Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Potty Training: Day 1


Handsome Dude is 2.75 years old.

This is dangerously close to 3.

The time has come.

Ready or not (emphasis on not).

When I potty trained my girls, it was surprisingly easy. 

I took away their diapers.  I put them in underwear.  They each had a couple accidents and by lunch time they were getting the hang of things. 


 It took like 2 days.

Silly me for thinking things would be similar with Handsome Dude.

Apparently, my girls are well-advanced peoples.

I will be expecting a call any minute from their school confirming my findings.

So . . . here were my goals for Day 1 of potty training Handsome Dude:

1)  Take away diapers

2)  Try not to get angry at him

3)  Switch to underwear

4)  Try not to yell

5)  Pull-ups for naps/bed and outings

6) Candy if he makes a pee pee in the potty

7)  Try not to get angry

8)  Try not to yell

9)  Get him to potty in the toilet by lunchtime

And here is how Day 1 went:

Not well.

In preparation for this, I purchased 9 pairs of underwear.

They are all soiled.

We had not one, I repeat, not one successful toilet trip today.

Not one.

And, to make things even more fantabulous, I am completely out of paper towels.

And paper towels come in handy when cleaning up urine in the kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom, and anywhere else that he  . . .

might roam.

He does NOT get it, I repeat, he does NOT get it.

The very first thing he tried was to put on all 9 pairs of underwear on at the same time.

Who does that?

Then he cried and wailed and cried and wailed.

Then he went and got a diaper.

But I am remaining steadfast in my new diaperless beliefs.

When he finally put a pair of underwear on, he caught his little unit in the elastic . . .

which resulted in him becoming terrified of the "owie" underwear.

So, now when we put the undies on, we have to run in place and scream and cry for fear of the undies.


At the start of the day, when I was still blissfully hopeful, I sat him down on his potty seat and told him to point his little unit down.

By the end of the day, I could have cared less if it was pointed down.


Spray me all you want.

Just please, please, please for the love of everything, please urinate while you are at least standing within 3 feet of the toilet.

I would call that progress.







He did however, find time to smooch with his little bro.




He kisses on the toilet.

He reads on the toilet.

He shows me his owies on the toilet.

Guess what he does not do on the toilet.

Now the Lumberjack and I have a bet.

Let's see which on eof us can get him to make something . . . . anything . . . come out of his bottom areas while he is sitting on or near the toilet first.

The Lumberjack tried for 45 minutes last night.

Lumberjacks really like to win bets.

But, no.

No, no, no.

Handsome Dude had not one succesful elimination.

Potty training day 1:  FAIL.


  1. This sounds just like me! I have 3 girls and I am now trying to train my almost-3 year old boy. I let him go without pants for the weekend and he did great, but as soon as I stick anything on him (underwear, pullup) he goes in it. The first day I left him naked from the waste down, put on his favorite show, and kept filling his sippy cup while he sat on the potty watching tv. Not the best, but it worked! He peed and I acted so excited that he kept going all day. I just can't dress him yet lol.

  2. I don't miss the days of potty training. My two boys were reluctant to use the potty. My daughter was very easy to train like your girls. Good Luck with the potty training. I am sure he will be trained by kindergarten.

  3. so what's the prize for winning the bet?

  4. Oh fun! I am training the twins too! Well starting hardcore this weekend(it's a long one and I need help). Handsome Dude will most certainly will get it just give him time! Good luck! Bythe way totally stinkin miss you, guess we will get together after we are finished potty training now...could be forever!

  5. Oh my goodness I have been there and as much as I was laughing, I know what you are going through and know that it is not funny . Keep it up, he will one day do it!
    My boys were late at training, they would not even think about it at 2 or evern 2 1/2. I waited until they were 3 and it was a breeze, it was like it finally clicked in their heads, hopefully soon Handome Dude will catch on! Good luck :)

  6. His little unit? I have never heard it called that!

    And, OUCH!!

  7. I loathe potty training.
    Alex was not easy, despite being a girl.
    I don't want to start with Derek, but I know it's coming soon.
    He's gone a couple of times for the novelty I guess, but we haven't started in earnest.
    It's one of the things I'm not willing to do when Josh is away. I feel it's only fair that he get to participate. You know, since he had about 5 minutes to do with the creation of the little booger.

  8. Oh the joys... Boys are so much fun, aren't they? I just let my boys run around naked or just in pants, no undies , for a few days. Thankfully it was summer but you can do it! For some reason undies seemed to complicate matters, they would always have an accident. But after a few day of urine runnung straight down their legs, then me being very matter of fact, taking them to "clean up" they did it! Candy helps too :) You can do it! Or should I say handsome dude can do it!

  9. Levi was not ready until he was 3 years and 3 months old. He was very similar to handsome dude, and would not do it. Wait until he is ready--I repeat--wait until he is ready!!!! You will do nothing but drive yourself bonkers in the meantime. One day it seriously clicked with levi and I think he's had one accident. He sleeps through the night, nap time, and it's wonderful!!! Give it time, darling, give it time.....

