Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Weekend Story for You.

Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner

Welcome to everyone from Kelly's Korner!

I don't have any personal collections myself, but this is a story about an unwelcome collection of my husband's.

Read through it all and it will make sense.

This is just to make you smile, as it would not be considered a true collection.

Happy Friday!



The year was 2002.

The time was 7am.

I was about 7 weeks pregnant with my first child.  I woke up sick, as usual.

I was young.  I was new to this whole "pregnancy" thing.  I honestly had no idea what I was doing.  I was already going against the advice I had gotten from others:

1)  Don't drink caffeine. (I had about a cup of coffee a day)

2)  Don't gain more than 3-5 pounds in the first trimester. (I already gained 10 pounds.  It was sad, really.)

3)  Don't stand by microwaves. (Seriously.  Is that one for real?)

4)  Don't tell anyone you are pregnant until you are at least 12 weeks along. (I told everyone and their mothers within 15 seconds of taking the pregnancy test.)

The Lumberjack had already woken up and left for work.

I was all alone.

I went to the bathroom.

As I turned to flush, I noticed something foreign floating in the water.

As I stared at it, tears filled my eyes, and I knew instantly what it was:  my baby.

I was devastated.

And mad.

Mad at myself for drinking caffeine.  Mad at myself for eating too much.  Mad at myself for microwaving popcorn. And mad at myself for telling people.

But mostly, I was truly devastated.

I stared and stared at it, horrified at how easy it was to just lose a baby.

I knew a girl who had a miscarriage a few months before that.  The doctor had told her to bring the baby in so they could look at it.  So, I figured my doctor would want to look at mine.  I took a clear, plastic cup and fished it out of the toilet.

Then, I sat it on the counter.

And I stared at it.

I called my mom.

Mom:  Hi!

Me:  I lost the baby.

Mom:  What?  How?

Me:  (crying) I don't know.  It just came out.  In the toilet.

Mom:  Are you sure it was the baby?

Me:  Well, what else could come out of me?  Something came out of me.  Something was in the toilet.

Mom:  Call the doctor.

Me:  I did, but they aren't open yet.  I have to wait until 9am.

Mom:  Ok.  Call the doctor at 9am and then call me.

The time dragged on.  I stared at the little object, trying to make out what I was seeing.  At one angle, I was sure I saw a spinal cord.

Finally, the time came to call the doctor's office.

The receptionist put me through to a nurse right away.

Me:  I think I had a miscarriage.

Nurse:  I'm sorry, hon.  Tell me what happened.

Me:  Well, I woke up this morning and I went to the bathroom.  And after I went, I saw it floating in the toilet.

Nurse: Hmmm . . . ok.  Is this your first pregnancy?

Me:  Yes.

Nurse: Ok. Can you describe "it" to me?

Me:  Sure.  It is bluish-gray.  And it is kind of fuzzy, almost like lint or something.

Nurse:  Interesting.  Sweetie, do you think what you saw in the toilet could actually be lint?

Me:  Well, I don't think so.  Do people normally pee out lint?

Seriously.  This nurse is insane.

Nurse:  *sigh* No, hon.  Sweetie, are you in any kind of pain?

Me:  Nope.  I just feel nauseous.

Nurse:  Bleeding or cramping?

Me:  No.

Nurse: Ok, hon.  Why don't you just call us back if any more comes out of you?

Ok, I am certain I hear a chuckle in her voice.  She is making me very angry. 

Me:  You don't need to check me out or anything?

Nurse:  No, hon.  I think you are fine.  Just call us in a bit.

I stare at the object and cry and sob.

I am mad at that nurse for not believing me.

I am mad that she was laughing at me.

And now, I am quite perplexed because the object has slightly disintegrated in the yellowish water and become two objects.

I guess it does kind of look like lint.

But how could that be?

And then . . . it hit me.

The Lumberjack.

Everyday, when he wakes up, he has a huge wad of belly button lint.


Without fail.


100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can tell me why.

I have never in my life had any bit of belly button lint.

I decide it is time to give my husband a call.

You might be wondering why I haven't called him yet, seeing as how I fear I have just lost my baby.

My husband does NOT like phone calls and he does NOT like getting phone calls while he is crawling through tiny crawl spaces, hanging from ladders, and getting electrocuted.


My husband gets electrocuted regularly.

I wonder if he is any good at this electrical business?

The Lumberjack: What's up?

I can barely hear him over the hammers, drills, and blaring music.

Me:  I have a very important question for you.

The Lumberjack:  What?

Great.  He is already annoyed.

Me:  When you woke up this morning, what did you do with your belly button lint?

The Lumberjack: What?!

Me:  Your belly button lint!  What did you do with it?

The Lumberjack:  I don't know!  I think I threw it in the toilet. 

Oh, my.

Me:  Can you please do me a favor and flush next time?

The Lumberjack:  Sure.  I really gotta go, Taylor.


