Sunday, January 17, 2010

Relationship Status.

The following conversation is brought to you by my in-laws.

Mother-in-Law: MIL

Father-in-Law: FIL

FIL: Does anyone know what is going on with Alex and Holly?

Interruption:  Alex is one of three sons born to MIL and FIL.  Holly is the lovely girl he has been bringing to family events as of late.

The Lumberjack: What do you mean?

FIL:  What is their relationship?

Me:  They are together.

FIL:  OK.  So they are just friends.

Me:  No.  They are together together.

MIL:  What does that mean?

Me:  Like boyfriend and girlfriend.

MIL and FIL together: Ohhhhh.

FIL:  How do you know?

Me:  Facebook.

MIL and FIL:  Huh?????

Interruption:  My Father in Law has had a Facebook account since July


No one knows.

I am 99.9% certain he has not been anywhere near or around Facebook since late August.

Me:  Ok.  Do you know how on Facebook you can change your relationship status?

MIL and FIL:  Relationship status?

Me:  Ok.  Do you know how you can see if people are married on Facebook?  Or single?

FIL:  Yes.


Me:  Ok.  Well, when you change that, which is called your relationship status, it shows up on your friends' news feed.

MIL and FIL:  Newsfeed?

Houston!  We have a problem! (Name that movie)

Me:  Ok.  When you log onto Facebook, do you know that first page you see where it tells you what is going on with all your friends?

FIL:  Hmmm . . . .yes.

Me:  That is your newsfeed.

FIL:  Ok!  Interesting.

Me:  So, on my newsfeed, it said that Holly's relationship status had changed from "Single"  to "In a Relationship."

FIL:  Holly?  Who is Holly?

The Lumberjack starts laughing and just starts reading the paper.

The Lumberjack often abandons me in tricky conversations with his parents.

Boo, Lumberjack. 


Me:  Who is Holly?  Alex's Holly.

FIL:  Oh!  Holly of Alex and Holly.  What about her?



Me:  I am friends with her.  On Facebook.  And her relationship status changed.

FIL:  What does that mean?

Me:  It means that her and Alex are in a relationship.

FIL:  Oh!  Good!  Do you know how long?

Me:  I think around Thanksgiving time.

FIL:  Very good!  Great!

MIL:  Wow!  Super!

Me:  Maybe you should get on Facebook more often!  You could find out all the scoop like me.

FIL:  I don't have time for this stuff.  Although from what I hear you write good Facebook blogs, so I am missing out.

Me:  Well, my blog is it's own thing.  It's not Facebook.

FIL:  What?

Me:  My blog.  You don't have to be on Facebook to see it.

FIL:  I don't know what you are talking about.

Me:  Never mind.  It's not important.

And that concludes this episode of Goober Parent Update: In-law Edition.


  1. 'Who is Holly?' That was priceless : )

  2. Oh, that is priceless. Gotta love it! heehee

  3. Thanks for the morning laugh! Too cute!

  4. Hi. Thanks for the post you left me over on my blog regarding weight watchers. I'd love to support you any way I can (via the wonderful internet!) Feel free to email me questions, vents, whatever I can do to support you! I have several recipes that even my kids will eat. My email address is

  5. That is priceless. I love your Goober Parent updates!

  6. Oh, so hilarious! I'm cracking up! "Who is Holly?"!! Ha, that is sooooo funny! Ah, the older generation has a difficult times with all these new-fangled internet things. I've had some funny conversations over the phone trying to help my parents out with their internet, too. What a good daughter-in-law you are!

  7. This is so funny! Problem is husband is the same way. He has a facebook friends. He has an email, doesn't know his address. Always talking about things I need to blog about when he means facebook. I have a blog and he's always telling me what he wants ME to say on it....get your own blog!!
    It makes me nut when they tlak "computer talk" and doesn't understand a thing about it. (Even after you tell them SEVERAL times!!)

  8. ha ha, oh my. Did this all take place the other night?! how funny
    See how much you miss if you don't have facebook!

  9. You have the patience of Job. And the movie was Apollo 13 or some other number.

  10. Apparently my dad didn't get the memo...that dude is always updating ME on everyone's status. "Hey, Mindy, did you see on Facebook that...," or, "That was so funny what so-and-so facebooked last night." It's kind of cool but unsettling at the same time? =)

  11. i love that we know what's going on with one another through facebook. sad, kind of. but glad to know i'm not the only one!

  12. Yes! Apollo 13! And I don't think I am that patient, but thanks! :)

  13. LOL that is hilarious!
    And its Apollo 13

  14. I love your ability to tell a story. I just can't believe you remember all the details. Do you write as they are talking? Do you secretly record the conversation? :) Your FIL and MIL are way ahead of my hubby's parents, they don't own a computer, answering machine or cell phone. Their loss, they aren't in touch with any of their grandkids. But, their next visit could provide some interesting blog fodder.

  15. LOL!!! Thanks for the laugh!!

  16. I wonder what crazy technology our kids will try to explain to us in 30 years?

  17. That is really so very funny. Laughing as I go to bed. They sound cute, sweet, and like good blog-material-givers. :)

  18. *omg* too funny! do those conversations drive you to drink? those two are priceless!

  19. We are grandparents who actually look at Facebook or MySpace to see what our grandson and his finance' are up to!!! And I text with them constantly. I do feel sorry for the parents/grandparents who are technology-challenged - the "kids" pretty much leave them in the dust............

  20. This needs to be a script for some kind of variety show.

  21. HILARIOUS...sorry I don't leave comments more, Taylor. I find you rather entertaining! I don't think I am able to leave comments from my phone and that is where I read the majority of your blogs from. Keep up the great work, girly!

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