  10. That is the number one reason I stopped at 3 kids....

  11. I'm feeling your pain sister ;) Our little princess is still learning the toilet thing at 3 years 7 months. We've been at it for a year :( I've nearly driven myself nuts trying. The no 2's (poos) thing clicked straight away, couple of accidents then CLICK!. Wee wee's, something else. I think she does it to have control over me. Hmm... Mum said I left it too late, I reckon I pushed my independent, stubborn little rascal too hard. I REALLY wanted to win :) Ho hum. Good luck. :)

  12. Isn't being a mom fun:) As a mother of 3 boys, I tell you even once they are potty trained; you will still need the paper towels. Apparently, sometimes they forget to hold their "little units" and your bathroom will look like a truck stops bathroom. That being said, I firmly believe you can't potty train until they are ready. My first son potty trained right after he was 2. My second son potty trained at around 3, but continued to have accidents for some time. My third guy wanted to be like his brothers, so he went around 2 1/2. But I also did all of them in warmer weather, so we could play in the back yard (less clean up). Good Luck and keep your sense of humor (your going to need it).

  13. Sounds like lots of fun : ) Eventually he'll get it...they always do.

    Hoping you have a chocolate stash in the house. (I won't tell your mean friends).

  14. I only have two girls, they were both potty trained at two. Other than a couple accidents they were both willing and easy to train. My nephew who just turned three on Monday has no interest. My poor SIL is going nuts. He doesn't care if he's walking around in wet/messy undies. I swear it must be a boy thing! Wishing you the best & some extra patience.

  15. Kim (Williams) KibbyJanuary 13, 2010 at 5:05 AM

    I am seriously cracking up right now! You are not the only mom going through this. At Noah's Ark, the kids have to be 3 and potty trained before they can start, and nearly EVERY nearly-3-year-old-boy's mother panics. Boys are harder to train, girls are pretty easy. Why is that? Find some sort of motivator to potty train Handsome Dude- that's what I tell parents who are struggling with potty training their sons. School/playgrounds are a HUGE motivator. Funny story from a parent I knew... she potty trained her son by letting him run around bottomless and let him pee outside wherever he wanted. She told him to water the trees, bushes, and flowers. Uh, yeah. As long as he doesn't try to pee in a tire or behind the playhouse at my school... whatever, you're the mom. :) Another story... a parent told her son that if he peed or pooped in his new Curious George undies, Curious George would bite him on the butt. My response- "Are you SERIOUS?!" But maybe I'll resort to my own tricks to get my son to potty train. Good luck!! :)

  16. Oh, how well I remember those days. My oldest girl caught on fairly quickly, and by 2 1/2, she was dry during the day and had fairly few accidents. My second child, a boy, was a bit slower, and had a bad time when he dropped the toilet seat on Little Mr. Happy and screamed out, "I not gonna go pee inna potty NO MORE!!" For a long time he didn't, preferring instead to use his Tonka truck, but he's 21 now, and completely potty trained. My third son, a boy, was handed some new clean, Barnie underpants, and I said, "Don't pee on Barnie" (we have so much class). And Jon never did. He was just 2, and he got it right then and there. He had no accidents, not even at night. Of course, by then his big brother was trained and Jon would watch him and would watch Daddy. I think that helped. My youngest, a girl, was pretty quick, too, but it was actually my sons who got it faster. Other than unfortunate toilet seat accidents, which slowed things down.

    My point is, it does end! They will get it! Even the boys, who have to stay away from scary elastic and zippers in their jeans, they figure it out eventually. Hang in there!

  17. I refer to an earlier comment same subject. Sorry. I had no trouble at all. I just waited till my son was ready. How could I tell? Well..... it's just that one day he seemed aware, ya know, that something was going on. Like he could tell something was coming. And when I could see that awareness, that realization in his eyes and his stillness... well, I just got out the potty chair. I didn't expect him to go to it, I just put it wherever he was so he didn't have to go search it out. No prob Bob.

  18. [...] after my potty training posts, a few of commented that having my boy reverse gears and straddle the toilet would be a better way [...]

  19. After potty training my first boy, I vowed not to start with my youngest boy until he was three. I wanted to get Kaden trained before baby brother arrived, but it seemed all I did was make him afraid of the toilet. After I waited for him to turn three it was actually a breeze. I heard from a friend to just get rid of the undies - so I did. However, before I even tried again, I would set an egg timer and when it rang, I just made him sit on the potty chair - he wasn't expected to do anything...just sit. And for this I would give him a Hershey's kiss. He then got to where he wanted to sit on the potty. (I also tried the straddling - but had no luck. Someone even told me to put Cheerios in the toilet to have him aim at...that didn't work either). I am waiting until three for boy #2 before I even think about training. I don't know if any of this helps, but I know I also got so very frustrated!! Good luck!

  20. Too funny! So Bubba decided he was potty trained BEFORE he was potty trained. So he would do the screaming, running in place when I tried to diaper him since he did NOT get it. "I want undies" he'd scream.

    Then if he needed to potty he could get them off more easily. TO GO ON THE FLOOR! Ack. Hubby threatened to ducktape a diaper on.

    So he gets it but he refuses to cooperate. Rrrr!

    Good luck with that.

  21. Very funny. I'm going to share this with my wife. Now she won't feel alone in her lamentations!

  22. [...] Handsome Dude just finished up potty training.  For more on our adventures with that click here, and then keep reading for about a week’s worth of [...]

  23. [...] It was my first experience with potty-training a boy and, I ain’t gonna lie, IT DID NOT GO WELL. [...]

  24. [...] Potty Train­ing Day 1:  Hand­some Dude is 2.75 years old. [...]
