Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ten Things Tuesday

I am slightly tardy, but here are some New Year's Resolutions of mine:

1)  Finish reading the Bible all the way through.  I received a One Year Chronological Bible last year, and I am sad to announce I only made it through sometime in August.  I read it all year, but I never could the full amount each day.  So I am hoping to definitely finish it this year.

2)  Be more disciplined in my life.  I am always wanting to eat better, exercise more, read more, pray more, etc, but never making myself do it.

3)  Finish at least one book.  I can never finish a book.  I don't know why . . . but I feel like I have a lot of distractions around here . . .

4)  Finish Little Dude's Baby Book.

Or, more accurately start and finish Little Dude's Baby Book.

Poor Little Dude.

5)  Since I have gone digital, I have been really bad about printing out pictures for albums.  The last time I completed a photo album for the family was in December of 2007.

A lot has happened since December of 2007.

Handsome Dude started being a busy little turd.

And Little Dude was born.

Poor Little Dude.

It's tough to be #4.

6)  I don't think this will happen.  I really don't.  I know I am setting myself up for failure.  But I really think I should try to start drinking my coffee black. 

7)  Go on a fabulous vacation to Mexico with my husband sans children.

Everyone always looks at me like I am nuts whenever I say "sans."

Have you seriously not heard this word?

I got it from a movie.

"I'm what you call 'sans parents.'"

Name that movie.

8)  You have heard me joke around about my acne.


It is true.

I still have acne.

But acne is not a joke.

It is, in fact, quite annoying.

And gross.

There is an intense 6 month treatment I can do that will most likely cure me of acne.

It will be quite involved.

But I am going to do it.

9)  Finally finish our house.  This is actually more of a resolution for the Lumberjack.

For I know now how to build a house.

But I resolve to encourage, nag, remind, clap, and do anything else necessary to get his hiney in gear.

For it has been 6+ years of this nonsense.

And I have had enough.

10)  I must go to the dentist.  I have not been in 6 years.

I know.


Things I resolve to never do:

*get a perm again

*try to be a lumberjill and help the lumberjack again

*cook chicken without rinsing it first.

So, I didn't know you were supposed to.

But now I am informed and I solemnly swear to rinse all chicken before cooking it.

Although, I honestly don't know what water is going to do to fight salmonella.

But, whatever.

*Buy generic diapers


Happy Tuesday!


  1. is the movie Wayne's World? I have a good idea of a book you should start and finish!! :-)

  2. Sans is a french word which might be why no one knows it.

    from wiktionary.org:

    Middle English sans, borrowed from Old French "sans", "sens", from Latin "sine" conflated with absentia in the sense "without".

    wiktionary.org is awesome because it not only gives you the definition of the word but also information on the etymology of the word.

  3. Are you going to do accutane? If so my friend is doing it and has a blog about her journey I could share with you. Good luck!

  4. You are, per usual, a wealth of information, sister. :)

  5. Winner! And what is the book?

  6. Yes, that is what I am doing!

  7. First of all, what is accutane?? Tell me more!! And second, I love the word sans and use it to feel sophisticated and not so stay-at-home momish. I had no idea what movie that was from, it's been a long time since I've seen Wayne's world! I enjoyed reading your resolutions, you kinda make me want to blog, but alas, when would I find the time, and who in the world would care?? :) I'm awfully glad you do, though......

  8. Well now I don't feel so bad because it's only been 2 1/2 years since I went to the dentist:)

    And DO NOT switch to black coffee!!! Coffee is meant to be savored and enjoyed. You just can't do that with black coffee. Yuck!

    And if you want to finish those baby books, you know where to turn:) Creative Memories has some really adorable Kits for baby books. Has the look and feel of a traditional scrapbook but can be put together in hours (no lie). As for your digital photos, they've got something too:) Check out the website (www.mycmsite.com/cchaillet) or email me:) :) :o)

    And I don't know what is distracting you from your reading. lol

  9. I will go against the flow and say that you will enjoy your coffee much more SANS that sugary, flavored non-dairy creamer you so love. :p But don't go black. Just plain half and half is definitely the way to go. Promise.

  10. Does fat free half and half work or must I have the full fat version?

  11. I would definitely read your blog. :)
    Accutane is, from what I understand, an oral pill form of Retin A. You take it for 6 months. You ABSOLUTELY cannot get pregnant. You have to go into the derm once a month for preg. tests to make sure and have to agree to two forms of b/c.
    Sounds like a pain, but when it's over, I should be all better!

  12. Oh, I might have check it all out! I am usually not that creative. It might be a stretch for me. :)

  13. I say just use the light version of the creamers-- they're still yummy. Life's too short for black coffee.

    And I'm currently living through the experience of buying generic diapers. I only needed a small pack to get us through to being back home, and as I usually buy in bulk I hated the big price tag on the small package of Pampers. He's woken up about half of the mornings with his belly all soaked. And they are smellier and not nearly as soft.
    Sometimes I regret my frugal nature.

    I also want to do a post on resolutions, but I'm afraid that then someone will hold me accountable ;)

    Good luck with the accutaine and definitely be incredibly careful about pregnancy. I would use as many forms of BC as can safely be used at the same time.
    Or I could school you in abstinence.
    I have a lot of experience in that, since my husband leaves for extended periods of time each year.

  14. Hmmm...I have raised Ellen SANS any brand-name diapers, with no problems. Maybe it's just the generic choice you make. Dunno.

    Haven't been to the dentist in 5 years. This is the year I change that one, too!

    Somewhere not long ago I read that washing your chicken before cooking it is actually a waste of water. Wish I could remember where that was now.

  15. Great resolutions and many of them the same as mine ... sans #3. I am voracious when it comes to reading. This, of course, means I am usually sans money when leaving Barnes & Noble. :-)

  16. #1 is on my bucket list #2 funny that we wouldn’t let our kiddos get away with everything we allow ourselves to do #4 I’m working on baby albums this week, my babies are 13 & 10 yrs old *lol* #5 ditto #6 is illegal, you should allow yourself on guilty pleasure #8 ditto again but mine clears up if I stay away from gluten *ick* not fair
    Good luck I’m sure you’ll succeed!

  17. I have never had any luck with generic diapers. In my tests they don't hold up when the baby is actually moving around - you end up using twice as many, polluting the earth even more, and the cost is negated. But, good luck.
    As for the creamer, it is one of your loves. The coffee itself has no calories. But if you're serious you could in fact, get the actual flavor extracts, raspberry, chocolate, hazelnut, etc. which has no sugar and few calories, and use Splenda to sweet, and powdered non-fat milk to add as thick as you want. That's if you wanted to make your own extremely low calorie substitue that would taste the same. Personally I think you should keep it. Dave likes it too. Handsome Dude will be ready to try potty-training in near future so you have that to look forward to. Stay strong.

  18. Look at you with your use of "sans!" Love it!

  19. [...] On Tuesday night, I fulfilled one of the resolutions I made for 2010. [...]
