Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ten Things Thursday

Ten Random Things that have no importance to anyone in the grand scheme of things:

1)  I am happy to report that I have successfully kicked my creamer habit:

It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.

The Lumberjack still drinks it, so I still have to stare at it in the fridge every day.

Sadly, my coffee now looks like this:


I do not drink it black.

I am not insane.

I use fat free half and half


I do not understand what could be in fat free half and half.


I am not a huge Winnie the Pooh fan.

But that mug is my absolute favorite coffee mug.

My Aunt Candi gave it to me when I was 10.

Thanks, Aunt Candi!

2)  The Lumberjack was slightly disappointed that:

A)  No one guessed his question

B)  He hardly got any comments on his guest post.

To that I say:

Dear Lumberjack,

Welcome to the wonderful, paranoia-filled, world of blogging.



I told him he shouldn't have mentioned the word "bedroom" as my readers are not interested in such smut.

3)  I cannot ever tell you the answer to the Lumberjack's question or he will have to kill me.

4)  Daisy Mae made me play-doh lunch yesterday.

Raise your hand if you think Daisy Mae looks like a vampire.

Raise your hand if you think my daughter's name is really Daisy Mae.

5)  No one guessed the actress in Music Man.

And to that I say, puh-lease.

Shirley Jones.

Please watch this movie.

It is the perfect movie to watch with your kids on a rainy day while making them help you fold laundry.

Please pay attention to the "Madame Librarian" scene and tell me that you agree that it is the best scene in a movie. 


Or watch it here.

6)  I am still doing that dreadful 30 Day Shred DVD.




And every single day, I am doing it with this fantabulous workout partner:

She doesn't stop talking the entire time.

She pokes at my chubs.

She blocks my view.

This is my life.

And I love her.

7)  I am thinking of starting a new thing here on this blog.

Some of your comments are just too great to go unnoticed.

Like when my aunt thought a muffin top was a fungus or a bad hair day.

So, I was thinking of doing like a "Comment of the Week"  sort of post.


Would you like to hear this week's winner?


I hope she doesn't mind.

This one comes from Rebecca D from the post A Monday Story for You:

"LOL… gotta love sensitive men…

Last night my husband referred to my favorite, most comfy, nightie as “flannel birth control” in front of company… I’ve had it for years and he has never said a thing…"

Oh, thanks for the laugh, Rebecca!

P.S.-if you would rather I didn't share this let me know pronto and I will remove it.

8)  I am still doing 8 minute abs every day.  Are you?

9)  I still have stomach chub.  Do you?

10)  Finally, one of the items on my list of resolutions was to read at least one book from start to finish.

So, what book should I read?

Leave me a comment and tell me a book that you would recommend.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Ah, poor Lumberjack! Welcome, Lumberjack! I had absolutely NO guesses.

    Comment of the week sounds great!

    You should read "Bringing Up Boys."

    Yes, we would seriously consider adoption. BUT, you can't really rescue a baby from Haiti that way today. You still have to wait two years. And no one will let us adopt right now. We're too poor. :P

  2. I can think of lots of books for you to read but what comes to mind first is the Mark of the Lion series. Soooooo good!!! I think they are by Francine Rivers.

  3. I would think the Lumberjack would be happy that no one guessed the answer to his question since:
    A) he didn't want everyone to know in the first place
    B) he doesn't have to shell out 100 Big Ones
    P.S. I plan to start doing 8 min. abs with you now that I have a mat to work out on as opposed to the very cold and hard tile floor. :)

  4. Oh....and fat free half and half isn't really half and half. LOL! It is like corn syrup and stuff. :)

  5. That smiley face was actually an 8 followed by a )

    Silly computer thinks it knows what I mean.

  6. 8) yes!!
    9) yes!!
    10) Gone with the Wind

    You MUST read it.

    Tell Lumberjack that once he ruled out the bedroom, and since we already know about his belly button lint, I just couldn't think of anything else.
    Or else I would have commented.

