Tuesday, January 26, 2010



In July of 2003, I became pregnant for the second time.

Sweet Pea was 6 months old and I was in shock.

I remember the nurse telling me that yes, I was very much pregnant.

Me:  I don't think so.  I have a 6 month old.

Nurse:  Ok.  But you are still pregnant.

Me:  But I am breastfeeding.  You aren't supposed to get pregnant while breastfeeding!

Nurse:  Well, actually you can . . . and you are!

I had no idea how far along I was, so they scheduled me for an ultrasound.

The Lumberjack, who took this news better than I did, stood by my side while holding Sweet Pea.

I remember watching the little bean as the technician took measurements and made notes.

The tech, who was usually quite friendly, was extremely quiet.

"Have you had any pain?"


"Hmmm . . . any bleeding?"


Then she led us to a room and told us to wait for the nurse.

"Something is wrong."  I told my husband.

"I'm sure everything is fine." He said and patted my leg.

Interruption:  I am usually giving my husband a hard time on this blog.  But in truth, he is very supportive and loving and I would be lost without him.  Even if he thinks I have chest hair.

The nurse walked in.

She was cold and unfriendly.

Nurse:  There is something wrong with your baby.  We are going to send you to a high-risk doctor.

Me:  What is wrong?

Nurse:  I can't say.  But I made you an appointment in three days.

She can't say!?  What's up with that?

Me:  Please tell me what's wrong.

Nurse:  I can't.  Just go and see this doctor.

We left.

I was extremely upset.

The Lumberjack was upset.

And now we had to wait three days until we found out what could be wrong.

True . . . I didn't know this baby even existed a few weeks earlier.  But the moment you find out your pregnant, no matter how far along you are, that baby is yours and you would do anything to make sure he or she was healthy and safe.

And that baby was mine and I did not want to lose my baby.

As the three days started to pass, I was a basket case.

I called to try to talk to the nurse again.

She was annoyed at me and my wailing.

Finally, she gave me some information:

"I can't tell you what is wrong, but you are most likely going to miscarry any day or you will be advised to terminate this pregnancy."

"Advised to terminate?  What is wrong?  Can I please talk to the doctor?"

"No.  Just see the high risk doctor."

I was beginning to dislike this nurse.

My mom works at a doctor's office and she was sharing my trials with a doctor who works with her.

He called my OB, and finally, my OB called me:

"Well, yes, there is something wrong with the shape of your baby.  This baby most likely won't survive.  But go and see the high risk doctor."

So, I had to wait.

We were living with my parents at the time.

We had just bought our current house and we were in the process of gutting it.

My mom called me right before her lunch break.

Mom:  How are you doing?

Me:  (Wailing) Not good.

Mom:  Do you want me to bring you lunch?

Me:  Yes.

Mom:  How about a Big Mac meal?

Me:  Yes.

My mom knows me too well.

She came and we visited, but I still had to endure those 3 days of worry, fear, and what-if's.

I spent a lot of time in prayer.

A lot.

Our pastor recently shared a verse from the book of Daniel.  This is from the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  The three of them refused to worship the king, and he is threatening to throw them into the fiery furnace.  This is their response:

"O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this manner.  If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king.  But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up." (Daniel 3: 16-18)

God was getting me to a point in my life where I needed to trust him, no matter what happened.

Even if my baby was okay.

Even if my baby would die.

I needed to trust Him.

Finally, the day came when we were to see the high risk doctor.

First, we had to get an ultrasound.  The technician told us that she could not tell us anything she was seeing, and we would need to hear results from the doctor.

She performed the ultrasound and left.

Finally, the doctor came in.

He sat in his chair and looked at the reports.

He looked up and said, "I can't even see what your doctor was concerned about.  This baby is perfectly healthy and fine!"

At that moment, I truly felt the power of God.

God loves me.

God heard me.

God took care of my baby.

I still thank God for this miracle whenever I see my precious girl, who was born months later.

A few of you have shared recently that you have lost babies or children in your lives.

I cannot imagine the pain that you must have from that.

I don't know why sad things happen.

I don't always understand how God chooses to work.

But I know that he loves us.

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give away and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea . . .

Be still, and know that I am God."

(Psalms 46:1, 2, and 10)


  1. Touching Taylor. I know that anxiety and the love and fear for a child. I praise God with you for the loving hand of God in your life and the willingness that you had to trust, hard as it was.

  2. Sometimes I wonder....I had a similar scenario with my sixth pregnancy. I stood firm on the ground that I would not abort, not matter what, and she turned out healthy. I asked the pediatrician what she thought they could have seen on the sonogram and she said, "Maybe a gas bubble?" I am sad to think that some people who do believe in abortions may have freaked and ended a pregnancy of a healthy child. So thankful for your healthy baby!

  3. Amen, and amen! This one brought tears to my eyes!

  4. I'm so glad everything was okay! I had a similar experience where something was clearly wrong, but no one would tell me anything. Fortunately they sent me immediately to my doctor. Turned out the baby had died several weeks before that. I found out on my birthday. Not a good day.

