Thursday, January 21, 2010

28 Days

(Name the actress in that movie)

In approximately 28 days, my dashing Lumberjack and I will be driving the fab four to my parents house where we will be leaving them for 8 full and glorious days while we, my main man and I, hop on a plane and fly to Cancun.


I am not kidding.


I can't believe it either.

So, two days ago, when this post could have been renamed 30 days, I got a hankering to participate in this:

Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred

Now, I have never seen this so-called "Biggest Loser."

I don't know how Jillian Michael's is.

But, I'll tell you this:  I am not fond of her.


Because she makes my arms feel like Jell-O, that's why.

And who does push-ups anymore?


But I have committed to doing this each and every day until I leave for my fabulous and glorious kid-free, sun-filled trip.

Interruption:  I will most likely be heartbroken and missing my monsters by day three.  But days 1-2 should be fun.

Now, I am convinced that there is some mysterious, evil power attempting to thwart my fitness goals.

Allow me to explain:

1)  I wake up at 5:40 am to do this torturous video.  Yet, if I wake up that early, so does Little Dude.  He's cruel like that. Therefore, I must wait until nap time.

2)  Daisy Mae no longer naps.  So Daisy Mae, who is my BFF and extremely chatty,  will be joining me and Ms. Michael's.

3)  I put the DVD in the DVD player.  On this DVD, there are 3 different workout episodes.  So, if one were to want to pick one, one  would need to use a remote. 


That might seem like a simple task.

But not for us.

Our remote has been missing since March 28, 2009.


I am certain on that exact date.

So,  there is no way for me to choose a workout.

4)  Don't lose heart! 

I do not let that deter me.

I remember we have a laptop with a handy DVD playing function.

So, Daisy Mae and I  reverse gears and we switch to laptop mode.

5)  Our brand new laptop is irritating me.  The speakers only work when they choose to work.


I do not know.

And, no.

My volume was not muted.

I am smart enough to know that.

But that's  it.

I firmly believe that for $700, this computer should be at peak performance 100% of the time.

Guess when they decide to not work.

So, I get to stare at Jillian and attempt to read her lips as she shares with me vital information on how I will get the body of my dreams.

6)  While I am jumping all around and looking like a dork, Daisy Mae, is jumping around alongside me.  Since I am using weights, she feels she needs weights.

I don't have weights for my 5-year-old.

So I give her a can of green beans and a can of corn.

Daisy Mae is extremely uncoordinated and she almost throws the can of green beans at the laptop.

That would have been unfortunate.

Daisy Mae is also extremely chatty.

So, instead of Ms. Michael's helpful tips, I get to listen to Daisy Mae.

"Mom, do you want to look like her?"

"Mom, how do you look like her?"

"Mom, are you doing this cause you are so chubs?"

"Mom, I'm thirsty."

"Mom, I'm hungry."

Interruption:  I am hungry, too.  I am always in the mood to eat.

"Mom, I'm hot."

"Mom, can we watch something else?"

"Mom, is this how you are going to lose the tummy chubs?"

And as she says that, she begins to poke at my belly fat.

Ah, the joys of motherhood.

7)  I am now 11 exhausting minutes into this dreadful DVD when, it stops.

It just stops.

It's like it has a skip or something.

And when it corrects itself, it jumps to the end, so I am missing like 8 minutes of what I am sure is necessary calisthenics that will give me the body I deserve.


I am now frustrated.

And still chubby.


Here is my question.

Does anyone know how to repair a DVD?

Any home tricks?

Because I am on a timeline here.

And Jillian says right on the DVD cover that I could lose up to 20 pounds in 30 days.

And that is just amazing.



  1. I have this workout video. I hate Jillian Michaels. She is obnoxious to listen to.
    BUT- her workout is awesome and it totally kicks your butt. Expect to be very sore for the next several days.

    You know.... they make these things called "universal remotes" that you can buy at the store and program for your t.v. and dvd player.....

    And no- I don't know how to repair a dvd. But- if you're really, really nice to me... I'll let you borrow my Jillian dvd. :)

  2. Sandra Bullock!!!! finally one I know! I didn't even have time to read this, will have to after I take the kids to school, but I saw the question on facebook and had to "woohoo" that I knew an answer lol! yes, I am a dork :)

  3. She is a toughie (is that a word?). I have never attempted her workout but I have seen the biggest loser and she is not very nice. However, I am certain her workout will be fabulously hard and wonderful for the body.

