Thursday, January 14, 2010

Muffin Tops.

My Auntie left the best comment ever on my post Question.

She wrote:

"What the heck’s a muffin top? Is it your hair? A crop top? A fungus?"

Now that made my day.

Let's examine my hair shall we?

What, pray tell, could be muffin-y about it?

100 (meaningless) points to whoever can explain to Auntie Datenut, and any other confused soul, what a muffin top is.

Also, all you 8-min abs peeps out there-consider this your check in.

Are you doing it?

I am.

But I still have ab flab.


  1. What an adorable picture of you and your muffin hair! Heeheehe! Your Auntie sounds delightfully precious!

    Have a super day!

  2. Oh, if a muffin top could only have to do with hair....
    Auntie Datenut (and any other confused soul) -
    A muffin top is the lovely roll of blubber that sticks out over the top of ones pants when they are to tight.
    Well, actually I have one all of the time, whether my jeans are too tight or not. Guess I too should be doing 8 minute abs :)
    However, muffin tops are much worse and much more noticable if one is wearing too tight of pants or too tight of shirt. It is a fashion casualty.
    How'd I do Lumberjill?

  3. Here's a visual for your Auntie Datenut

    No, that is not me thankyouverymuch.

  4. Okay...I want to say that your aunt could ask just about any woman who has given birth and then given up to model a midrif top while wearing jeans that perhaps need to be a size bigger than they are and the visual should do the trick.

    I'm semi committed to the I ate twizzlers and spent too much time on the computer. Sigh. Tomorrow is another day.

    Thanks for the comment...I put your name in for my blog anniversary giveaway. Don't know what it will be but I will also think about that tomorrow.

  5. Do you remember the Seinfeld where Elaine wants to open a shop that only sells muffin tops? I think of that episode every time I hear the comment "muffin top."

  6. here is what wikipedia has to say about it..."Muffin-top" is a generally pejorative slang term used to describe the phenomenon of overhanging flesh when it spills over the waistline of pants or skirt in a manner that resembles the top of a muffin spilling over its paper casing. This generally occurs when an obese or overweight person wears low-rise, hip-hugger pants, or midriff-baring tops that are too small. However, this phenomenon can be seen even on a slim person if his or her pants or shorts are poorly fitted.

    Cracks me up!!! "phenomenon"???!!!

  7. I have thought about the 8 minute abs very briefly every day. Does that count? I've watched the video-any points there? I'm working myself into it slowly, like a toe in the cold water. :)

  8. Taylor! I have been doing it. :) I also do kick boxing 2 times a week, so between the two, my tummy muscles have been sore, so it is good to feel that to know I am getting toned :)
    How do you like it? Have you felt sore at all?

  9. Don't make me come over there and smack you! You said you would do it . . . now do it!

  10. I did feel sore at first, but now not so much. I have been trying to use my elipitcal machine 3 times a week, too. I like it! I think it is easy to do. My neck is still a little sore, but getting better. :)

  11. You have also earned 100 meaningless points.
    And that was gross.

  12. You did a grand job!
    100 meaningless points to you, my dear!

  13. phenomenon . . . hmmm . . . 100 meaningless points to you, my lady.

  14. 100 points to you as well!

  15. How to get rid of muffin tops:

    Wear stretch pants.


    Yore ma just calls it gak.

    Thank you all for the definitions. I have now added an new idiom to my vocab.


  16. Really like Nezzy. She says I'm delightfully precious. She is too. Thanks Nezzy.

  17. [...] Like when my aunt thought a muffin top was a fungus or a bad hair day. [...]
