Saturday, January 16, 2010


Haven't had one taste since Thursday.

"Bye-bye, so long, farewell
Bye-bye, so long"

Name that artist.

Name that song.


  1. I bought the fat free vanilla one, thinking 25 cals per tablespoon isn't so bad...
    Then yesterday I measured it out, and realized that I use about 125 calories worth for each cup! Ach!

    Apparently I prefer to drink cream with a little coffee.
    Guess I'll be sticking with some skim milk and splenda...

  2. Poddy training AND giving up a loved treat at the same time? You ARE an amazing woman. We're watching waistlines around here, too. Today, I declined French fries and ate a salad. We're getting rid of the muffin tops, right? Right?!?!?

  3. I have been pretending to give up soda (Pepsi, Coke, and Dr. Pepper are my archenemies...or my lovers. Whichever.) for a while now. I will try to be inspired by you!!

  4. Aw, man! Good luck with this one. I've tried to give it up but somehow more creamer ends up in my fridge. I'm thinking divine saying "no" to creamer would be like saying "no" to God. Not smart. =)

  5. Hello! I have been lurking on your site for about a week now and I just had to leave a comment for this one-
    NOOOOOO! Don't do it! I love flavored creamer too much to give it up, give up something else in your efforts to become "muffin top"less!

  6. What kind of sicko are you? This is just not right, not right at all!

  7. I use the sugar-free vanilla. Or, on a desperate day, skim milk and Splenda with a dash of vanilla. I wish I could drink coffee black, but since I cannot the Coffeemate stays!

  8. Is it Sound of Music? You could ease out of it by adding 1% milk to your coffee instead :) I can't stand coffee black. I tell myself that I'm enhancing the flavor.

  9. Nope! It is a song called "See You in September"

  10. I also quit CM a few months ago...cholesterol maintenance. I use half & half---fat free. (Isn't that an oxy-moron??)

  11. "See you in September" by the Happenings who also did a great remake of a George Gershwin song "I've got rhythm

  12. I was totally waiting for you! I knew you would come through for me!

  13. Oh, my! I quit coffeemate and switched to fat free half and half, too! I am wondering what the other half of the half and half is since cream cannot possibly be fat free. Thoughts? I also found out I had high cholesterol. Who knew? :)

  14. But why why why why why why why why would you abandon the lovely creamers????

    *stunned disbelief*

    You could give up other things like....protien.

    Oh the poor, poor creamers....
