Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Public Service Announcement

1)  An update from the last public service announcement:  the fishing lure has been removed from the roof of the car.  It has been relocated to the compartment on the driver's side door.  Because you never know when you just might need a fishing lure.

2)  I am starting a diet with friends on Tuesday to lose weight for my trip with Sir Lumberjack in February.  This means I will be eating all the junk I can until Tuesday.  And the Lumberjack and I will be going to a dinner and a movie tomorrow night so I can be ready for the diet kick off the following morning.   And then on Tuesday, I will forever be good.  Forever and ever, scouts honor.

Raise your hand if you do not believe that statement one bit.

3)  My lovely friend, Melissa, has challenged us to post every day in November.  So, I will be posting each and every day this month.  I hope you don't get sick of me.  That would be a cryin' shame.

4)  Due to privacy issues, I am trying to refrain from using our names in posts. 

The cast of characters in this blog from hereto henceforth shall be known as:

023083113_50Sweet Pea, our oldest girl, age 6

023083113_49Daisy Mae, our second girl, age 5

023083113_55Handsome Dude, our 2 year old

023083113_04Little Dude, our one year old.

Oh, don't you just want to squeeze that one?

My husband will be known as The Lumberjack, LJ, my husband, my manly man, and that guy who rocks my world.

I will be known as me, myself, and I, and occasionally mudder. 

Mabel will be still be Mabel.

Because, really.

Who wants to steal her?

P.S.:  These names subject to change, as I am easily bored.

5)  Due to aforementioned name changes, I have removed many of my old posts.  I am planning on working on updating them to remove names and such.  If I come across an old post that I want to share with you from back in the days when just Melissa read my blog, I might repost it.  So be prepared for some posts from July.

6)  Please try and refrain from saying the children's names in your comments.  Or you may find your comments deleted.  Consider yourselves warned.

7)  If you don't leave comments, shame on you.  I have to post every day.  The least you could do is leave a comment.  Yes, I am talking to you, Alisa.


  1. I'm sorry! You're right, I love comments too and really it is unkind of me to read your blog with reckless abandon and shoulder no responsibility to comment. I promise to let go of my old thoughtless ways. I'm glad to hear you are on board for the daily posting challenge. I'm going to start it too but I am reserving the right to flake out mid month if it suits me, cause I'm just that irresponsible. Also, what's the diet?

  2. just so you know - I think a picture, a poem, a quote, a youtube video.....all officially count as a "post"! I know I will be taking advantage of that, especially with all the poems I write!!! :-)

  3. Alisa-I am so very happy that you commented! I am doing weight watchers.
    Melissa-Yes, I agree. I will be going with updated old posts counting as new posts if I can't think of anything to blog for the day. :) Cheating?. . . no. Just creative!

  4. You totally have to come up with a fun name for yourself!

  5. do you know where you are going in Feb yet?

  6. Jessy-I am up for that-I just don't know what? Hmmm . . . suggestions?
    Rachel-no, but probably Cancun or somewhere in Mexico-definitely a swimsuit vacation!
    Instead of a fun size Snickers, I ate some leftover veggies from dinner last night! WooHoo! And it isn't even Tuesday yet. Yay, me!

  7. Yay, a post every day. I'm so excited
