Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dear Handsome Dude,

While I am proud of you, my dear son, for mastering the potty in a fairly reasonable amount of time, I do have a bit advice for you, now that you are regularly using the toilet.

When you are eliminating waste products into the toilet, please make sure your unit is pointed downward, leaving plenty of room for the waste product to enter the toilet bowl.

Do not close your tiny thighs.

They will get splashed.

Do not keep your underwear pulled up so high.

It will get splashed.

And please.


Please refrain from clasping your entire little unit in your little hand while urinating.

And if that happens, my dear Handsome Dude, please refrain from screaming as you watch the waste product spray all over your hands.

Do not keep peeing and screaming and soak your shirt.

Do not freak out because your shirt is now soaked.

Do not run in place and scream for fear of the pee pee that is on your little hands, tummy, and thighs.

Thank you.

But I have one more request.

If you must choose to freak out and pee all over yourself, could you please try and not do so at 8:51 am.

For you see, my dear boy, your sisters' school starts at 8:55am.

And we are late.




I would appreciate your help in making our mornings "yell-free."

Thank you,


P.S.-I love you Handsome Dude.

  You are growing up too fast.


  1. My son had the same problem. So I have a bit of advice to you. This may sound weird but it works. I had my son sit on the toilet backwards. We had to put his pants back on everytime he went to the bathroom, but we no longer had wet pants. Then when it came time to teach him to stand up. We had him aim for cheerios. Good Luck! Great job Handsome Dude, Keep up the good work.

  2. So funny! And so not fair that you look so cute immediately after birthing a child. So not fair.

  3. I have one request, could you please add the following to your advice?
    Dear Handsome Dude - please contact my son, Jack, and explain to him how freeing it is to use the potty on a daily basis, how nice it is to not have various amounts of poop smashed up against your bottom in a diaper, and how much nicer mommy is when you require less hands-on hygiene.
    Thank you, signed, Mindy
    P.S. Congrats. =)

  4. Yeah, I thought you looked a little too good for having just delivered a baby. We also did the facing backward thing. Put him in elastic waist pants for a while so he can undress and re-dress himself more easily, then face him backwards.

  5. Ditto to the backwards on the toilet thing. That's what we did too. Have him straddle it like a horse... no more pee on the floor!

  6. Well I'm definitely going to remember the sitting backwards on the toilet when it's my turn to attempt potty-training... I'm nervous already...!

  7. Ha! I hear ya girl. And now, even though I have cleaned my entire bathroom from top to bottom, there remains and stench of old pee... so I know he got it somewhere, but I cant find out where!!! I temped to power wash the place with bleach! :)


  8. I am soo jealous!! I could handle some peepee all over the place, just as long as my little one would even give it a try!!! I worry he might be going on his first date and still be packin' the huggies!! Hopefully your next little one will be just as easy!

  9. You looked way too good for having just had a baby.
    So we can no longer be friends.
    I only befriend people who gain at least 40lbs and look like a heffalump after delivery.

    It's been fun knowing you.

  10. I guess there are some advantages to having "inside" plumbing as a woman.

  11. Once again, I'm so thankful that I will only be potty training girls!
    But I'm proud of the two of you... it really didn't take toooo long- although I will say it was a painful (vs. painless) process! :) Glad you guys are on the down swing!

  12. He is really going to love this in about 12 years. :)

  13. What an adventure! I just had girls!

  14. Okay, what on earth is a caboodle?

  15. WoW, that's the best after birth picture I've ever seen. You're just way too cute! Oh, those precious potty pics.....he's so gonna hate them when he is older.

    Have a fantastically blessed day!!!

  16. Congrats! How impressive that he picked it up so quick! He is OBVIOUSLY highly intelligent!

  17. Your handsome dude sure is a handsome dude.

    Feed him vitamins that turn his urine a brighter yellow, then you know for SURE you are getting all the splitter-splatter wiped up. I only know this trick because an adult friend, who shall be nameless, uses this on her hubby. tee-hee

  18. Please keep telling "potty training" stories... I've had "babies on the brain" and your posts are really helping! (seriously.... they are!)

  19. Lisa Canterbury-WoodsJanuary 19, 2010 at 2:29 PM

    Taylor, you brighten my day! I love your blog. Keep up the great work.

  20. This is very cute and oh, so funny. What we did with Levi is he had to open his thighs, push his , ahem, "unit", down and reclose his legs over it. Worked like a charm, and he could do it himself pretty much right away, too. Pointed down in the potty with everything else, ya know? :) And the backwards potty thing is hilarious! I've never heard of that before, and I'm sure it works, but also sounds like a lot of work! Hooray for Handsome Dude!

  21. My son has had to get COMPLETELY NAKED when going #2 for the last 4 years.

    When he was six and moved out of his little class with the cute little toilet right in the room into the big boy class with the toilet down the hall...well...let's just say it was a shock for everyone, watching my son take off his clothes


    leaving a path down the hall and into the big boy bathroom.

    Luckily he's 8 now and only does such things at home.

    Good luck to you!!

  22. Congrats! As the mother of 3 boys, all I can say is keep the Clorox wipes in the bathroom at ALL times. If not your bathroom will look like a truck stop in no time. As for the morning catastrophie - could you wake Handsome Dude up 10 minutes earlier and take him right to the bathroom or is this after breakfast?

  23. I still struggle with almost all of those problems.

  24. We had good luck with turning the boy around backwards on the pot for peeing. Somehow it puts them at a downward angle.

  25. Hee hee! What a wonderful open letter. Bet he enjoys every moment of it when it's read out at his 18th birthday :)

  26. Hooray for Handsome Dude!
    Reading about potty training technics for boys is cracking me up! Vinegar water is a great way to clean your bathroom to rid it of that urine smell.

  27. My vote is fathers teach the sons potty training. Go somewhere and return when everyone is trained satisfactorily.

  28. I just read these posts over again to encourage me to keep at with Ali. Seriously, I think I'm gonna loose my mind, and my house is covered in pee!

    But if you made it, I can too.... right!?
