Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Six years.

On Tuesday night, I fulfilled one of the resolutions I made for 2010.

I went . . . to the dentist.

Now, in school, I was always striving for A's.


I was one of those kids.

An "A-" made me nauseous.

That was so dangerously close to . . . *gasp* a "B."

When I was a child, my mother would take me, my brother, and sister to the dentist.  At the end, we would each get a report card.  My sister and I usually got "A's" . . . cause we're awesome like that.

My brother usually got "D"s.

Foolish boy.

Getting an "A" on my 6-month dental check up became extremely important to me.

Because I had nothing cooler to think about.

Fact:  The Lumberjack's Wife weighed 10 pounds more than she does now when she was in school.

Fact:  The Lumberjack's Wife was never invited to a party with alcohol growing up.

Fact:  The Lumberjack's Wife was never offered a cigarette.

Fact:  The Lumberjack's Wife contemplated breaking up with The Lumberjack when he told her he had participated in underaged drinking.

Fact:  The Lumberjack's Wife's parents, who read this blog upon occasion, are most likely horrified to read the above fact.

Back in January of 2004, when I was pregnant with Daisy Mae, I went to the dentist.

And, per usual, I received an A+ report card and was cavity free.

Thank you very much.

But, alas.

My dentist retired.

Our insurance became not so great.

And I gave birth three more times.

And gosh darn it, I have not been back to the dentist since.


That would be 6 years.

So, I was a little nervous walking into this new dentist office on Tuesday.

I walk in.

I am greeted.

The greeter/receptionist gives me a complete and detailed tour.


I'm not sure.

But it was both lovely and informative.

Then she sits me down in a fancy-schmancy conference room, where she offers me water or juice.


Is not juice bad for the teeth?


She leaves me.

And I am waiting for awhile . . . and I am extremely nervous.

What if I have broken my perfect record?

What if I have . . .  a cavity?

So, I begin to worry.

Then, they make me wait so long that I have to use the bathroom.

My bladder only has a 1 1/2 hour lifespan max.

4 kids . . . what can I say?

I wash my hands, but I cannot find the paper towels.

I decide I don't care and I head back to the conference room . . . where the doctor is waiting for me.

And he wants to shake my hand.

Which is really wet.

Fact:  The Lumberjack's Wife is 100% certain she completely freaked out the dentist with her wet hands.

"Hello . . . blah, blah, blah . . . .are you taking any medications . . . . blah, blah, blah . . . . when was your last cleaning?"

Both the dentist and his lovely assistant raise their eyebrows.

"Six years?!  Hmmmm . . . ok."

I laugh nervously and tell them my husband hasn't been in over ten years because, for some odd reason, I feel that will make me look better.

So, I am done chit chatting with the dentist and I am taken back with his lovely, young, skinny, and certain-to-have-never-birthed-a-baby-nor-missed-a-6-month-dental-check-up assistant.

"Ok.  I am going to first take your picture."

So, she lines me up against this wall and puts this digital camera about 4 inches away from my face.

I ask her if she wants me to smile.

"Um, sure if you want."

Why is she taking my picture then?  Isn't she only interested in my teeth?"

She takes the picture.

She laughs.

"Sorry.  Your eyes look funny.  Let's try again."


I always take pictures like this:

It's what I do best.

She takes a few, while smirking I might add, and finally decides on one where my eyes are only about half-closed.

Then she takes some x-rays of me while I am standing up.

And I am becoming more and more certain that she is laughing at me.

Every time I see her, she is looking at someone else, and smirking and laughing.

I think she thinks I am gross.

Because I haven't been to the dentist in 6 years.

And, yes. 

It is gross.

But, I am here, and that should count for something.

So, then she makes me lay down and gets ready to take x-rays of me while laying down.

She is thorough.

She gets me all set up and then stares at my tummy regions.

"Wait.  You're not pregnant are you?"


Silly, skinny, young girl who knows nothing about muffin tops caused by 4 children.

Fact:  The Lumberjack's Wife vaguely remembers having tummy fat before having children.

Fact:  The Lumberjack's Wife finds having 4 children a convenient way to blame said tummy fat.


"Oh, good!"

Then she takes more x-rays and continues to laugh at me to some mysterious other person whom I cannot see.

Is it whom or who?

100 (meaningless) points to whoever/whomever can correct my grammar.

The dentist comes back in.

I hope he has forgiven me for my gross, wet bathroom hands.

He looks at my x-rays.

"Hmmm . . . ."

He looks at each  individual tooth.

"Hmmm . . . "

He's going to tell me I have a cavity.

I just know it.

This is going to be devastating.

"Well . . . I can't seem to find anything wrong here with your teeth.  Everything looks great, except of course, they really need a cleaning."


I am aware.

