Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Oh, pardon me.


Yesterday, I wrote out a charming letter to my handsome dude who peed all over himself at 8:51 am.

At the end of that post, I added a picture of my handsome dude moments after he was born.

I received several comments saying that I looked too good for having just had a baby.

And, yes.

Handsome Dude was my easiest delivery.

But Handsome Dude owed it to me.

Let's look at the facts:

1)  He was 9 days overdue.

2)  With him, I developed a heart murmur.

3)  With him I gained 50 pounds (ok . . . I gained 50 pounds with each of them)

4)  With him, I developed varicose veins.

5)  He was my biggest baby: 9 pounds 2 oz

6)  He has been caught throwing dog poo at his sisters

7)  He sprays himself with pee. 

8)  He freaks out when pee is on himself.

9)  He is always breaking his glasses.

10)  He is always losing his glasses.

Do you see what I mean?

The kid had to give me something.

Now, I can't have you all thinking that I look good being pregnant or giving birth.

For that is far, far, far from the truth.

And now, gentle readers, I will take you back in time, beginning with my first pregnancy.

Interruption:  I no longer have a scanner. 


I am simply taking pictures of old pictures.

Classy, I know.

Whoa, Nelly!

That's right after my first was born.


My stomach still looks huge.

It also looks huge in this picture:

But, I assure you.

There is no baby in there.

That's just the aftermath.

This is a picture of yours truly while pregnant:


And how about this one, which was taken the day before Sweet Pea was born:


I look . . . trim.

And nothing says, "I just had a baby and I need to get started on losing this 50 pounds" like . . .

eating double portions for lunch hours after you had the baby.

Now, here I am moments after giving birth to Daisy Mae.

What is with my eyes?

I mean, I know child-birth can be exerting . . . but why would it cause my eyes to blacken so?

I already showed you the birth picture with Handsome Dude.

Here is the picture with Little Dude:

He's around there somewhere.

I am probably nursing or something.

I loathe nursing.

The Lumberjack knows this.

Which is precisely why he took a picture of me nursing.

So, now, because I enjoy revenge,  I will show you some of the Lumberjack's moments as a new father:


This was way back in the olden days when I had no idea my Lumberjack was a Lumberjack.

Actually, he is not technically a Lumberjack at all.

He is, in fact, an electrician.

Should I change the name of this blog?



Looks like he cut himself on his left eye.

What does he do at work exactly?

Does he not look overjoyed?

The Lumberjack with Little Dude.

He doesn't look happy.

But inside, he is joyous as he is certain this is our last child.

Do you see the scar above his right eye?

What does this man do every day?

Electrical work . . . it's a dangerous job.

Who knew?

And here are a few more pictures to dazzle you:

Oh, dear.

Ahhh . . .  the glory days when I just had two girls and did not have to worry about potty training a little boy and his little unit.

Handsome Dude at 1 week old.

Just look at him.


He looks sweet.

But inside he is just waiting . . . waiting to get bigger . . . and busier . . . and naughtier . . . and more stubborn . . . and much  more mischievious . . .

and much more handsome.


  1. oh man, you have me laughing out loud!! i really needed that this morning! :-)

  2. Great pictures! And you're a very brave woman. I don't think I'd have the courage to post pictures of myself post-birth.

  3. I'm sorry but you still look cute.

    My second born's delivery was 'not easy'...I'll leave out the details. My birthday was (is)8 days after her birth and there is a lovely picture of me sitting at an awkward angle at my kitchen table. My head is also at an awkward angle because I'm really miserable and I guess I thought holding my head that way would make me feel better. Oh, and I am as white as this comment box. To make things even better...because I was too miserable to upright vacuum cleaner is for some reason in the background of nearly every picture we took of miss sweetness in her first two weeks of life. I know for absolute certain I was NOT vacuuming. When she went in for a check up at day 3 the doctor took one look at her and said, "She looks fabulous. You are the one I think I should be worried about.' Correct.

    The good news is she is hardly any trouble now : )

  4. Yep, I'd say you look pretty darn good in all of those pictures!

  5. You definitely get the bravery award! Posting all those pictures! Wowsers! I wouldn't post my afterbirth pictures unless it was at least for a cool million. I already have skin issues, but the pregnancies were awful to my skin and therefore my skin looks like a pepperoni pizza in all my afterbirth pictures. Yuck. You, my dear, are lovely.

  6. Adorable! Thanks for sharing those pictures!


  7. I would have to agree with the masses and say that you still look beautiful in all of the pictures - but I will say that you sure got big when you were pregnant - it looks like it was all baby though! The pics of me pregnant are just as bad - it looked like my belly was in a different zip code than the rest of me.
    I have also come to believe that the Lumberjack is constantly sleeping.. did he sleep through the wedding too?

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog and the encouragment about WW. The pics. still show you as a super cute post birthing woman...I will not be posting any of those on my page...b/c well I look like a really big barn!

    Can't wait to read more:)

  9. Oh, I just LOVE your pictures!! You are one of those pretty girls, no matter what is happening, aren't you? Just admit it already, will ya?

  10. I totally feel ya.... PICTURES SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN 4 weeks prior to birth NOR SHOULD PICTURES BE taken right after birth!!! They are the worst. Plus, all the relatives always go for the most unattractive "camera from above make me look like I have 13 chins" pose. I hate that. However, you are beautiful and so are your children!

  11. Alright fine, we're still friends.

    But it would be better if your face got fat.

  12. You should receive an award for bravery for that post! That was fun!

  13. What a fun post :) And what a handsome little dude! :)

  14. This post makes me want to have another baby!!! You look way to good in ALL of your pictures girl!

  15. pictures of pictures!!
    I think you look lovely in ALL of them, by the way.
    So there.

  16. Your husband smiles like my husband in pictures. haha
    This was a great post. You did look pretty good after that one (handsome dude).

  17. *omg* woMEN you are nuts! *lol* I would never post my hospital pics. I was so bloated. I didn't know it was possible for one person to retain that much water. I hated being pregnant & loved labor. At least then you knew the end was near. You looked beautiful. :)

  18. [...] In a earlier post, I blamed my pregnancy-related heart issues on Handsome [...]

  19. I could pick our Little Dude in a line up at 1 week. How cute!
