Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pretty Sad.

It's pretty sad that I was thrilled to see the number "7" on the clock when I woke up this morning.


I've seen numbers like 1:57

and 4:07

But 7:28?

That's unheard of.

It's pretty sad that yesterday, I just could not get my kids occupied so I could do my exercise DVD.

As soon as it started, Handsome Dude woke up.

5 minutes into it, he was crying because the girls were outside and he wanted to play, too.

7 minutes into it, Sweet Pea, had to go to the bathroom.

10 minutes into it, Sweet Pea and the neighbor girl were spying at me from the window and laughing at the site of me doing some horrific exercise called "plank jacks."

I have come to the conclusion that Jillian Michael is insane.

I do, however, like the name Jillian.

It's lovely.

12 minutes into it, the girls came in.

13 minutes into it, I sent the girls upstairs to clean their room.

13.5 minutes into it, Little Dude woke up.

13.75 minutes into it, Handsome Dude snuck upstairs to "help" clean the girls' room.

15 minutes into it, Sweet Pea and Daisy Mae are yelling that Handsome Dude has taken all the clothes out of their closet and is hanging from the closet rod.

It's pretty sad that I could only work out for 15 minutes.

It's pretty sad that the DVD is only 20 minutes and I didn't finish it.

It's pretty sad the girls were not exaggerating and Handsome Dude did, in fact, take out every single item from their closet.

It's pretty sad that the reason I could not do my exercise dvd at my regularly scheduled time because I had both a dermatologist appointment and a gynecologist appointment yesterday.

It's pretty sad how uncoordinated my daughter Daisy Mae is.

My friend, Bimlissa and I took 5 children to the local skating rink.

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can remember why she is called Bimlissa.

Who has been reading this blog that long?

Who is actually paying attention?



Hmmmm . . . .

Am I talking to myself?

Here are 3 of the girls we took with us on our skating adventure.

From left to right: Sweet Pea, Daisy Mae, and Cute-Little-Red-Head-Friend.

Cute-Little-Red-Head-Friend was by far the most advanced skater.

Sweet Pea did fairly well.

But Daisy Mae . . .

was having issues.

Poor Daisy Mae.

Careful, Daisy Mae!


Are you good?

Oooh.  That's gonna leave a mark.

(Name that movie)

Daisy Mae.

Do not, I repeat, do not skate against the current.

It will only end in disaster.

Told ya.

Hi, Pumpkin!

Are you having a good time?

It's pretty sad that this little guy from our group was not having fun at all.

Not one bit.

But he had a good attitude, bless his heart.

It's pretty sad that they had a game called "Hitchhiker's Couples Skate."

All the girls had to line up against the wall and stick their thumbs out like hitchhikers.

Boys were supposed to skate by and "pick them up."

Daisy Mae and Cute-Little-Red-Head Friend stood their with their thumbs out the entire time and not one boy, I repeat, not one boy picked either of them up.

Yet, there they stood.

With their thumbs out.

Boo, local skating rink.


Breaks my heart.

It's pretty sad that today I have to wear a swimsuit.

In January.


I am going to a pool party.


And finally . . . .

It's pretty sad that, for the first time in many days, I actually stayed within my points range last night, only to attack a pan of brownies at 10:38pm.

I mean, really.

Who needs brownies at that hour?

Oh, well.

There's always tomorrow.

Later, dudes!


  1. i ate tater tots and a slushy last night, too!!! it was hard work sitting there laughing at all the skaters, works up an appetite! :-) Good luck with that pool party!

  2. oh, i am so totally with you on the brownie thing. i too need them at 11PM!!! they are my arch enemy!! :) btw...i love roller skating, but it does not love me!!!

  3. mmm brownies!

    And serious BOO local skating rink for the hitchhikers pick up your chick game! That is just not okay!

  4. I'm so sorry that my little guy couldn't make it last night and therefore gave Bimlissa's little guy a bummer of a time! :(

  5. I'm impressed that you stuck with your DVD for fifteen minutes of constant interruptions! I think I would have given up 6 minutes in. But then, I'd also give in to brownies and I wouldn't wait until 10:38 to do so either.

  6. So glad to know that I am not the only one that a) sees every hour of the night b) never gets to complete a whole 20 minute workout and c) blows healthy eating with sweet temptations!! Good luck at your swimming party- you are a brave woman!!

  7. Hitchhiker Skate? That is wrong on so many levels.

    And yes that is all pretty sad. But pretty funny too. :)

  8. Bimlissa's little guy had a fun time! This was Riley. He wasn't enjoying skating so much. We missed J and E. Hopefully they can come next time!

  9. OH! I know the Bimlissa question. :)
    You blogged that your daughter randomly puts Bim in front of a few select words. Bimlissa was one and so was Bimputer i think, and there were a few others! Looks like skating was fun! My boys love to skate.

  10. I wasn't reading here for the Bimlissa explanation but I know Tommy Boy is the movie question. We say that line alot in our house : )

    Hitchhiker skate? Seriously?

  11. I just wiped a tear off my eye...

  12. That hitchhiker game should be outlawed and a pool party in January? I can barely cope with swimsuits during swimsuit season... but during sweater season? Cruel and unusual punishment...

  13. I can not get on board with any type of swimwear in winter. It's wrong on so many levels.
    But I guess you're going to have to take the plunge for Cancun anyway.

    I think watching our kids experience rejection on any level is one of the hardest parts of parenting. So I say boo to hitchhiker skating.
    I still remember when Alex came home from preschool sad that one of the little girls told her that she wasn't her friend anymore.
    Sniffle Sniffle.

  14. Well, brownies do, after all, have an evil chant they start to sing as soon as the kids are in bed. It goes like this:
    Eat me
    Eat me
    the kids are asleep
    Eat me
    Eat me
    your secret we'll keep
    Eat me
    Eat me
    just one little bite
    Eat me
    Eat me
    calories don't count past 10 o'clock at night!!!

    Thanks for the smile.

  15. Where in the world are you going to a pool party in January? I mean honestly. That is just..not...right. I groan to think swimsuit season is only 6 months away and I have no excuse to not be exercising and trying to look cute in one except that I like food too much and exercising not enough. Lame. Also, we quote Tommy Boy in this house quite regularly, so I love the shout-out. Good call. Good luck on tomorrow's points. Ick.

  16. I think that Hitchhiker scate must be a left over from the 70's. It might be time for them to come up with an updated game like ladies choice! Poor girls:( :( :(

    And swimsuits in January - what is wrong with these people? Unless you are going to a tropical island, there is NO good reason to put on a swimming party mid-January. Have these people heard of bowling parties?

  17. Yes! Tommy Boy! Woo Hoo!

  18. Yes! You got it! Woo Hoo!

  19. I TOTALLY need brownies at that hour. You just read my post, right? We are on the same wavelength these days. Or page? Whatever.
    A swimsuit in January is an outrage.
    Hitchhiker game at the skating rink...VERY BAD. What were they thinking? I might have cried. I hated that kind of game where you had to get picked. I never got picked. :(
    I'm going to investigate Bimlissa.
    Exercise scenario-very sad. Clothing situation-very sad. I will email you something that might make you feel better. It will certainly be proof that I am not qualified to give you ANY advice regarding laundry. Although here is something from my oldest daughter. Once I said to her in exasperation over my own laundry delinquency,"I hope you don't have the trouble I have with putting clean laundry away. I wonder what your method will be." She looked up at me from her book and said,"I'll fold it up and put it away. How about that?" Well. I guess that works for some people. Whatever.
