Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!

(Name that tv show-question 1)

I got an award!

My first blogging award!

I didn't even know there were blogging awards.

Yet, now I am the recipient of one!

One of the best parts about blogging has been meeting wonderful people and getting to know them through your blog and theirs.

Worst parts about blogging?

Post Paranoia.

You know.

When you write a post you think is funny or interesting, watch your stats and see people look at it, notice people aren't leaving comments, and then you wonder why on earth people don't want to leave a comment.

Then you go back and re- read the post and make sure it made sense.

Then you ask your good friend whose clothes you steal why your post is dumb.

Then you don't believe your good friend whose clothes you steal when she says your post is fine.

(Name that friend -question 2)

Post Paranoia.

But that is a story for another time.

Joyce over at From this Side of the Pond gave me this award.  You should all stop by her site and say hello!

She's Fab.


So this award comes with rules.

I'm to post 10 things that make me happy and try to make at least one of them part of my day today.

Then I'm to pass the award on to 10 bloggers who brighten my day.

Let's start with 10 things that brighten my day and make me happy...


1)  My chocolate raspberry creamer.


Well . . . it's actually a love/hate relationship.

I simply love it.

But I hate it because it contains calories.

Raise your hand if you are sick of me talking about this creamer?

Moving on then . . .

2)  My kids.

Of course.

I am with them every day.

We are BFF.

3)  My Lumberjack

2009_9_07 236

He can also drive me nuts, but that is besides the point.

4)  Hymns.

Weird, huh?

Bet you didn't expect that one.

I love Blessed Assurance, I'd Rather Have Jesus, How Great Thou Art, It is Well with my Soul . . . and oodles more.

I love how beautiful the words are and love to hear the stories behind how they were written.

I love them so much that my wedding party walked down the aisle to "Blessed Assurance."

5)  There is a specific moment in my day that I wouldn't trade for anything.

After lunch, the kids run amuck while I try to attempt to clean.

Then the kids and I clean up the mess they created while I attempted to clean up from lunch.

Then we all pile on the couch and read a few books before nap time.

Books like Brown Bear, Brown Bear, The Napping House, Time for Bed, Chicka, Chicka, Boom Boom, and The Cat in the Hat.

I absolutely love this time.

The boys are sleepy and cuddly.

They happily point to the books and say words they recognize.

I am happy because I know nap time is near.

And when nap time comes, I put on a cup of coffee and drink a steamy cup with my favorite creamer.

Oh, how I love nap time.

So, we read some books.

Then we all give smooches and the boys are put to bed.

6)  Camping.

We always have fun memories . . . no matter how awful my camping hair looks.


100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can come up with a cute camping hair style for yours truly.

(question 3, and perhaps the most important to my heart)

Some points to consider:

1)  My hair has to be washed every day.

2)  My hair does not air dry nicely.

3)  My hair has a wave.  But not a pretty wave.  A wave that looks like a 12 month old dying and lifeless perm.



7)  Friends.


Like this friend here who lets me steal her clothes.

Can you believe she sprays whipped cream in to her child's mouth?

Honestly . . .

8)  Musicals.

I love them.

"The Music Man"


"Hello, Dolly!"

The Lumberjack hates them.

But I hate the song "Convoy" by CW McCall that he so greatly enjoys.

So, we're even.


9)  English Literature.

Can we not all agree that Wuthering Heights is a most splendid book?


10)  Brushing my teeth.

It makes the world feel right again.



Done with that part.

Now I need to name 10 other blogs that make me happy.

Here we go, Lumber-Joe's:


Written by my long time friend, Angela. 

It is a great site for mom's to get encouragement from the scriptures.

This is written by a girl named Liz, who is an aspiring writer.

She also has wonderful decorating ideas.

And she has a dog named Mabel!


(Name that tv show-question 4)

Written by a mom named Erin whose husband is currently deployed.

She writes about her many hilarious adventures with her mother-in-law, who she lovingly refers to as Pat the Bunny.

Another gal I have met through the blogging world.

She is so nice and a great blogging friend.

She has some pretty funny stories to tell as well.

A real life friend.

Not just a blogging friend.

A mom who homeschools and shares a bit of her life, recipes, and more!

