I would fall asleep for too long and not wake up in time to get my child.

I cannot abandon my daughter at school.

That would not be ideal.

So, I swept.

Then the coffee was ready.

So, I drank  said coffee . . . with chocolate raspberry creamer.

I have not made the switch to black yet.

I am not insane.

I took 4 ibuprofen.

Then I mopped.

Then I washed baseboards.

Then the Lumberjack called and said he could pick up Sweet Pea after all.

Which made me want to marry him all over again.

Then I washed the refrigerator and the stove and 40% of the microwave.

I did not, I repeat, I did not wash the toothpaste off of the couch.

The boys woke up.

The Lumberjack and Sweet Pea came home.

My head still hurt.

The Lumberjack took two children and went to get pizza and a movie.

Which made me want to marry him all over again.

Then I checked my email, and found this from Erin.

It was the 8 minute ab thing on You Tube.


So, I did it.


I'm doing it.

Erin's doing it.

Mindy's doing it.

Who else is in?

We can do it!

Next, I ate pizza.

It was, in fact, delicious.

And I am pretending it was low in points.

At this point, we watched Black Beauty and I pretended not to cry.

Then the kids went to bed.

It was, in fact, glorious.

And now, gentle readers, this tired girl, who never got her nap, is going to sign off and go to bed.

And maybe.

Just maybe . . .

I will clean up that toothpaste tomorrow.



  1. HAHA! Awesome! I'm super impressed by what you can get finished in an hour! But I'm sure once I have had my first kid, that's when the super powers kick in! That workout looks awesome!

  2. We do this routine at the end of spinning class! It is amazing!

  3. Taylor, I've said it before - I'll say it again - I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! And, I hope you're feeling better.

  4. Black that movie!

    Okay, I'm going to try the 8 minute abs. Are you doing it everyday?

  5. Wow! That is impressive- you got all that done with a headache?! I hope you are feeling better today :)

  6. Yes! Every day! I'm excited you're in!

  7. Thx for sharing the link I’m going to add it to my routine. Sounds like a productive day after all. Great job! I hope you are feeling better. What an awesome man you married, I love it when they come in and save the day like that.

  8. Look at how God blessed your day! I am so glad!

  9. By the way - when I stepped down my coffee points, I went to fat-free powdered creamer. I can't tolerate black coffee! I still use that and a little sugar and the points are not bad - I think it is like 0.5

  10. 8 minutes is a very long time! don't they have an 8 second one, like bull riding??

  11. I would like the info!

  12. Haven't done it yet, but we can do this!! Have I mentioned lately how much I enjoy reading your blog?? :)

  13. Woo Hoo! Michelle, Michelle, Joyce, and Mindy are in! Muffin tops unite!

  14. Does watching it for 8 minutes count?

  15. Tell me I'm not the only one who is sore after day 1 of the 8ma

  16. You are most certainly not the only one who is sore. :)

  17. Thank you, Mindy! You are so encouraging to my soul! :)