    I am soooo jealous of your vacation. But, also very happy for you to get a kid free vacation :) And yes, you will miss them but enjoy yourself! We all need a break sometimes.

    Oh, and I agree, a universal remote is probably the answer to your DVD woes.

  4. Well, Jill, and I had a falling out when she told me I needed to do 5 more jumping jacks and I respectfully disagreed. That is seriously one hard old school workout. But, I think if you stick to it (oh, and recover the last 8 minutes) you'll lose that stomach chubs in no time. - I feel I should add here that since I rebelled and did not in fact complete my 5 jumping jacks my stomach chubs is still firmly in place. =)
    PS - Can I come to Cancun? Please?

  5. I don't know how to fix the dvd, but I do know that chocolate at the end of a workout makes everything better. : )

  6. You're going to be in MEXICO! Who the heck cares about tummy chubs? You won't know a soul there and you'll be warm and relaxed. Just do sit ups on your own and call it good.

  7. I bought this stuff called "scratch out" at the movie gallery to repair dvd's. So far it's worked great. It was $6 or so. Be careful with that video once the volume works though, if I remember right Jillian refers to your Ass a few times.. joy.

  8. I was so excited at the name of this post. I was so glad to find some other woman besides me who loved Zombie movies - and I was impressed with your taste. Then I realized that your post title was missing one word - 28 days LATER. Awesome Zombie movie -
    Then I saw that your post was about exercise - which I have a restraining order against.
    You have made me sad today Mrs. Lumberjack the beautiful who does not need to diet....

  9. Rolling laughing, sorry, really I am so sorry. This type of thing happens to me daily, glad I am not alone. Oh, but going to Cancun with hubby and no kids, NEVER happens to me. Have fun!

  10. Cancun= fun. You're not allowed to miss the kids. You get 8 days to yourself. You'll have them the rest of your life.

    Coincidentally I am watching the Bachelor right now.
    Thinking about getting some ice cream.
    That show makes me hungry.

  11. Oops. I meant that I'm watching the Biggest Loser.

    The Bachelor does not make me hungry. I repeat, the Bachelor does not make me hungry.

  12. Ok, I know this sounds gross but if you lick the underside of the DVD and then dry it with a soft cloth (or your shirt, which is what I usually do haha) it works everything out. True story. I've also heard if you throw it in the toilet and flush it will fix it, but I've never tried that one. You can probably guess why.

    Good luck! and get it, girl! Jillian Michaels is scary!

  13. I have nothing special to say, just that all the other comments on here are hilarious! Toilet water to fix the dvd! I love it! :) I am so stinking jealous that you only have 28 days until your awesome kid-free vaca. Sigh. I'll get one eventually.

  14. Time away from your kids makes you miss them and appreciate them more and vice versa. A win win so to speak.

    And Jillian is mostly just talking trash so I wouldn't worry about the volume. I hope you get your DVD fixed. Try just wiping it with a soft cloth.

  15. I love workouts that kill! Of course, I haven't worked out since before Christmas. And, I hurt my knee, so workouts that kill are out of the question. But get with it, and I know you'll see great results! have fun!

  16. I use the 30 day shred video about 3 times a week. What a great workout! Enjoy your vacation! :)

  17. I have no help for you...I am committed to gaining weight instead of losing it, and we, too have lost a remote and must suffer through many previews and the inability to do anything but hit the skip button to get to the fourth segment of the favorite video of my two-year-old.
    And I am kidding about the gaining weight business. But, you wouldn't think that I was if you just paid attention to what I was doing. (i.e. eating a lot of chocolate every night)

  18. so you do this video for a month and you lose 20lbs?? i may have to check it out! i liked watching jillian on the biggest loser but haven't seen the for the past few seasons. she is probably worse now to bring in those big ratings! :-)

  19. [...] enthusiasm. verb. 1. to call. 2. to summon Mystery solved. Adios. 7)  Thanks to MaryGene, I got my 30 day shred DVD working again. Which is good news and bad news. Good because I can now work out and hopefully lose 20 pounds in [...]