Also a real life friend and a blogging friend.

She even went out and bought chocolate raspberry creamer and tried it just because I rave about it so often.

I don't think she was quite as impressed with it as I am.

But, by golly, she gave it a whirl!

She has some yummy recipes and great design ideas.

A real life friend!

Recipes, frugal tips, and of course, funny moments with her kids.

A real life friend!

She is currently living in Turkey!

Written by my real life friend, Jess, a natural story-teller.

A blogging friend who is the wife of a state park ranger.

She has some funny adventures to share!


I actually have a few more blogs that make me quite happy, but then this post would go on all day!

Don't forget to try to answer any of the 4 questions in this post!

Not that you'll win anything.

Except the satisfaction of knowing you were right.


Thanks for enduring this long post!


This is the Lumberjack's Wife, signing off to pay bills and buy diapers!

And milk.

We always need more milk.


  1. Ah, thanks! I'm so excited. Those With Young had a bunch of hits yesterday. Maybe you helped with that. Regardless, it now has a Google Page Rank! Yippee!

  2. ren and stimpy is the show - not sure i am spelling that right?? i would google it but that would be cheating! can't answer number 2, that is definitely cheating! :-) also am no help with the third question. my only suggestion...ponytail?? or the sloppy but oh so cute bun?

  3. What a great way to start the year - with an award and naming 10 things you love!

  4. I feel honored to be on your list! You are truly gifted at writing about your life in a way that not only entertains but also makes the rest of us feel as though we can relate. For instance - blogger fears - boy do I get them! I figured I was the only one - now I don't feel so silly. Not that I think you are silly, I'm just saying I felt silly, but you aren't... oh never mind...I need to read this reply over don't I. It probably won't get any hits..

  5. Your blog makes me laugh every time I visit it, which is pretty often these days since I spend an average of 23 hours a day feeding this baby girl... (at least, it feels that way to this momma moo-cow)
    Being a 'good presbyterian' I love hymns and sing them that other hour during my days when I'm cleaning the house (that hour when I'm not feeding baby dear).
    And I suffer from Bad Camping Hair too... I am always so jealous of my friends who don't have stick-straight hair that cutely goes into a messy bun and gets cuter and easier to style as it gets a littler dirtier! It's almost enough to keep me from camping, but my love of S'mores keeps me going!

  6. Loved your list...we have the same hair...a good hair style for camping with this kind of hair is a hat.

    I love hymns. I love musicals. I love Wuthering Heights. I love nap time even though it's just me napping now. But I must confess that I have never tried the raspberry creamer. It's not that I don't want to because I'm sure I would totally love it. I just do not need one more calorie to love.

    oh and question 4 =The Office

  7. Love your blog too!! It always make me smile.

    As for the camping hair...... I have the same problem except my hair is poker straight. Not a nice site. I cope with berets and pony tails.

  8. Thanks for the shout-out :)

    And long hair is perfect for camping-- all you need is a pony tail or sloppy bun!
    My short hair is the problem-- there's no option other than a hat. And hat's draw attention to my bushy eyebrows.
    I guess I just shouldn't camp.

  9. Love your blog, you are very worthy of an award :) You are cute, even with your camping hair. I too have the same problem, and the same wave, ugh. I think a pony tail is your best bet. Or a ponytail and then don't pull it all the way through on the last loop, so you end up with half a little bun. I feel for you on that one my friend, but camping is far to fun to give up :)
    Ren and Stimpy and Melissa are the answers to 1 and 2 (although I am sure someone has already answered correctly!)

  10. Love your blog, not to be redundant, but it is worth declaring...way to go! And, I chuckled at your not so pretty wave, in the same boat with you on that one...keep writing the good stuff that is so worth reading :)

  11. Hello!
    I wrote a comment a while ago and am not sure what happened. It said I wasn't connected to the internet after I tried to post it. ?? (I hate when that happens)
    I'll try again....
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    I love the picture of your kids on your header. That's precious!
    I look forward to coming back to your blog again soon.
    Hugs from Oklahoma,

  12. Ah, camp hair! But the best part of camping is that I don't have to care. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm so glad you did, because I came over to yours and found the perfect way to end my day...full of smiles.

