Sunday, November 22, 2009

Caution: Boys at Play

When we return from dropping the girls off at school, the boys are ready to play.

And the best way for these dudes to start their day off is to take their trucks and just drive them around on top of the coffee table.

They could do this for hours.  And hours.  And hours.

They take their jobs as truck drivers/coffee table destroyers quite seriously.

What's this I see?

A random train car on the coffee table?

Well, let's just fix that.

Hmmm . . . yes . . . trains do belong on top of semi-trucks . . .

The world is now right again.

Yes.  That's much better.

All that hard work has made them boys hungry.

Why do boys think it is okay to just help themselves whenever they wish?

One time, I caught Handsome Dude sitting on the couch eating ice cream straight out of the carton with a baby spoon.

 Why? Why?  Why?

And, why do my boys think it is funny when I scold them?

And who could not help but smile back at that precious kissy face?


The previous three photos were taken in the area of the house that is not finished.

Believe it or not, we are fans of flooring and mouldings.

We'll get to it sooner or later.

And when I say we'll get to it, I mean the Lumberjack will get to it.

For I am a home-fixer-upper ignoramus.

And now, we shall race the airplane across the floor.

For that is a wonderful idea.

And I wonder how our floors get so scratched.

Let's slam into the pantry door!


Hmmmm . . .

Now what should we do?


Ride on Mabel . . . almost as if she were a horse!


But now, my dear Mabel is in trouble.

For she got too excited and knocked little dude down, causing him to bonk his head on the exercise machine that I pretend to use.

Poor Little Dude.

Poor Little Dude's not-so-little head.

Little Dude has made a full recovery from his morning of manly-man boy play.

Handsome Dude's glasses, however,

well . . . I fear they may never be the same again.


  1. the poor glasses!! can they be fixed?

  2. How precious youe dudes are :)

  3. They are just so cute!!

    Some days, i'm ready for #2 (if only I could guarantee it to be a boy...)

  4. Yes, they can. We are really good friends with all the peeps at the eye glasses clinic. We see them once a week at least!

  5. Well . . . boys are pretty crazy . . . but they are fun! Is your little Wuzzle ready for a sibling? :)

  6. 1. They have this stuff called elastic. It is reasonable priced. You can attach it to the frame of eyeglasses and wrap it around back of the head.
    2. Any food at eye level is fair game.
    3. "Look Mommy, I'm saving you from washing a dish." Gee! He must have inherited that from Uncle Harold.
    4. Good Dog!
    5. They're precious.