    That was many years ago, but your post today and the verses you shared still remind me of God's goodness and love in all circumstances.

  5. He is good all the time. So good.
    Thank you for sharing. I needed the reminder today.

  6. It was amazing to me what being pregnant did in pushing me to trust the Lord. We made the decision to start trying to get pregnant knowing we would be dirt-poor, working on support-raising to be missionaries, and being involved with several church ministries. We trusted that if He wanted us to have a baby, He would start the life when the time was right. When my blood pressure was dangerously high during the last month and half of my pregnancy and I was on bed rest, I kept preaching to myself His great love, His sovereignty over the little life that was more His than mine, and His perfect plan for my life. Even though nothing was seriously wrong, those are the same things that would provide me "peace that passes understanding" in more scary times. That seems like the only way to stay sane during times of great grief like the loss of a child, grief so great I can't even imagine it. God's plan is so hard to understand sometimes.
    Thanks for sharing, what a precious little girl you ended up with, I didn't realize they were so close together!

  7. Loved this...God has certainly used my children to get my attention in the matter of trust.

    You have a beautiful daughter.

  8. I was told that I had miscarried my third child - they spent a long time at the ultrasound trying to find the baby or a heartbeat, and found neither, just an empty "egg sac". It was recommended that I have a D & C, as I was already bleeding anyway and that would prevent infection. I refused and spent one week praying my heart out and came to the same decision you did - whatever happened, God is faithful. I scheduled my own ultrasound, and the tech worked for almost 40 minutes trying to find the baby. When she was almost done, she found a faint heartbeat. She called the Dr in and he looked at the screen and said I had lost the baby - she showed him the heartbeat. That was over 18 years ago - and my son Alex is now 6 feet tall and a blessing in our lives.
    Thanks for sharing your story - and I guess I shared mine in the comments!

  9. Thank you for sharing. My husband and I have recently been discussing whether we should start trying for our first baby or not. We both want to become parents, but in a country where the health care and hospitals are not so great and communication is difficult, it is a scary situation. Thank you for the reminder that no matter what happens, it is God who is the Great Physician and whom we must rely on, not the doctors of this world.

  10. She's beautiful, thanks for sharing that story.

  11. Wow. How touching, and so were the comments to this post. I have goosebumps from reading them. Thank You for the reminder to trust the Lord in ALL circumstances. What a testimony!

  12. wow.... thank you for sharing this.

  13. Re: 24

    YES you should watch it, but I warn you it's addicting! The new season just started but you can watch them all and catch up at fox.com or hulu.com

  14. Awesome post, Taylor. God is using you in a big way. You go girl!!! He is being glorified.

  15. Taylor, thanks for that. It was very hard to give birth to a baby and know that I wouldnt be able to take her home. I am glad you didnt lose your baby, it is something I would never wish on anyone. Thanks for such a touching post! Your daughter is beautiful!

  16. Did you know that people are trying to block an ad for superbowl sunday that talks about this kind of thing? It's ridiculous.


    Thank you for this post...lovely stuff.

  17. Thanks for this story Taylor, I pray i can have the strength that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had! Love ya!

  18. That is a wonderful story. When I was pregnant for the third time, I knew that something wasn't right. My pants still fit, and there were these things that kept happening around me that almost felt like signs...like I should prepare myself. The not knowing was so bad. I can't believe all that rigamarole...that no one would tell you anything. How frustrating! I went in for an ultrasound at seven weeks and they did not pick up a heartbeat, but the tech and whoever else was there said,"Let's wait and see." I did start to bleed after that (but I think it was several weeks). I'm grateful that it happened on its own. I was at home, and didn't have to have any invasive anything done. It was hard, but for some reason during the big things it is not hard for me to trust. It's the little, everyday things that get me.
    Thank you for sharing your story...the reminder from S., M., and A. is a really good one. No matter what happens, will I say that I trust God, and that He is good and loving? I have a lot of fears. I hope that I can say that (above), though.

  19. Okay, I know at this point you're probably getting sick of my comments....but I really can't stop reading. I have to say, my heart goes out to you. I'm 27 and I've had 3 miscarriages. I know how it is to love something that intangible so completely. I'm glad all 4 of your babies came out beautifully. I'm sure it was even worth the varicose veins. :)

  20. Thank you for this story, I am reminded of when I was pregnant with my daughter and the doctor (not our family doctor)that did the first ultrasound told us that she had a bright spot on her heart (possibly and indication of downs syndrome). We scheduled a follow up appointment with the same doctor, after a second ultrasound the bright spot still seemed to be there. Our family doctor sent us to a specialist 3 hours from home and the appointment happend to be on our 2nd anniversary. It was the longest few days wait for our appointment, followed by the longest 3 hour car ride of my life waiting to find out what could possibly be wrong with our daughter. The specialist came in after the tech did her thing and told us that our daughter was perfect, the only bright spot he saw on her heart was if he changed the brightness of his monitor. Praise the Lord! We now have a healthy 3 year old who will start preschool this fall, she is a loving big sister also. We can't thank God enough, for He is Good all the time!

  21. So thankful that God preserved her life! What a beautiful miracle you have.
