Friday, November 6, 2009

Because I started a diet.

Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner

Does this happen to anyone else?

Or am I just really addicted to food?

It is Day 5 of my diet plan . . . yeah . . . don't think I am going to make it.

Whenever I decide to eat healthy, all I can think about are the foods that I cannot eat.

For example:

bigmac.jpg Big Mac image by TonyMontana007

Big Macs from McDonald's.

Yes, I can admit it. 

I LOVE them.

It must be that special sauce.

Mmmm . . .it truly is special.

I love Big Macs even more when they come with french fries and a large soda.

Diet soda, of course.

We don't want to eat too many calories, now.

Besides, you should never drink your calories.

Except when drinking coffee.

Then it is okay to drink:



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Egg Nog Lattes.

In those two cases, it is completely understandable and acceptable to drink calories.

I have also been thinking a lot about pasta.


For example, Fettucine Alfredo.

Pioneer Woman posted this recipe.

And, I long to make it.

Because I need more butter in my life.

But, no.

I have two mean friends who are MAKING me follow this diet.

And they would not allow it.

I also really want one of these:

And maybe some of  this:

See full size image

Delicious in my belly.

And I also would not mind some of this:

See full size image

Tell me "why, oh why, can't I"?

(Name that movie song)

And there is one more thing that I really want to eat.

See full size image


Cheddar makes everything better.

But, I must forge on.

I must put all these delicious tasty food items out of my mind, and instead focus on

See full size image

Mmmmmmm . . . right?


You know what makes broccoli taste really yummy?


Cheddar Cheese!


Day 5.

Only Day 5.

Raise your hand if you're pretty sure I won't succeed.

It's okay.

Tell the truth.


  1. I have a better idea! STOP DIETING! You look beautiful.

  2. i agree with Lani!! Why are you even dieting???? that orange chicken looks sooooooo good!!!

  3. I want all of that too!

  4. Ok, so I looked at about the first 4 pictures and then scrolled to the bottom of the post to yell at you! THANKS A LOT! arg! lol! from your mean friend!

  5. The only time I lost serious weight was not a diet where I had to deprive myself. It makes you crave forbidden foods too much & doesn't work for me. What I did was eat anything I wanted but just a third of it. If I wanted brownies, ice cream, burritos, I just had them. I lost weight and never felt deprived. I wish you luck, but it's very difficult to eat a certain way when others are not and you have to feed your family.

  6. p.s. ~ I may just do a "revenge blog" with tons of pictures of cute bathing suits! ~ snap! :)

  7. Do it! I double-dog-dare-ya! :) I need the motivation!

  8. Oh, hush, friend who gives me the jeans that she is too skinny for! On a side note, they are my favorite jeans, and I am wearing them as I type this very comment!

  9. But you, my dear, have not seen me in a swimsuit! :)

  10. Ok, for one.... your mean friends are not making you do this! You joined the group! So deep down inside you really want to do this! And besides, feeling good and lookin' good is much better than any of that stuff will ever taste! Come on Taylor! I know how you feel but we can do it!! YOU CAN DO IT!

  11. I was all set to start my diet tomorrow... but after reading this... I don't know! LOL!

    When I'm dieting, all I can think about is food. ALL. I. Think. About.

  12. Oh!! This totally happens to me. I LOVE food, it's seriously a problem. I'm stuggleing SOO MUCH with weight watcher's right now....I ate a big n' tastely burger and large fries for lunch. It was SO GOOD though!!

  13. supportive friend #1November 6, 2009 at 7:15 AM

    we love you for who you are! and know how hard it is to stay away from those foods!! :-) thanks for sharing and I will be SUPPORTIVE of you every step of the way!

  14. Big Mac's should be a sin... I do love them. And SOOOOOOO rude, they had them 2 for $3 the other day. I didn't do it. Too many people in the car with me........had been alone, no promises.

    And honestly how funny do I feel when I say, "I'll have a Big Mac mean with a (soft petite voice) diet coke"..... Hey a girl has to cut back somewhere.......I'm with you, on the beverage, not the special sauce.......sigh.....

  15. Do your two mean friends know where we went last night? LOL!

  16. Yes! I "fessed up!" But I only ate a few bites . . . right? :)

  17. All I'm gonna say is Wizard of Oz. Am I right?? I'm gonna stay out of the rest of it. ;)

  18. I always thought if you drank a diet anything with a burger that it cancelled out the calories from the other food. Right?

    Kind of like if all you eat are the cookie crumbs, instead of the whole cookies, you won't gain weight because all the calories have already leaked out of the crumbs.


  19. I want to know why ANYONE would start a diet in November? January 1st is a perfectly reasonable time to start a diet.

    I am impressed with your computer skills, Taylor. Downloading and posting all of those forbidden food pictures. (o:

  20. Just copy and paste! No downloading required!

    I hope it is legal.

    Hmmm . . . .

  21. [...] 8)  I really, really, really, really, want to eat a Big Mac. [...]

  22. "Why, oh why, can't I"

    Last line of Somewhere Over The Rainbow

    <3 Wizard of Oz :)
