Sunday, January 10, 2010

Little Dude

He walks. 

He climbs.

He dances.

He says the following words:







He has 4.2 million teeth.

He has recently learned how to climb out of his crib, which is, in fact, fabulously convenient.

He is completely and utterly terrified of bubbles in the bath.

And Uncle Alex.

But really . . .who isn't?

He's getting so big . . . but he will always be my baby.


I have a double-chin.

Who knew?

I wonder if they make "8-minute Chins?"

If so, I am totes buying myself a copy.

And now, to make everyone else feel better about their homes, I present a peek into my world:

Points of interest you should notice:

1)  Check out how scratched my  coffee table surface is.  This is due to the fact that Handsome Dude and Little Dude firmly believe the coffee table is, in fact, a race track.

(Interruption:  my in-laws are furniture restorers.  I fear I am a huge disappointment in the furniture area.)

2)  There is still toothpaste on my couch.  I repeat, there is still toothpaste on my couch.  I am considering turning the couch cushion around.

 3)  A bit of advice:  do not, under any circumstances, install faux wood blinds in your home if you have children under the age of 10.  Your blinds will never, under any circumstances, look nice and lovely for as long as life endures.

4)  Yes.  There is a fan in my home.  In January.  When it is freezing.  This is for to cool us down when we are exercising on the elliptical trainer that we pretend to use.

5)  Our dog needs a bath and better breath.

6)  Yours truly still has a very sore neck.  So, what you see there under my head is a heating pad.

And in conclusion, I would like to make something clear.


My neck hurts from using the weighted hula hoop.

But, no.

I did not use said hula hoop around my neck.

I have had, like, 20 people ask me this.

I am not that dumb.

I don't know why my neck hurts from the weighted hula hoop.

But, I am considering going to the chiropractor as it has bothered me something fierce for 6 days now.

I am not looking forward to this.

I dislike being touched.


  1. your comment caused a very thorough inspection of your chin... and I still don't see it's double. sorry :)

  2. You are so beautiful! Why are you even saying double chin? Your head is bent down, therefore you will have a double chin! That's like skinny people who bend over to show the rolls in their belly! I hate those people! Oops, hate is too strong.

    What a precious little dude. You have totally given me baby fever. Which is utterly impossible as I am 34, and my hubby had a vasectomy. I am still open to adoption and foster care. I'm just not open to puking 24 hours a day for 40 weeks and being hospitalized for dehydration. But, having a baby sounds great. Just maybe not permanently. Maybe for a few hours. Okay, maybe I just better baby sit for a friend...

  3. Ha! Can I be funny and slightly inappropriate on here? You dislike being touched but you have four kids! HAHAHA! I crack myself up. Anyway, go see the chiro, it's worth it!

  4. I am so glad to see that other people have homes that look like mine - it's nice to see the real world on blogs, since so many people post only manicured pics! At least your coffee table is... clean - mine is piled with totally random junk right including a variety of cookbooks, birth announcements, camera, phone, cds, books, pacifiers, baby headbands... you get the picture.
    Sorry about your neck, I HATE neck pain, it's so distracting and persistent, and probably makes it difficult to use the eyes you've developed in the back of your head! ;)

  5. So sorry about your neck! Hope it gets better soon! And little dude is the absolute cutest! I always wonder how Moms can punish such cute kids! But I managed to do it when mine were little, and they were dang cute. dang.

  6. I don't understand.

    You don't have a double chin. Everyone has a double chin when they are sitting in that position. And even if you did have a double chin, who cares?

    And who cares if you have toothpaste on your couch? You have a beautiful house and beautiful children.

    Toothpaste and double chins just don't really matter at the end of the day.

  7. You don't have a double chin. If you want to see a double chin visit my blog. Except I loudly instruct family members snapping pics not to get my double chin so there might not actually be a picture showing mine..I insist they take 800 shots to get me at just the right angle.

    One day your blinds will be straight and your couch toothpaste free... for now just enjoy your little children. Feel better!

  8. I totally miss having little tigers around. I totally miss having little princesses around. My baby is 7 and a half! going on 22. Thanks for posting your glimpse. It brought back some beautiful memories.

  9. I'm sorry to hear your neck still hurts! That is no fun at all! Yeah, although you fear being touched, I have to say the Chiropractors are such life savers sometimes! I used to have horrible neck and upper shoulder pains and it has gotten so much better after going! Good luck!

  10. I would SO do "8-minute Chins"!! :)

  11. What a sweet picture!! You look beautiful even with a tweeked neck, a boy attachment and a dog watcher. Beautiful, I tell you!

    Feel better soon, sister!

  12. First of all your chin is fine.... Second of all, I must have no life because just out of curiosity I googled Chin exercises for a double chin." They actually exist which I find too funny.

    As for the toothpaste, why bother. If you clean it up, some one is only going to spill something else on it:)

  13. You do not have a double chin! I have one though, so I think I may google chin exercises and start them up. You look so beautiful in the picture. He is such a sweet angel. Oh how I miss having kids small enough to lay down and nap on my chest... You are giving me baby pangs!

    Oh, and I would recommend the chiropractor if your neck is still hurting. They can work wonders.

  14. The first thing I zeroed in on was the heating pad - I have one just like it and it is a permanent accessory on my couch. And you know what? Just soaking in those times when those munchkins are sweet and adorable and QUIET will make life far more rich and rewarding than stressing about those messes!

  15. Thanks for stopping by! And you're funny saying you have a double chin! Land double chin wins! :) And you're even funnier saying you don't like to be touched while you are snuggling with such precious sweetness. I guess we have to assume you mean by strangers!

  16. Thanks for stopping by my site and commenting.. I often wonder if and who might be viewing my blog... ( OK.. You pass );p
    It's a wonder you had time.. looks like you have your hands full.. Literally and figuratively.
    Stop by again anytime.. I'll peek in on you too.
    All the best

  17. I don't see no stinkin' double chin! What a cute pic of you and your precious little dude. Take care of yourself and hope that neck gets better.

    Have a wonderfully blessed day!!!

  18. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. It's always fun to hear from someone new, isn't it? Enjoy your sweet kids and feel better soon!

  19. He is so sweet and cute- look at those little squishy lips they are so mushy and sweet!
    Ali hardly ever falls asleep on me anymore- those are the best days!
    And your house looks FINE- I cannot even imagine trying to keep it normal with 4 munchkins, 1 dog, and a lumberjack livin in it!

    Your neck is serious- get thee to a doctor!

  20. *awww* What a sweet pic, I miss little kiddos sleeping on me. You look beautiful!

  21. I love the little guy sleeping on you, and the blinds, which, if you need a matching set, I have some here, and my kids are teens! But what I love most is how intently your golden is staring down at whatever he's staring at. Hot chocolate? A boot? Whatever it is, he, or she, reminds me of my golden, who stares at food products and shoes quite often.

  22. One word: Orudis. Used to be prescription - now over the counter. Worked wonderfully for me when I had a sore neck. I actually got it from a CdA doc when I lived up there.

  23. The coffee table isn't a race track?

    BTW, who is counting chins? I think we should collect them. Just like charms! The more the merrier! LOL