  7. You should tottttally do a featured comment thing. People are funny, y'know? Why not? :)

    Re: book reading...To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favs--definitely a classic, but smartly written and will leave you giggling as it is told from a kid's perspective. Obviously, back in "the day" there was major controversy over this book, which tells you it definitely has grown-up substance and is well worth the read.

    Orrrrr Redeeming Love is also a super read, too. Different genre fo' sho' but really good. :)

  8. I didn't comment on lumberjacks post because I commented on your follow up post and they were kind of a two for one thing. He's sorry we didn't guess but he doesn't want us to know...hmmm.

    Definitely a featured comment post...I am laughing at the one you posted here.

    I switched to fat free half and half but in the end went back to the regular. I was also confused by the name. If it's fat free it cannot be half cream can it? I use so little it seemed like not a big deal to go back. I drink coffee in the morning but switch to tea in the daytime and I don't put half and half in tea.

    Books-I read them by the hundreds...what kind of stuff do you like?

  9. Comment of the week definitely a great idea. I know I don't always get around to reading other comments on a post.

    A book - that's a very personal thing to suggest as there' different strokes for different folks if you know what i mean. I'm currently reading Diana Gabaldon's Cross Stitch. On book 5 now I think. Historical romance novel. Wonderful! Considering I've been reading a book a year since my kiddies were born, its an achievement! Anything by Jodi Piccoult. I started with My Sisters Keeper, if you haven't seen the movie then its a great read.

    Good luck with the chub, i'm still working on mine :)

  10. The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. It's a young adult book but it's wonderful and it's NOT about vampires or falling in love or teen angst or anything like that. And it's a relatively quick read. My favorite book of all time.

  11. Hmmm . . . should I be drinking this corn syrup combo?

  12. I totally love books like Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre, if that helps. And Grapes of Wrath. I am a deep person.
    Who knew?

  13. I have read Redeeming Love. It is definitely a good book, fo'sho'

  14. I enjoyed Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series but it can be a little risque! And be warned before you read My Sister's Keeper. So sad. I read tons of books so don't even know where to start to recommend one.

  15. Thanks for quoting me.... I think...
    I never even mentioned the wool socks I wear whenever it's cold enough for this particular nightie... a lovely ensemble, I must say...

    Sorry I didn't comment for LumberJack.. there were too many possibilities to comprehend... First thought was him being a tradesman was the dreaded "carpenter's crack" but then when he used the a fore mentioned "smutty" word "bedroom" I was out!

    PS... coffee creamer is not a "habit" it's a way of life! (and I can quit anytime...)

  16. At Home in Mitford
    To Kill a Mockingbird
    anything by Clive Cussler
    anything I've reviewed on my blog
    Little Women

    I've a huge list of books I'd recommend--Don't know where to start!

  17. One of my all time faves is Pontius Pilate by Paul L. Maier. He does what he calls historical narative. He's a history professor so knows intricate details of Romans times, adds to that every verse in the New Testament that deals with the life of Christ, woven in with historical details from Josephus, Pliny and written in a way a MOM with no sleep and toddler brain can understand. He does an amazing job of accurately putting you at the Crucifixion and in the life of Pontius Pilate.

  18. So now after The Lumberjack drinks his coffee with the delicious creamer do you kiss him? I gave up chocolate but whenever my hubby eats it he kiss me so I have the flavor without the calories. Is that gross? *lol* Comment of the week sounds like a great idea. I’m love Jane Eyre but currently I’m reading the Twilight Saga for the second time. I can’t help myself.

  19. Now I have to make every comment so utterly amazing that you will be forced to choose it as comment of the week - thanks for the pressure....

