Saturday, January 2, 2010


Meet the dudes.

The dudes are taking a bath.

Handsome Dude, who was feeling particularly helpful this morning, decided to wash Little Dude.

Little Dude does not like this.

Little Dude is mad.

That's odd.

Now, big sister shall help.

Still, Little Dude does not appreciate her efforts.

Poor Little Dude.

My children are so helpful.

Handsome Dude helped himself to some milk:

He dropped it.

Plastics make it possible.

He also helped himself to a healthy snack.

Hey, Dude!

What are you doing down there?

Handsome Dude . . . Did you take a cupcake?

"Ummm . . . yes . . . I share with brother."


So very helpful those boys are.

My girls are helpful.

Would you like to see what they made the Lumberjack for Christmas?

Coupons for free back scratches.

Lumberjacks love back scratches.

I got some coupons, too!

"Free Cleen Up."

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm about to redeem one of my coupons at this very moment.

We'll see how well this goes over.

Happy Saturday!


  1. Love the gifts! Hopefully they won't make more work, but you have to love the hearts regardless!

  2. I love the coupon gifts. How creative and thoughtful your girls are :)

  3. your gifts are sweet...your boys are do you resist the crying face-its too cute!

  4. How sweet those coupons are and seeing those little boy faces makes me miss my own boys so much. Ah, where does the time go?

  5. Little Dude and Handsome Dude - dude, those kids are trouble!! :-) but oh so sweet!

  6. I think girls are almost always more helpful at home than boys... it's like a genetic trait or something! ;) I love the coupons, so adorable!

  7. i miss double duty bathtime! now it seems i'm always yelling throw the door for someone to get out of the shower. can't say my girls aren't clean. enjoy those coupons! i love help.

  8. Total thumbs up on the coupon idea. And hey Handsome Dude, I love cupcakes without frosting. Yum Yum.

  9. lol your kids are soooo cute!! Love your style btw!