    I love them.
    “The Music Man”
    “Hello, Dolly!”
    The Lumberjack hates them.
    But I hate the song “Convoy” by CW McCall that he so greatly enjoys.
    So, we’re even.

    Here's another thing we have in husband loves "Convoy," and I love the two of us got together I'll never know. ;)

    Love your list! Hope you have a great day.

  13. Wonderful answers for your first award!! Congratulations!! Totally enjoyed your answers and your blog!! Sarah

  14. Man, I've been off the internet for days and I feel so behind! I want you to know that I went back and read every day I missed, but because I was so far behind I didn't leave any comments on the old ones. So sorry. I read and loved them!! As for today's blog, I'm too late to answer the ones I know, but for your hair, I say "wear it like you mean it", so no matter what it looks like be proud! :) I have hideous camping hair, because if I don't shower each and every day I look like a gross greaseball. Ick. Probably has something to do with why I still have acne at 29. Anyhew, love your post and love you!!

  15. Mindy, you make me laugh! Love ya, too! And I totally have a grease problem, too. :)

  16. Congratulations! You deserve this award, sister. Wonderful post and now I simply must go check out your picks. :-)

  17. Congrats! on your award. I’m sure it’s the first of many to come. I <3 Fat Free Hazelnut Coffeemate! I wish they would make all their flavors fat free. My daughter pours it into her milk. *ick* I always buy two and hide one in the veggie bin because who wants to deal with a decaffeinated mom?

  18. O.K., first, thank you, thank you, thank you for the shout out. I love your blog! Now, I know I live in a rural area (aka a state park) but how is it that you have so many real life blog friends? So jealous. We are going to have to meet one day so I can be a real life friend too.

    Camping hair dilemna, buy a cute hat.
    The Park Wife

  19. Yay for a blog award! You deserve one. Your description of nap time after lunch sounds like the story of my life. Though of course I have a bit less of a mess to clean up (one girl can't possibly make as big a mess as a couple of boys) and sometimes instead of cleaning it up we go out for a walk. Yes, even in frigid temps, like under 20 degrees. It helps tire her out and nap time gets extended. Woo Hoo!

  20. I love musicals! 7 Brides for 7 Brothers has always been a favorite! I enjoy camping too...though I share your camping hair problem. I have frizzy, wavy-in-a-bad-way hair too, unless I blow dry it, but who has time for that? The best I can offer is a pony tail or messy bun. Maybe a smoothing serum will help with the air drying, I don't know. Thanks so much for the shout out! I feel so honored to be listed considering I'm a newbie to the blogging and have yet to find my niche. Be prepared for me to come to you with many many questions. ;)

  21. Look at all your comments! My blog is a comment desert. Dry. Dry. Except for Joyce who is the greatest encouragement ever! I'm with the Park Wife: get a hat- that's all I can do with mine and I have the exact same type of hair. And I loved: "100 (meaningless) points! HA!

    Nice to meet you.

  22. I believe you should go to a salon or look online or the library for hairstyles to try. Invest in some cute barrettes and combs. Yes - combs! They work. I think you should wear a classy chignon. Looks real nice, very stylish, and keeps hair up and cool without looking like a child with a scrunchie which is what I do most of the time but I hate them now. They have very cute ideas for updos. Did I send you a teasing comb? They work great for putting your hair up.

  23. Nice to meet you, too! Oh, I greatly love comments. Joyce is awesome! Nice to meet you, too. I am always giving away meaningless points.
    And I look really dumb in hats.

  24. First, I must investigate what a chignon is.

  25. That was my hope. :)

  26. "Bless her beautiful hide . . . wherever she may be . . . " :)

  27. Why don't you encourage everyone you know to write to Coffee-Mate praising their product to the hilt but also requesting them to put out a non-hydrogenated full of fat & calories version of their heavenly product? Congratulations on your award and all your friends you have in real life and in cyberspace. You will also very likely receive several coupons for free creamer from the company.

  28. I should totally get free creamer. I am way hooking them up!!!

  29. Well, thanks to my lovely aunt and then your very interesting blogs, I have become "your follower" haha!
    Sounds scary! Possibly creepy! Haha! Well I have been also blessed with this challenge so we will see how it goes!