  20. Ooooo, I love to read, but am afraid I might not be as "deep" as you. The Mitford series, which someone else mentioned above is one of my favorites. Lots of fun to read and it can't hurt that it's Christ-centered, too, right? :) Anyhew, I am totally lost about the whole hubby's post thing. I guess I totally missed it and will have to go back and find it. Also, I know I promised to do the whole ab-thing with you, but, um, I haven't even thought about it once since I watched the video! Oops! I've been kinda busy with the whole putting the house up for sale thing......

  21. Okay. I will confess I loved, loved, loved the Twilight series. Because I'm not deep.

    And I drink black coffee daily. Does that make me insane?

    Don't answer that.

  22. I wanted to comment when LJ posted but I just couldn

  23. What the heck!?!? Cut off in the middle of commenting ...well, I never! Now I can't remember everything I was going to say ... but I bet it was good.

  24. You should read the Love comes softly series by Jannette Oke. I have read them several times.

  25. First time leaving a comment on here.
    Love your blog, found you from Our front Door.
    I gave up creamer for about a month maybe month and a half, today I sit here drinking my coffee with my favorite cinnamon vanilla LOVING IT! Why drink coffee at all if your not going to enjoy i? That's how I look at it. Oh and yes funny you ask, I do have muffin top and no I'm not doing any workout video. Maybe just maybe I will find motivation to start. Soon~ 1 day~ maybe?

  26. Okay so I have a you put sugar or some kind of sweetener in your coffeen or just the fat free half and half?

  27. Okay, so would the Lumberjack actually acknowledge it if one of us guessed correctly? I'm very competitive and would like to win $100, but I'll save my energy if there's no chance of him showing me the money. ;)

    Books... where to start. I love the same kinds of books that you mentioned. Here are a few favorites. (I found all of these at the library, by the way.)

    *These is My Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901 (There are two more novels in this series as well. Very engaging historical fiction set in pioneer times.)
    *Peace Like a River
    *Pollyanna (Some may laugh at this one, but I only recently read it and can't believe I missed it as a girl.)

    I also really enjoyed the Mitford Series that others have mentioned.
    I'm assuming you've read Pride & Prejudice. If not, DO IT. If so, I can recommend a couple of "sequels" that are good.

    And for nonfiction:

    (in story form)
    *Same Kind of Different as Me (powerful story)
    *84, Charing Cross Road (quick, delightful read)

    (not in story form)
    *Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys (helpful and lots of laughs)
    *Boys Should be Boys: 7 Secrets for Raising Healthy Sons (Do you detect a theme here?)
    *The Ragamuffin Gospel
    *Crazy Love

    Whew! Maybe I should have a book recommendation list on my blog. But then that would mean I'd actually have to blog...

  28. Oh.oh.oh.oh...I second "These is My Words". I love me some frontier women novels. Reminds me how pathetically easy my life is today and that I have absolutely no reason to b*&ch...yet I continue to do so. Hmmm... maybe I should read it again. =)

  29. P.S. Clicking on the book titles will take you to I've been meaning to find out how to add a link in a comment, and now I'm so proud of myself. :)

  30. Just the fat free half and half.

  31. Wow! Thanks for all the book ideas. I don't even know where to start! :)

  32. It's easy. Start with Gone with the Wind.

  33. First, the book...Les Miserables. It's huge, but it's sooo good. It might take a while, but it's worth it.
    I think your comment idea is fun...I wish I weren't so competitive. :)
    Also, very impressive that you are doing the 30-day Shred. I've heard a lot about it in the blog world, and it's not all nice. But people stick with it.
    I have chub. No working out, but I have chub. Who can figure that out?!

  34. Oh, bless your heart! I am still cracking up about the "flannel birth control"! My honeybunny would definitely do that to me. Have a good weekend!

  35. Wow! That's pretty die hard....I'm impressed. I don't know how you do it! Maybe I'll let you inspire me and I'll attempt to try it for a couple of days.....maybe. ;)

  36. [...] 2) Ask for your readers’ advice. One post, I asked them to recommend their favorite book to me. [...]