We have already established how gross I am.

Thank you.

Next, the cute and smirky assistant offers me the remote.

But who can watch tv at a time like this?

The hygenist, aka the poor soul who has to "clean that disgusting girl who hasn't been to the dentist in six years teeth" comes in.

She tells me I can watch tv.

I don't want to watch tv.

She gets started, then stops and reminds me that I can watch tv.


I will watch tv.

They probably want me distracted so they can laugh about how gross my teeth are.

She finishes up.

"Well, they weren't too bad for someone who hasn't been in for six years."



Then the cute assistant comes back in.

Her job is to now floss me.


Then, before she even lets me get out of the exam chair, she makes me schedule my next 6-month exam.


I am not that gross, am I?

And that was my trip to the dentist.

Does everyone else in the world go to the dentist regularly?

Fess up.

Tell me how long it has been since you have been to the dentist.


  1. Nah, don't worry you' re not alone. I don't go to the dentist regularly either, I will admit it. I was just happy to get my teeth cleaned in dental school.

  2. I just got my teeth cleaned a couple months ago, but only because I had to have "medical AND dental clearance" to go to Turkey and because it is now free for me. Before that I had not been to the dentist since I got my braces off which was sometime during my Jr. year of high school I believe. (I graduated 7 years ago.) So I think I have you beat on that one. I did not tell "them" that though. When they asked me, I simply said it had been too long. I may have even said years, but I would not admit how many years. What did it really matter anyway? No cavities for me and they even told me I had very good oral hygiene! HA! Take that snooty hygienist of the world!

  3. I went right before my wedding in June cuz after that, bye-bye Dental insurance!

  4. I haven't been in probably 6 years either because we don't have dental. I am glad to hear yours weren't to bad it gives me hope!

  5. The last time I went was probably about 4 years ago, and before that it had been 10 years! I got the same raised eyebrows when I told them that... and the same "hmmm.... your teeth look really good for someone who hasn't been to the dentist in 10 years" reaction afterward.
    I really should go again. I also should go to the eye doctor. I haven't been there in at least 4 years. Yes, I have stretched my two year contact prescription out for 4 years..... it's pitiful.... but really, who has the time?

  6. I went a year ago, beore that about 7, They still want to pull my wisedom teeth and so I resist going back. Had it scheduled last time and the power to the entire building was mysteriously out that entire day... providence? :)

  7. maybe if they pull them I'll actually be wise... lol! Wisdom teeth, not wisedom lol!

  8. Loved this post!
    The wet hands- did you explain them or just let him think you are a messy wiper? ;)

    I also have anxiety about getting cavities. Unfortunately for me I have "soft teeth", whatever that means, and get cavities ALL THE TIME. Seriously, I do everything. Brush 3 times a day, floss daily, use a special paste I have to order online, etc. Still cavities every time. Not even sure there are any spots left to fill in my teeth.

    You had me laughing today. I'm sure she asks everyone if they're pregnant, and wasn't checking out your muffin top!

  9. Congratulations....I hate the dentist and am slightly overdue but nothing terrible. I am in this new town and nobody wants to tell me who their dentist is which concerns me a little. Once you get off track with the appts. it's easy to stay off track. I need to get back on track. Sigh.

  10. Ugh. I hate the dentist. I had a three year lapse which I rectified last year and they treated me just like that too. Like I had been in prison for that three years or something.

    Glad you didn't have any cavities.

  11. You know, Sharyl & I both have this family "bad teeth" curse and neither of us have EVER experienced going to the dentist after a 6 year absence and getting a clean bill of dental health. Honestly I didn't know people like you even existed!!!

  12. I think if I shared how long it has been for me, you may block all comments from me. Is it any justification that my kids go every 6 months and so far NONE of the them have ever had a cavity???

  13. Unfortunately my dental visits do not end with "A". Go to to read about my last experience at the dentist.

  14. Right now I have to go every 3 months because I wasn't going every 6 and then needed a deep scaling! UUUGH!!! Tourturous!!! I will now go every 6 weather I like it or not!!!

    Funny bout your hands being wet! LOL

  15. "Who" is generally used when referring to a subject whereas "Whom" refers to an object (often indirect).

    Who went to the dentist?
    Who is the subject and could be answered with a subject pronoun: She went to the dentist.

    For whom did the dentist treat?
    The dentist is the subject and treat would be the direct object and whom would be the indirect object. This could be answered with an object pronoun: The dentist treated her.

    But as far as I can tell the who/whom distinction is fading quickly and is almost entirely absent in current day colloquial English, so I guess you don't really have to worry (but apparently I still do).

  16. oh and if it follows a preposition, it is usually "whom"

  17. I don't always make it, but I do try to go every 6 months.

    But I know about not having insurance and stuff. There have been times when I went at least 2 or 3 years without going.