I am happy to report that

A) I did not have a miscarriage

B) I do not pee out lint

C) The Lumberjack still remained married to me after that ridiculous phone call

D) The Lumberjack still, to this day, has belly button lint.

E)  I still don't have belly button lint.

The End.


  1. Oh my goodness! I can not stop laughing. You are so sweet my dear! I am truly glad that you did not have a miscarriage.
    Oh the joys of pregnancy... You brought back many of them. I was SUPER paranoid my first pregnancy (I was not a nurse then, thankfully, I think I would have driven myself crazy)
    This story reminds me of when one of our employees thought she had peed out a dead fish. You should ask your mother about it if you've never heard the story....

  2. I so remember this! Thank you for making me laugh... again. :)

  3. TRUE STORY, my husband has major belly button lint, too. And I think it's because they have hair that just shuttles clothing fibers right into the belly button. Grossness.

  4. one of my best memories is you sharing this story at the Cheesecake Factory in Seattle - I can't believe they didn't kick us out for being so disruptive!! and i am really interested in that dead fish story......

  5. Ok just how MUCH lint does your husband get in there lol wait don't answer that! You crack me up Taylor.

  6. Oh, I am asking her tonight!

  7. A lot. He's really nasty.

  8. 100 points to you! And you helped fix my DVD! You are a wealth of information!

  9. Ha! I posted this story, not this exact post, but this story, a couple months ago, and removed it. Two people viewed it. I knew Melissa was one . . . I guess you were the other! I was worried it was dumb. It is dumb. But in a funny way. Anywas, now I know who the second person was! Sorry about the repeat!

  10. You told me this story one of the first times I met you - it still remains one of my favorites! I love the way you aren't afraid to laugh at yourself - and let others laugh with you!!

  11. So..what did the nurse say the next time you went to the Dr.'s office? Did she snicker? Act concerned about your well-being or mental state?

  12. You are too funny! And I am in the same writing industry as you--blogging!

  13. As soon as you said you went to the bathroom, I knew where this story was going. :) This is one of my favorite stories of yours, my mom's too I think. It's funny, but I'm glad everything worked out okay. My husband and I have discussed the belly button lint theory too. I think men get it because of all the hair on their stomachs. It acts like a venus fly trap and just consumes and stores all the little wandering dust and lint particles. Gross.

  14. Ohmygoodness. I just went from utter devastation for you to laughing! Glad to hear it was only lint. Great story!

  15. I heart you! This is one of my favorite stories!

  16. She didn't remember!! You'll have to tell it now! :)

  17. I'm glad that everything did not come out in the end, but came out all right in the end.
    And does he wear flannel shirts? Could it be the flannel? Does he read your blog? :)

  18. Yes, he reads my blog. No, he doesn't wear flannel . . . yet. :)

  19. I have never been on the verge of tears and laughed so hard! I woke my husband up and he is three rooms away! Now I really am crying... from laughing!

  20. Ok, first you have me welling up with tears of sadness and then you have me crying tears of laughter. Why, I oughta....

  21. LOL! This was hilarious (after I realized that you didnt really lose the baby!) It made me laugh so hard to think that you fished belly lint out of the toilet and watched it! hahahaha you poor girl.

  22. No, wasn't me! But I remember you telling me about it after it happened! Gosh, that was ages and ages ago...

  23. I can't believe she doesn't remember! Well, one of our poor little fishes died and someone flushed him down the staff bathroom toilet. However, he must not have really gone down. So, one of our dear receptionist then goes in to use the bathroom. After she is done she looks down and sees the dead fish and of course assumes it must have come from her! I am not sure how long she actually pondered as to if this actually could have happened, but it was cute of her to think, even momentarily, that this was even an option!

  24. Heather-that is hilarious. I totally wish I knew who it was. How devastating . . . to fear you pee fish . . . I think that is worse than lint. Right?

  25. You are absolutely hilarious! I hope you know that. Belly Button lint. Wow.

  26. a totally wonderfully messed up kind of way.

  27. LOL! This is too funny! Love it!

  28. This is how our evenings go Taylor usually as we are getting ready for chuckling to myself, Ryan says "what, Ash??" And then he answers his own question, "let me guess, Taylor's blog...." and then I proceed to read him your fun and entertaining blog...We both had tears in our eyes from this story! You are soooo funny.

  29. oh my goodness... you are so dang hilarious!! Thanks for putting a smile on my face today! I am glad everything was okay and that your hubby has belly button some reason I thought you were on vacation!

    Have a great weekend!

  30. That is hilarious! Sounds just like something that I would do! I was very paranoid throughout my pregnancy....I used to call the doctor saying that I was having cramps just so they would see me to reassure me that I was still pregnant and that everything was alright. :) Very Cute Post!

  31. [...] 5.  Call him at work, after he specifically requested you do not call him much at work, and inquire of him just what he did with his belly button lint that morning. [...]
