Sunday, January 3, 2010

Another Goober Parent Update

For Sweet Pea's birthday party, we had all of our family over.

So . . . in the same room we have my parents and my in-laws.

It was the Perfect Storm.

Here are the cast of characters:



MIL (Mother in Law)

FIL (Father in Law)


Mom:  Guess what I got Grant (my dad) for Christmas?

FIL: No idea.

Mom: A Kindle.

MIL:  Really?  Neat!  What's that?

FIL:  A what?

Mom:  A Kindle.  It's an electronic reader.

FIL:  What?

Mom:  You download books and read them on there.

FIL: Why?

Mom:  Well . . . because.

FIL:  Does it read them to you?

Mom:  It can.  Or you can read them.

FIL: How is that better than books?

Mom:  It's faster.  And you don't need to be connected to the internet. We already have one on there. Grant!

Dad:  Huh?

Mom:  Grant . . . tell them how easy it was to download the book.

Dad:  I don't know.  Meagan did it for me.  I don't know what she did.

*Interruption:  Meagan is my technologically-savvy sister . . .

We are complete opposites . . . for more on Meagan click here*

Mom:  So you don't know how to do it?

Dad: No!

Mom: Wonderful.

FIL:  So, what is it again?

Mom:  It's like an IPod for books.

FIL:  Speaking of Ipods, have you seen these alarm clocks for Ipods?

Everyone has a blank stare.


FIL:  Why would I need an IPod on my radio?  Does the IPod play the radio?


Me:  Do you mean a docking station?


FIL:  I don't know.  I don't need it.  I just need the radio.


Enter sister-in-law into the conversation.  Not Lisa, the regularly mentioned sister-in-law.  My other sister-in-law, Tonya.


Tonya:  Better be careful what you say.  She might write about you in her blog.


FIL: Blog?  Oh, yeah.  The blog.  Well, I wouldn't even know how to find it.



And that concludes this installment of Goober Parent Updates.


  1. good stuff! one bonus with the kindle is you spend less on books - they cost a lot less to download on your kindle and you get them in just a few minutes. you can also get newspapers and blogs delivered to it.....just so you know for the next time the conversation comes up!! :-) I feel like a spokesperson for kindle!!

  2. my daughter just started a blog...I'm sure I'll be supplying some of her material. That's okay because she supplies some of mine : )

    I gave you an award on my blog...not sure why they are called awards-there is no trophy and no prize money but you might get some visitors. Its always fun reading here!

  3. Hooray for goober parents and their inspirations for blogs!

  4. I can actually HEAR MIL and FIL saying that!!!! lol!

  5. I really went out of my way to try and explain really well how to download a book to Dad. I did not simply download the book and hand him his Kindle. Mom and Dad just like acting helpless. They would know how to do these things if they a. paid attention and b. just tried. This is what is so frustrating!

    And I like Tonya's comment. Does she read your blog? We should get her on the blog bandwagon

  6. ROFL!! I desperately miss my parents and in-laws, especially over these last few weeks. Your wonderful post brought back some great memories. Thank you!!

  7. Thank you so much! My first award! I enjoy your blog as well and I will probably try and check out your daughter's, too!

  8. Way too funny, I really can picture this exchange!!

  9. Too funny! I would love to be a fly on the wall at one of your family gatherings.

  10. Too funny!

    I got a Kindle for Christmas and Love it!! Another good reason - now I won't have to explain to hubby why we need to take a pile of books with us when we go camping. I'll just load up my kindle before we go and he won't have a clue to how many books I read:)

  11. I don't think Tonya reads it. You should totally make her. :)
    Last night, Dad asked me to help him burn a cd. I did so while Dad was cooking dinner. The Lumberjack told me I was stupid for "giving my dad a fish and not teaching him how to fish." But I figure, I could never prepare a meal like Dad can, so what's the big deal?! :)
    Maybe he won't ever figure out his Kindle and just give it to one of us. :)

  12. Heather-guess what! The police found my parents' camp trailer! I don't know the condition, though.

  13. No way! That is too crazy! I hope it is in good shape still...
