Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Potty Training: Day Two

A quick recap of Day One:

Day One did not go well.

I am sure you are all dying to know how Day Two went.

It started off horribly, which was to be expected.

He woke up with a saturated pull-up.

Then we had to go to the dentist, which was a joy in and of itself.


I would consider hauling 4 children to an 8:00am dentist appointment in the midst of potty training to be high on my list of enjoyable activities.

But, I digress.

We returned home and fell right back into our routine of soiling underpants, for that is what my Handsome Dude does best.

I started setting a timer for every ten minutes to remind myself to take him to the bathroom.

Then I started to wonder if I was potty training Handsome Dude, or if I was, in fact, potty training myself.

Hmmm . . .

A quandary.

For day two, Handsome Dude started feel the need for privacy.

Little Dude and I were no longer allowed in the bathroom area.

Handsome Dude is a stubborn dude.

So I camped outside the bathroom door and listened with all my might, hoping to hear any evidence of a trickle.


This is what has become of my life.


Handsome Dude requests some books.

I give him some books.

They are, of course, unsatisfactory to his tastes.

But since he does not yet clearly speak English, I cannot understand which books he would prefer, which infuriates him all the more.

I tell him that I no longer care and I go sit outside the door and contemplate throwing in the towel.

Other things I contemplate:

1)  Why God gave me four kids because I clearly cannot handle it.

2)  My neck.  Why does it hurt so?  I don't want to call the chiropractor.

3)  Carbs.  I think I eat too many.  I should cut back.

4)  Where are Handsome Dude's glasses?  He has an eye appointment tomorrow.  The eye doctor will not be impressed when he goes to check Handsome Dude's prescription and I tell him they have been AWOL for 1-2 weeks.

5)  I wonder how long I will have to plug my car in?

6)  I don't think I can give up carbs.  I am fairly certain that carbs are in every item I choose to eat.  I think I love carbs.

7)  Why is Little Dude so darn cute?

And where is his other shoe?

8)  Nope.  I love carbs too much.

Suddenly, Handsome Dude gets up from the toilet and informs me that he pooped.


But then, I see it!


On the floor!

My life could not have gotten any more exciting than it did at that very moment.

But wait!


In the toilet, too!

He must have gotten off mid-poo and sprinkled a little on his way to inform me of his accomplishment!

And now, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to inform you that my Handsome Dude made 4 successful bathroom trips on this second day of potty training, the twelfth day of the month of January in the Two Thousandth and Tenth Year of our Lord.



He still had about 18 failed trips.

But, still!

Potty Training Day Two:  Encouraging Fail

And I would like everyone to know that I, yes yours truly, won the bet with the Lumberjack.

We never set up our prize parameters.

What should I claim?

Hmmm . . . .


  1. woohoo! Congrats on a successfull day two. I, for one, having potty trained 2 boys consider 4 successes on day 2 a success! NOT an encouraging fail!

  2. Way to go you guys! How exciting.

  3. I think you should claim a night out with some of your best gal pals!! Congrats on the Encouraging Fail.

  4. *wtg* Handsome Dude! My hubby gives awesome back massages, that's always my choosen prize in our bets.

  5. Wahoo!!! Congrats, I totally think 4 successful trips is a winner of a day, especially only on day 2. Why are boys so much harder to potty train than girls, I wonder. Although maybe I'm magic because I potty-trained my little brother one morning when I was 12 while my mom was gone running errands. Maybe I could be the next Supernanny.
    We're doing elimination communication. Just kidding.

  6. Yay!!! Isn't it funny what things bring joy to our hearts? That sounds like a huge win to me! So glad
    God gave you a window of encouragement! And.. I do believe he also gave us carbs......

  7. I agree 4 successes in one day is encouraging. Good Job Handsome Dude!
    If you gave up all your carbs, you would not have enough energy to chase the fab four.

  8. I almost gave up with Parker. But we are about a month into it and he is trained!! I still have to help him get on the potty, but he will go when he needs to all on his own!!

    At least you seem to have a good attitude about it all. :)

    Be blessed-

  9. There is NOTHING I miss about potty training and, while I hate to stereotype, boys are indeed much more difficult.

    Congrats on a good day and thanks for commenting on my blog!

  10. OK, if you are feeling a bit lame that your life has resorted to you sitting by the door, waiting to hear the magical tinkle in the toilet, then that must make my life even more lame, because I am stalking the computer to hear how the story ends! You're a great storyteller, or lifeteller, because it isn't a story. Sorry to rub it in, but I am very thankful to be done with that stage of life. But, wait, I am at the stage where every couple years I take my life in hand to teach another one to drive....

  11. Yeah Handsome Dude! Sounds very successful to me. Think of something REALLY good to claim as your prize! You deserve it.

  12. Oh this is funny stuff! (sorry for laughing at your expense). I am gearing up for potty training- I think summer 2010 will be Ali's time- and I am encouraged that girls seem to take to it so much better then boys.
    Fight the good fight! Good luck! And good job on winning the bet- I love beating my husband!

  13. Congratulations! I potty-trained five boys. It is not fun. You might want to consider peer pressure. By the 2nd grade, they tend to want to do like their friends do. : )

  14. Woohoo! There's hope and I'm sure day three will be even better.

    Have a wonderfully blessed day void of any poop on the floor!!!

  15. we're going to go through this trauma, starting in about two months time... and my son doesn't even sit for longer than 30 seconds. i can imagine the amount of success i'll have...

  16. I have a couple of friends who have been using this:

    It's a potty watch. Kiddo wears it, you set the timer to whatever you want. When it goes off, kiddo goes to the potty.
    Since they wear it, it makes them feel more in control of the whole process, and as an added bonus, it is shaped like a potty.

  17. are the m & m's for you or for him?

    Congrats on your spectacular day!

    I am completely with you on the carbs. I have that conversation with myself on a daily basis which is why I ate a bagel for lunch. I'm hopeless.

  18. Alright! That's good news for sure. Way to go Ma and HD!

  19. It exhausts me just listening to you! I have absolutely no idea how I survived raising our kids - and I only had 2, not 4!

  20. You fought the kid fight, ran the race and finished well (you all did!) !!! Yahoo!!!

  21. Call the chiropractor!! ....and call me at work tomorrow. :) 800-928-4905

  22. You are aware, of course, that when he gets older he will hate you for posting all of this.

  23. Just came from PW site and have to tell you. To me pop always sounds strange and soda sounds correct. I guess it depends on where ya all live right? Good luck in potty training. Yes I remember that well...

  24. Hi Taylor,
    Handsome Dude did a good job on day two. I can't wait to have my own little dudes, or girls, or both ;-)

    A word about carbs, I love them so much too, they bring some sort of peace to my brain.


  25. WooHoo to you Handsome Dude! ... and a double WooHoo to your mommy! She is the most awesome of mommies and deserves breakfast in bed!!

  26. Put a few Cheerios in the toilet bowl. Boys LOVE to pee on things. just make a game out of it and he'll love it !!!! Worked GREAT for my boys.