  18. Glad you won over at the pond blog, so I could find you! This was too funny, 6 yrs, wow. I went last Oct. but try not to go every 6 mo.s lol

  19. hey! it's only january and you fulfilled a resolution!! that's amazing!

    it's only been a few months since my last appt. hmm... maybe longer than a few months... maybe a year. hmm... time to make another appt...

  20. Too funny! I recently had a filling replaced -- the first dental work I've had since moving to this town 2 1/2 years ago. I used to go regularly for cleaning and checkups when my daughter was growing up -- as an example to her. Now? Every two or three years, unless there is a problem like the aforementioned filling replacement. We don't have dental insurance, and it's just to danged expensive.

    Loved your description of the tour, etc. - I had that with this new dentist I went to, and it was really kind of strange. Like they were trying to sell me a dental timeshare or something.

  21. Nope. I simply let him think the worst. :)

  22. 100 meaningless points to you, my dear sis, plus 10 bonus points for a very thorough answer!

  23. Ooooooo, I feel like such a goody-too-shoes. I go every six months and don't know I've ever missed in my entire life. I have been extremely blessed with dental insurance my whole life. Lucky, lucky.

    And the wet hands is hilarious. So ya know.

  24. Very funny. I doubt she was laughing at your "grossness." I think she sees way more grossness than you on a daily basis. Oh, and good for you! An "A" check up!

  25. I'm a regular, every 6 months, kind of gal. But, that being said, I absolutely HATE going to the dentist. I've always feared it. I think it's my fear of the dentist which keeps me going back regularly. I just know one of these times he's going to tell me I need a whole mouth replacement or something. =)

  26. My husband hadn't been to the dentist for over ten years. When he finally went in and they asked how long he said, "Look at my teeth and guess." The assistant, probably also cute and smirky, said, "Six months." He felt vindicated, justified and proud of his negligence. She shouldn't have said that. He waited another ten years to go back.

  27. 7 years. And then I went to the lovely dentist that gives tours. I'm pretty sure it must be the same office :) I too found the tour kind of odd....

  28. I haven't been in at least six years... maybe more. I've lost track. I do take the girlies, but one time went 18 month between cleanings for them and the "ladies" there made it seem like they wanted to call DHS on me... now I am scared to go... gonna have to bite the bullet soon though.

  29. I went to the dentist after #1 was born, and didn't go again until #4 was here. But my report card wasn't so good. My gums had receded terribly, and I had 14 gum line cavities!! Yikes!

  30. Wow. Like seven Mindy/ee/ies posted comments. That is funny. I know. I'm weird.
    I have not been to the dentist in a longer period of time than anyone else who commented, but I just don't think I can say how long. It is too gross. Not that I think you are gross. But if you think about what they clean off of your teeth, and that that has been building up on MY teeth for as long as it has, AND the whole giving birth three times (which you supposedly "lose" teeth each time, plus nursing, and drinking soda, and no calcium...I am in big trouble). I am going to have 39 cavities whenever I do go; they are going to fuss at me. I hate that. They will make me feel like a little girl. Poo.
    Your experience, more like your relating your experience, was hysterical though. I am your friend forever. At least here in the land of blogs.
    Oh. So weird about the picture! What was up with that?!

  31. yeah, I want to know why they took a picture too!! weird and creepy if you ask me, haha
    I am probably creeping up on 6 years, I didn't have dental for awhile but over the past 2 years have just been avoiding it because I'm scared, and now my insurance is running out and I'm scared they'll say i need major work done ASAP... shoulda gone while I was still working full time so they would cover any work I needed done.
    Just so you know, I'm going to call and schedule an appointment tomorrow, in honor of your A+. It gives me hope (and a kick in the pants)

  32. the kiddos and i go every six months. my husband is another story, i feel like i have to drag him in. i also take bad pics and our dentist feels that the next one will be better. it never is, i always look drunk.

  33. I love going to the dentist and go every 6 months because I have good dental insurance. I would totally recommend my dentist if you ever want to switch. They are the nicest people!!! Of course, I've been going there since I was 10 I think.

  34. oops forgot my other ) oh well....

  35. we don't have dental insurance, so no, i do not go regularly. BUT i hadn't seen the dentist in 8 (yes i said 8) years and he said i had less plaque on my teeth than most people he sees every 6 months!! what can i say...i am a tooth brushing freak!! :)

  36. I am weird and actually don't mind the dentist so yes, I go every 6 months. But I did have a long lapse through college - all of college. So I've been there. And it sounds like I would have wanted to slap the smirky one - how annoying!

  37. [...] 3) Ask a relatable question. In this post, I shared with them my recent dentist story and asked them when the last time they went to the dentist was. [...]
