Friday, January 8, 2010


(Name that tv character)

Brown Bear Brown Bear, what do you see?

I see the toothpaste smeared on the couch cushion by Handsome Dude.

Can you see it?

Here are some pictures of my favorite time of day:

Reading time . . . right before nap time.

Little Dude still has his "burger shirt" on.

Years and years and even more years ago, my grandpa owned a burger restaurant in Florida.

So we have hundreds of these shirts advertising this restaurant in our family.

We use the child-sized ones as bibs.

In case you cared . . .

I have a really bad headache.

My neck still hurts.

I am going to give up the hula hoop and switch to 8 minute abs.

In case you cared . . .

Do you want to do it with me?

Come on.

It will be fun.

I am doing this with Erin from Is it Bedtime Yet?

Click on her name to let her know you want to do it, or just let me know in the comments section of this post and I will get you the info.

I mean my head really hurts.

It feels like my eyeballs are going to pop out of their sockets.

And my skull hurts.

How could I have possibly messed up the hula hoop usage that badly?

How hard it is to hula?

I need a nap.

I have nothing really to blog about today.

In case you didn't already notice.


He's smiling!

Are they not the most cutest group of kiddos?

Poor Sweet Pea.

She grew up too fast and is off being a first grader now.

When did this all occur?


She was just born.

There is something totally splattered all over my baseboards in the above picture.

I think it is either

a)  chocolate milk

b)  chocolate syrup from ice cream

c) pancake syrup

d) BBQ sauce.



I just put the boys down for a nap.

Should I

a)  take a nap

b) do the 8 minute abs

c)  sweep and mop the floors(they so need it, baby)

d)  Clean baseboards and, if I am feeling super adventurous, scrub the toothpaste off the couch.

Before you help me make my decision, please remember that my head is killing me.

And I need to do at least 3 loads of laundry.

And I have a muffin top.

And these came in the mail yesterday:

So, let's recap:

I have a headache.

I should clean.

I really need to do ab stuff.

My head really hurts.

I am going to Cancun on Feb 20th.

I have a muffin top.

My head hurts.


What should I do with my precious "boy-free" time?


  1. Oh honey - get your coffee, fill it up with creamer, and sit down and rest. Don't be so hard on yourself. And buy yourself a spandex swimsuit for Cancun -

  2. And also - your children a adorable and know their Mom loves them.. and that matters more than how much muffin you got.......

  3. A few things:

    First, I don't think Hamburger Habit ever actually became a restaurant in Florida. I think that Poppy thought up the idea, made the shirts and it all stopped there. But I do think that he passed on the habit of loving hamburgers to us for sure.

    Secondly, since when do you have carpet upstairs? Is that carpet? Or were those pictures taken somewhere else?

    Post work I will attempt to go to the gym. Have I ever expressed how much I hate working out in a gym? It's one thing if you are playing a game with others, but to go to the gym, all by yourself, and work out, all by yourself, in gross work out clothes, all by yourself, with your hair in your face and other people that you may or may not know (or may know and not wish to acknowledge because you are at the gym) is not my idea of a good time. And it doesn't help anything that my ipod needs to be charged. I cannot handle the gym without the ipod.

    Maybe I'll see if one of my friends will join me.

  4. I notice you covered the info on your passport... tricky :)

  5. Take a nap...

    Have your children clean the baseboards. Dusting and baseboards is a children only job in this house. And they'll love it!

    You sweep the floor. Then, have your girls don a bandanna and mop the floor by hand. This is especially effective if you have them sing "Sing Sweet Nightingale" from Cinderella. Your boys will even want to join in! Of course, you will need to mop up the puddles with a towel when they are done, but that is okay!

    Do you get FitTV? Try some Namaste yoga to stretch out that neck after you have taken some ibuprofen (800 mg is prescription strength, just make sure you don't exceed your maximum daily dose). Also, put some beans or rice in a sock and drape it around your neck to reduce the tension in your neck and shoulders that could be causing the headache. Maybe you are really tensing up when you're working those abs. Stretch, stretch, stretch.

    Who cares about the muffin top? You are a mom. Give it time and dedication and it will go away. Maybe not completely by february, but it will be vastly improved by then if you stick to an ab workout like pilates that both strengthens and lengthens...Hey, I think stretching spreads out the muffin top thing.

    Don't you love how my comments have more words than your entire post? Yikes.

  6. 1. Take a nap. There's always tomorrow.

    2. You gave birth to four children. You are supposed to be imperfect. If you didn't have a muffin top, we would all hate you.

    3. Yes, the above opinion is influenced by the fact that I am currently ginormously pregnant with my 5th child, and I fear my muffin top will never leave me no matter how many ab workouts I do.

    4. Take a hot bath and lots of Tylenol for the headache. You may also try more coffee.

    5. I have no number 5. I think I need a nap too.

  7. Dwight......oh how I miss him!!! can't wait until it's back on, my Thursday nights just aren't the same. :-( i'm with your sis - what's up with the carpet??? and we saw your first two babies in a certain office this evening on a certain pamphlet!! they are famous! and yes, my kids have strep throat.....aren't you glad we didn't meet up on Wednesday??!!

  8. Holy Cow Batman - you never have to worry, girlfriend, about making any decisions cuz you have lots of "friends" who will tell you exactly what they think you should do.

  9. I too hope you chose nap. I am a napper myself. They are good for the soul!!
    You are a mama, so give yourself some grace on the muffin top. We all have them. And let me tell you, when you go to a resort town you will be one of the hottest babes out there! I am dead serious. I stressed and stressed about Hawaii and I get there and well, I have to be nice, ummm... lets just say it's pretty good for the self esteem. I guarantee you will be thinner than 90% of the people there. But if you are trying to lose I personally have the best luck when I cut back on the carbs. I pay attention to nothing but my carb intake and it helps the muffin top very quickly. I am sure 8 min abs will be great as well.
    Oh, and I am also a big fan of Ibuprofen 600-800 mg every 6-8 hrs. Works wonders.

  10. That hula hoop thing looks and sounds evil, and I want to do the ab thing with you, because as you know it's also my tenth anniversary this year and I have to go somewhere and attempt to look cute. Also, I've had half as many kids as you and I have a muffin top. Sigh.

  11. Totally. I am quick like that. :)

  12. It is just the area rug.
    I will have to investigate this Hamburger Habit fact you are informing me of.

  13. I love any and all comments. :)
    I am trying to stick to somthing for at least 6 months. I have not ever stuck to any sort of ab routine, and therefore never see results.
    Thanks for all your advice.
    My neck still hurts, but I am going to try some of your ideas.

  14. It is just the area rug. I repeat. It is just the area rug.

  15. You are not ginormous. You look great. :)

  16. First of all I think you need a hug! Then stop and think, what would Dr. Laura do? Sorry it’s just stuck in my head, I find it so comical.

  17. [...] There is still toothpaste on my couch.  I repeat, there is still toothpaste on my couch.  I am considering turning the couch cushion [...]

  18. 1. U need caffeine and chocolate and quiet.
    2. What the heck's a muffin top? Is it your hair? A crop top? A fungus?
