Sunday, January 10, 2010


It has been too long.

 Uncle Alex has been away for too long.

My kids were not used to all the roaring and tickling and roaring and teasing and roaring and chasing.

So instead of a fun, silly uncle . . . he is now a huge, scary monster.

It's a shame, really.

Look at what was ironically on the computer screen at the time.

Very interesting . . .


It does take guts to be a part of this family.

Handsome Dude does not yet have the required guts.

Poor Handsome Dude.

Poor Daisy Mae.

Although, I think she was secretly having fun.

Dear Daisy Mae,

Why are you wearing a dress with jeans?



Poor Sweet Pea.

Speaking of Sweet Pea . . . look at what she made with her new sewing machine:

Pajamas for her doll.

She made them with help from Grandma, of course.

For I know not how to even sew buttons on.

We had a lovely evening.

It was nice to see Alex again.

And once the kids' heart rates returned to normal and they recognized their fun uncle, they were happy to see him, too.

Now this is typical of family events.

Random weapons.

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can name the weapon.

Personally, I have no idea, so I will have to take this one to the Lumberjack later on.

I am going with a light saber.

Or some sort of sword?

"Taylor.  Stop.  Are you going to put this in your blog?"

Well . . . Lumberjack . . . you kind of set yourself up when you are sitting next to a picture of John Wayne and holding what appears to be a light saber at a family gathering.

I mean, really.

What else can I do?

It is my duty to share the insanity.

"Blog?  What's a blog?  Oh, yeah.  Your blog.  I don't read it.  I don't have time for that stuff."


Then I can talk about you all the more, silly father-in-law.

And with that, I will conclude this family gathering recap.

Happy Sunday everyone!

P.S.-Everyone liked the Potatoes

P.P.S-Everyone like the Carrots.

Thanks, Dad!

I guess you weren't trying to sabotage me after all.



  1. Never a dull moment at your house that's for sure!

  2. Looks like a saber like the ones worn in the military.

    Our families are very similar. It's just no fun until somebody's left crying.

  3. Taylor -
    I am not in the same place in life as you, but you make me laugh and that's a wonderful thing. I have told everyone about your blog and send them the link if they haven't gone to it yet. Shame on them.

  4. This is a hoot and a half! The look on Handsome Dude's face is priceless!
    By the way, my husband just realized he knows some of your husband's family and lived with your husband's brother Jason... weird, huh?

  5. Our family gatherings involve guns, not saber-thingies I can't identify. I mean, for Christmas someone got some new gun and all the boys(little and big) trooped outside to shoot it. Can't be a family gathering without the shootings of guns. Yes, we form much more than a small militia. By the way, can I ask where "The Roarer" has been that he has been away for so long? Just wondered if it was something exciting and/or interesting.

  6. Very true, very true. But alas, that was not my house. I guess there is never a dull moment at any of our houses. :)

  7. Extremely weird! I must investigate this. :)

  8. Thank you for all the encouragement and for sharing the link! Yes. Shame on them! :)

  9. You're talkin' gibberish!
    (name that movie)

  10. Not too thrilling. His company has sent him to work out of town on a long job that is about 8 hours-ish away. He is not sure how long it will last. He has been gone since October. Poor Roarer. He must live in a hotel.

  11. It looks like you have a wonderful family!! All the smiles and joy... just great!


  12. It definitely looks like a sabre of some sort. As for the picture of John Wayne, I have the same picture. I am an avid John Wayne fan and have a John Wayne room in my home.

    Good luck with the potty training. My 2 year old granddaughter is doing the same thing, and hasn't been as hard as your little guy, but she hasn't been all that easy either, but she's getting the hang of it.

  13. Looks like a pogo stick to me.
